Trumps home raided by fbi

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President Trump's Statement on the Biden Administration Raid on His Mar a Lago Home and Personal Safe.

Guess what, fool? Trump was slapped with a fucking search warrant because the bastard couldn't be trusted not to destroy the documents that he stole from the W.H. Got it?

He was slapped with a goddam warrant because he's a fucking criminal.
Fuck off you flaming homo. There was ZERO proof that anything was going to be destroyed. Other than your verbal diarrhea. Hey asshole, those documents were searched just a couple of months ago with full cooperation of Trump. Cry some more you no education basement dweller.
Look asshole, someone said we didn't know why the warrants were issued. I found the info with a simple Google search and posted it.
This from an asshole who didn’t know you need a special warrant to open a safe. So you best keep your fool mouth shut. Asshole.
The whole world is laughing. Trump is roundly despised... and you haven't a clue why.
How is he roundly despised? He got more actual* votes than any other president in history.

* actual votes are ones not not harvested from people too ignorant or lazy to vote on their own, created votes hidden in suitcases, and “cured” ballots
Enemy democrats are rabid to keep Trump from running in 2024. He's been too successful. His endorsements have dominated the primary. He is clearly the front runner already.

This is simply going to enrage the nation. This might just be the split that's been threatening.

Even Republicans are laughing. criminals and extortionists make life hard for everyone. Trump is toxic.
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