Trumps home raided by fbi

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Was the warrant granted in accordance with the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits UNREASONABLE search and seizure. The FBI has already demonstrated that it is anti-Trump and was the reason Biden won. If they hadn’t lied and called the laptop “Russian disinformation.” Biden would have lost.
You need to prove it was unreasonable. Good luck!
This is what you get when you have mentally sick people like "Dementia" Joe, "Omeurta" Nancy and "You Won't Know What Hit You" Schumer destroying the integrity of the White House, the Congressional House and the Congressional Senate. Throw the bums out.

It's the worst example of overbearing political corruption disgrace to use the FBI to disable the only man who can beat the Democrats in 2024. This conspiracy likely smacks of Hillary Clinton's War Room toilet scrapings. :rolleyes-41:
Trump has only himself to blame – the consequence of his contempt for our democratic institutions and the rule of law.

The National Archives has no power to classify or declassify documents. Only the president can declassify them. The PRA of 1978 does not apply.
That has nothing to do with what I said that you replied to. You can just reply to the thread on the bottom of a thread without replying to a particular post with a non-sequitur.

Trump does go through staff, lawyers included. He is clearly an unpleasant person to work for or even with. I understand why there is deep personal dislike for him that no doubt turns to hatred in those who oppose him, but are forced to deal with him. I'm not here or anywhere to say that Trump is a perfect guy.

He was the first genuinely pro-American president we've had since Ronald Reagan, and he accomplished some of his important pro-American goals. Both of those put him leaps and bounds ahead of all the mainstream politicians who were not subjected to politically motivated FBI raids today.

Top lawyers have shunned Trump for two decades. Same with US Banks.
So obvious that unselect committee was running dry on accusations. They needed to pull this stunt to find anything to falsely accuse him. Get ready for that cause they unlawfully raided his safe. Which could plant anything to sabotage.
The Committee subpoenaed the Sourthern District's copy of Trump's tax records and won in court. This raid is so that the Committee can subpoena the records the FBI took and the FBI will turn them over.
Hey dickwad, did I say you didn't need a special search warrant? Or did I question someone saying they didn't have the special warrant, like they knew what warrants were served.

Make up what someone else says. I have no problem remembering what I said and will flat call you out on it.
Fuck you asshole. YOU claimed no special warrant was needed to search the safe. I have no problem calling you a fucking shitstain liar. Take your tough guy act and try it on a toddler fuckwad.
Newt Gingrich is spot-on.
Regarding FBI's Christopher Wray and DOJ's Merrick Garland.
" I don't need to hear their latest Lies. " - paraphasing.
Lol Trump lied about that too.
Nope….it’s the truth. Don’t you know that Zuckerberg paid half a billion to hire an army to go out and collect ballots from clueless people? That Republicans weren’t allowed to observe as Democrats “determined” that ballots that were unclear were for Biden? That the people in Atlanta lied about a water main break so they could send Republicans home, and then bring out Plan B from under the tables?
We got some major stupid fucks that can’t see what dangerous times were living in that the FBI is the gestapo. :uhoh3: They did that to Simone gold as well.when the FBI raids your house in the middle of the night as they did with Simone and arrested her putting her in prison fir 60 days just for visiting Washington DC then every single American here should be worried about their future.:uhoh3: Trump is the ex president so the white hats in the military will protect him but simones life is in danger,she could be killed in prison.

But people chanted LOCK HER UP…so….

As if Hillary isnt an ENORMOUS WAR CRIMINAL.

There is still open SLAVE TRADE IN LIBYA THANKS TO HILLARY. The left wing retards on this site just ignore this.

The communist war on the USA is in full effect. We are in WWIII. The problem is that retarded brain washed cult fucks dont get it.

The documents don't belong to Trump you fucking retard. Guess what? Trump was slapped with a warrant & not a supeona because Trump can't be trusted with those documents, Cleetus.

Take your head out of Trump's virtual ass & try to keep up.
Hey asswipe, learn to read. Trump did not pack those documents. An official agency from the government did. Hey fuckwad, if they were so concerned about destruction of documents, why didn’t they take them when they were there a couple of months ago? Pathetic excuse coming in 3, 2.......
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