Trumps home raided by fbi

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Nope….it’s the truth. Don’t you know that Zuckerberg paid half a billion to hire an army to go out and collect ballots from clueless people? That Republicans weren’t allowed to observe as Democrats “determined” that ballots that were unclear were for Biden? That the people in Atlanta lied about a water main break so they could send Republicans home, and then bring out Plan B from under the tables?
Oh Jesus



Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home searched by FBI, former president says

"Federal Bureau of Investigation agents have executed a search warrant at former president Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida home at his Mar-a-Lago club, the ex-president said in a statement Monday evening.

Mr Trump said his Florida residence was “currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents” who, among other things, “broke into” a safe belonging to the ex-president."


The legal and political implications of this are - simply put - staggering.

The residence of a former President of the United States, subject to a search warrant and search process by the United States Department of Justice...

The noose tightens...
If Trump pressured Pence to change anything, why, considering Pence is anti Trump, hasn't Pence accused Trump of threatening him? What are the democrats going to do when this witch hunt fails. The house of cards is falling. BTW, when did you become a proponent of lynching--"The noose tightens..." Indeed.
I didn't really want to raid this thread, but does anybody know why this happened as I just heard about it about an hour ago.

Why are you so sure he is getting raided for no reason?

How are you so sure that he is?
EXACTLY!! So this raid is a political hit against Biden's strongest political opponent.
In order for a Magistrate to sign off on this search warrant, there needed to be proof that evidence was located here of a federal crime. This could be related to J6 or it could be related to trump illegally stealing classified documents from the White House when he left. Let that sink in....either way it is a Federal Crime.

Of course. Because you are a brainwashed cult tard.

You cant go one question deep.

I am embarrassed for you. And your lack of embarrasment illustrates your ignorance.

What lies about Trump do you still believe? The piss tape? That Putin changed the vote tally?
I didn't really want to raid this thread, but does anybody know why this happened as I just heard about it about an hour ago.

How are you so sure that he is?
THERE IS A REASON. A judge does not sign off on a search warrant for a former president for No Reason.
You need to prove it was unreasonable. Good luck!
People will be doing that. The 1/6 witch-hunt backfired, so the Dems are pulling this. They are desperate to block the man who will interfere with their plans to destroy America.

i just went grocery shopping tonight in an area estimated to be 25% illegal immigrants. It was hard to believe I was in America - trash all over the parking lot, no English was spoken that I could hear, half the shelves were bare, the floor was broken concrete, and there was lots of spoilage. I thought I was transported to San Salvadore, and the Dems want this spread all over the country. Trump wants to stop them.
(cough) WITCH HUNT (cough)
Choke on it....this is not political. The FBI is looking for evidence of a Federal Crime.
Or when the judge is a Democrat worried about Trump running in 2024.
Don't be stupid. No judge is going to sign off on a warrant that is politically motivated. There is evidence of a federal crime at this location.
Hey asswipe, learn to read. Trump did not pack those documents. An official agency from the government did. Hey fuckwad, if they were so concerned about destruction of documents, why didn’t they take them when they were there a couple of months ago? Pathetic excuse coming in 3, 2.......
I'm thinking that the FBI wasn't looking for classified or declassified material. It's more likely that they are looking for much more incriminating evidence against Trump in support of the DoJ investigation of the insurrection.
People will be doing that. The 1/6 witch-hunt backfired, so the Dems are pulling this. They are desperate to block the man who will interfere with their plans to destroy America.

i just went grocery shopping tonight in an area estimated to be 25% illegal immigrants. It was hard to believe I was in America - trash all over the parking lot, no English was spoken that I could hear, half the shelves were bare, the floor was broken concrete, and there was lots of spoilage. I thought I was transported to San Salvadore, and the Dems want this spread all over the country. Trump wants to stop them.
You mean the man that tried to destroy our electoral system?
Fuck you asshole. YOU claimed no special warrant was needed to search the safe. I have no problem calling you a fucking shitstain liar. Take your tough guy act and try it on a toddler fuckwad.

Wah!! Cry me a river. You are just another internet lawyer claiming to know something.

from: Does a separate search warrant need to be issued for a safe box located inside a car that is being searched? - Legal Answers - Avvo
"in a raid, when they have a warrent to search the home, do they need a seperate warrant to search a safe
In a raid, do they need a separate warrant to search someone’s locked safe

Asked on November 10, 2017 under Criminal Law, Washington


SJZ, Member, New York Bar / FreeAdvice Contributing Attorney

Answered 4 years ago | Contributor
They do not need a separate warrant if the safe is part of the home, or even if it is not attached/affixed (i.e. could be moved) belongs to the homeowner. A warrant to search a home includes a warrant to search any enclosures within the home, even if closed or locked (e.g. desk drawers, closets, or safes). If the safe is not attached to the home and could be shown to belong to someone other than the homeowner (i.e. a guest brought a small safe with him/her, such as a small gun safe for any guns he/she had), then there might be grounds for not searching it."

So there is a link saying no special warrant is needed for a safe.

Do you have one saying the FBI needed a special warrant?
Choke on it....this is not political.
"There's no Deep State"....
Yet, here it is, more amplified than the FAKE Russian collusion, and FAKE impeachments.
OMG, an FBI RAID on a former president!!!
Unprecedented; and will go down as a turning point towards tyranny.
There are a lot of stupid fucks here who can’t see thst obviously.too fucking stupid to get that this happened to trump because he is the first pro American president sense kennedy who same as him is not part of the corrupt two party system.they don’t do this to you if your part of the corrupt two party system,trump is a Republican in name only.both parties are corrupt and one in the same so I call the gop the republicrats and the dem the demopublicans.trump is the first conservative president sense kennedy so this is why this is happening to him fir not being part of that corrupt two party system.

These stupid fucks who put laughing smileys to posts like this and your post are such fucking idiots they are hopeless in trying to reason with them this is a banana republic dictatership we live in now.
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