Trumps home raided by fbi

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As if I'd belong to any political party! But that has nothing to do with Trump...having his laundry swiped and aired by the FBI. Has it occurred to you that an indictment is next? Presentation to a Grand jury? This was a pretty big tip of the hand, usually charges follow quickly.
Then what?
Liar got to liar.
Rest of the world in shock. This must be El Salvador right? Congo?

A legal search warrant was issued by a federal judge. This is the US not El Salvador or Congo.
There is an investigation going on that Trump is a key part of.

Its not like this was illegal. They had warrants and probable cause. He is a former president. He is not above the law.

You are right, clearly after six years of 24/7 attacks on him through media to Establishment politicians that HE is not above the law.

Can anyone say with a straight face that 30,40, 50 year career politicians are also NOT above the law?

We all see the timing and connect the dots, right or wrong the optics have been continually bad. It's very difficult at this point to separate honest, pursuit of justice from Establishment politicians trying to keep him out of their small circle.
Is that all you've got left.

When you have no real evidenced base arguments left to make.

When you have no facts (and you do not) to support an argument.

Drag in HRC.

The Warrant(s) would not have issued by the D.O.J. without sufficient probable cause. The Traitor removed document that should have gone to the National Archives. There are severe penalties for committing such a act.
The USA has fallen.

It fell in the 2020 "election" is just more evidence of it.

Food prices will double again in 2022...and double again in 2023. This is the BEST possible scenario! It will probably be far worse.

Democrats must enjoy starving the poor! Because they are starving millions right now & that number will only rise.

Just remember...if you're having problem with high gas prices...BUY A TESLA!
Liar got to liar.
That really is the best you can de...pathetic. Really. You lil world of confirmation bias and bile is getting you stick your fingers in your ears and holler.."Liar" in the vain hope that it will make the bad stuff go away...Sad.

But funny---gotta give ya that~
Biden started the goddamn war when he stole the election from the American people in 2020.

The war was actually started when The Worthless Negro used the IRS to go after Conservative opposition groups and directed the fucking piece of shit FBI to let Crooked Hillary off the hook for her enormous crimes. Then the FBI and CIA were used dishonestly to undermine Trump with that Russia bullshit.

You guys act like you didn't see this coming. You knew Trump was a criminal conman but you voted for him anyway, so suck it up & own it.

Trump fucked himself like he's always done. The guy can't help himself, your sympathies are misplaced & you're blaming the wrong people.

So you can stop whining & crying now because Trump's days are numbered.
When you take something that doesn't belong to you that's called stealing. Your willful ignorance does not impress.
Your words always fail to impress anyone with a functioning brain.

And stealing — you ignorant dipshit — requires more than simply possessing something that isn’t yours. But you’ll never grasp any subtle distinctions.

It all goes back to an arcane concept which you libtards simply can’t grasp. Words have meaning.
That really is the best you can de...pathetic. Really. You lil world of confirmation bias and bile is getting you stick your fingers in your ears and holler.."Liar" in the vain hope that it will make the bad stuff go away...Sad.

But funny---gotta give ya that~
Facts kill you
The USA has fallen.

It fell in the 2020 "election" is just more evidence of it.

Food prices will double again in 2022...and double again in 2023. This is the BEST possible scenario! It will probably be far worse.

Democrats must enjoy starving the poor! Because they are starving millions right now & that number will only rise.

Just remember...if you're having problem with high gas prices...BUY A TESLA!
Only thing fallen is me..paralyzed with laughter at your sheer ignorant arrogance that your lil prepper dream is nigh~
Prof Dershowitz is going nuts on Hannity.
Calls the raid total bullshit
Said that a subpoena should have been used before a search warrant
Also said that breaking into Trump's safe was an illegal search
Is that all you've got left.

When you have no real evidenced base arguments left to make.

When you have no facts (and you do not) to support an argument.

Drag in HRC.

The Warrant(s) would not have issued by the D.O.J. without sufficient probable cause. The Traitor removed document that should have gone to the National Archives. There are severe penalties for committing such a act.
You are projecting. After six fucking years "you: have no facts and now this. Desperate. They are making clear the American people have no right to pick the president.
There is no path forward for changing, rehabilitating the system from within DC. Our options are limited to Secession or CWII. BTW, that "war" need not be violent. Targeted civil disobedience, refusal to pay taxes OR obey any laws passed by a congress that results from an untrusted, illegitimate election, would tear the whole corrupt edifice down to the ground.
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