Trumps home raided by fbi

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In other words, all those idiots we saw ransacking the Capitol and poor Pence running away were all tourists? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
No, you fucking retard. There were trespassers. There were other crimes committed too. Like property damage. And some assaults. All done in the Capitol Building by folks with no guns.

But there was still no insurrection nor even an attempt. There was no attempt to hang Pence despite some morons who did put up a mock gallows and who chanted idiotic crap. If the Secret Service hadn’t scurried to get Pence away, Under the circumstances, they’d have been negligent.

So, again, you make no coherent point. You dipshit.
That vapid, useless rant in no way lends any support whatsoever to you pretending to know anything about the raid.

And where we differ is you suck trumps butt every day. It's on this board, for all to see, no matter how many times you try to lie about it.

Good policies are good policies. Are you gong to suggest to me that America is in a stronger position now than when Reagan was president? How many great policies over multiple presidents ensured this decline? What in the hell have YOU been supporting for so many years as Americas enemies became stronger?

Please, educate me on all the great policies that have seen Americas enemies catch up and in some cases surpass Americas lengthy lead. Tell me who you cheerlead for with such vigor.

The raid is just the latest in six years of 24/7 investigations, including two years of "Russia, Russia, two Impeachments, the 1/6 Hearing. How stupid do you really think people are? You gaslight people without a bone of shame in your body.

The issue is the hypocrisy that the world sees and only the most dishonest of men would deny this. The purpose of the raid is hardly relevant, we all know that some don't seem to get a sniff of investigation even when making hundreds of millions on a politicians salary.
So, why didn't he just cough them up in the 1st place? Sure would have been easier for Trump. Honesty. Integrity. Service. He lacks in all.
He did and was complying. There was no need for this raid.
No need lying is what you and every democrat do best.
As if I'd belong to any political party! But that has nothing to do with Trump...having his laundry swiped and aired by the FBI. Has it occurred to you that an indictment is next? Presentation to a Grand jury? This was a pretty big tip of the hand, usually charges follow quickly.
Then what?
So did Hillary. 30000 emails.

Is that all you've got left.

When you have no real evidenced base arguments left to make.

When you have no facts (and you do not) to support an argument.

Drag in HRC.

The Warrant(s) would not have issued by the D.O.J. without sufficient probable cause. The Traitor removed document that should have gone to the National Archives. There are severe penalties for committing such a act.
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