Trumps home raided by fbi

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Is America becoming more a Partisan Banana Republic?
Tucker Carlson was absent tonight, and this is not about Hunter Biden. It's about the Raid of
President Trump's private home .

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Who gave the order to raid the home of the sitting president just two years ago? I doubt the "Big Guy" Biden, Kamala? Even less likely. Many people say Obama is pulling the strings I still say it's still Hillary who is really in charge.
The white gay guy

Ya know the thing
Big Mike's bottom

What's his name

It's never pretty when cults die.

We're watching the Trump cult die now.
Biden, Schumer and Pelosi are in the bunker knowing they won't survive November and are dedicated to pulling the world down around their ears
It was…..

J6 witch hunt was useless. They accomplished nothing and this is proof.
I think the witch-hunt worked against the AAP (Anti-American Party). It showed how unfair and deceitful they are as they try to keep Trump from interfering with their determination to turn this into a third-world country. It backfired….BIGLY.
LOL it reportedly is a search for classified docs he didn't turn over to the archives when he left office per NBC.
Just out of curiosity... is violation of the relevant Federal Records Act considered a felony? :cool:

§ 1230.12 What are the penalties for unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records?

The penalties for the unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of Federal records or the attempt to do so, include a fine, imprisonment, or both (18 U.S.C. 641 and 2071).
I could be wrong, but I smell a Constitutional barring of Rump ever running for public office again, right around the corner.

And, if that happens, it would be a righteous judgment on such a sociopathic ego-centric power-crazed modern-day Orange Judas Iscariot.
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I'll quote Peter Gabriel here,,

"This time, you've gone too far
This time, you've gone too far
This time , you've gone too far
This time, you've gone too far"

And for all the libtard climaxing, there’s this:

A source familiar told Fox News that the raid occurred early this morning. The source said agents brought a "safe cracker" and cracked a "relatively new" safe in Mar-a-Lago. The source told Fox News there was "nothing in it."

😂🤣🤣 :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
He took 15 boxes of documents with him when he left the White House. Some of them were classified. If he had returned those like he was supposed to do, this wouldn't be happening.

And why is everyone surprised that the FBI, with a search warrant, is looking in Trump's safe? Like the safe is some sacred space? Can't you see the report to the senior FBI agents? "Searched entire premises. Safe was locked so we were unable to search it".

You fucking clod the GSA packed those boxes and the government had full access. They even checked them a couple of months ago...and, based on this bullshit, probably planted evidence.
Only thing fallen is me..paralyzed with laughter at your sheer ignorant arrogance that your lil prepper dream is nigh~

My little prepper dream? Do you know how many people WERE living paycheck to paycheck when democrats doubled the price of food & gas with their "gloBULL warming" policies?
How many millions of people lost their jobs & fell off the edge of society because they refused to inject experimental shit into their veins?

Have you noticed the tent cities and RV encampments?

It's not my "little prepper dream"'s a democrat nightmare foisted upon all of us!
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