Trumps home raided by fbi

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The problem there is, the U.S. Government has Sovereign Immunity, which operates as an absolute bar to suit.

Where'd you get that?

Individuals whose constitutional rights are violated by the state government are legally entitled to file a civil action to recover damages. This can be done because of Section 1983, an abridged term for 18 U.S.C. Section 1983, which provides US citizens the right to sue government officials and employees. To establish a claim under Section 1983, it requires two elements:

  1. Specifically, citing the constitutional right that was violated, and
  2. The defendant was acting for or on behalf of a government office during the violation of rights.

If there is an investigation that shows criminal activity by the democrats, I will be the first to call for them to be prosecuted. I don't give a rat's ass which party they are, if you are guilty of criminal activity you should be prosecuted.
Did you call for Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted when she destroyed classified emails?
Just out of curiosity... is violation of the relevant Federal Records Act considered a felony? :cool:

I could be wrong, but I smell a Constitutional barring of Rump ever running for public office again, right around the corner.

And, if that happens, it would be a righteous judgment on such a sociopathic ego-centric power-crazed modern-day Orange Judas Iscariot.

You assume that he did any of those things, however, the reporting suggests these were documents that they had not yet returned to the archives that he lawfully possessed and kept in a secure room that the FBI was given prior access to.
Go fuck yourself asshole. Listen to Professor Dershowitz, you might learn something. Though it’s doubtful crybaby. Tell him he’s wrong asswipe.

So do you have a link to some site saying you need a special warrant to search a safe or don't you?

And if you do, do you have a link to the warrants issued to show the FBI did not have the warrants needed?

Otherwise this is all just you spouting bullshit.
Says the one now off on a screaming hate-jihad entirely because it's what his cult ordered him to do.

You can't gaslight intelligent and moral people. That only works on your fellow fascist cult traitors.
Coming from cowardly cultist like you that means........absolutely nothing. Calling you morons exactly what you are is not gaslighting. Then again, you aren’t intelligent or moral so you wouldn’t know anything about that.....
Come November, when the REAL investigations of wrong doing and impeachments begin, I will be dancing with glee watching you communists fucks back track.
It's funny, how you don't understand that innocent people aren't afraid of being investigated.

When Trump took office, you declared all Democrats would be going to jail now. You investigated. All Democrats cooperated fully. That's how innocent people act. Nothing happened, because you made it all up.

In contrast, Republicans always obstruct and act guilty, so everyone correctly assumes they _are_ guilty.

If Republicans win the house, they can launch their sham investigations again, and the Democrats will cooperate fully again, because that's how innocent people act. And again, you'll find nothing.
Trump didn't have cause. All his cronies we're indicted. Don't you see what Trump is after all these years?
Ummm, a fake dossier, A corrupt FBI, Hillary's server where 30,000+ emails deleted, cell phones destroyed.
Naw, he didn't have any cause. :eusa_whistle:
A lot of dem cronies could have been indicted, but Pelosi saw to it they weren't.

Don't be such a partisan hack, surada.
You'll have to explain to the rest of the class what law he broke, and provide evidence to that end.
Safeguarding of Government owned documents, some are said to be so classified as not able to even be described publicly. I guess he should have given them back with the 15 boxes, already returned to the National Archives.
And unsurprisingly, the dishonest, reprehensible right is trying to portray Trump as some sort of ‘victim.’

Conservatives continue to attempt to defend the indefensible.
haha, maybe you don't understand and watch too much MSM, I understand that there is a line that no party should cross in the US political environment. Dems just cross it today. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
In fact, what did Trump do?? I am not his supporter, but this kind of act only a fool will support.
So do you have a link to some site saying you need a special warrant to search a safe or don't you?

And if you do, do you have a link to the warrants issued to show the FBI did not have the warrants needed?

Otherwise this is all just you spouting bullshit.
I’ll take the the word of Alan Dershowitz over your crap. Game, set, match.
In order for a Magistrate to sign off on this search warrant, there needed to be proof that evidence was located here of a federal crime. ...
The evidence located there was a Republican the democrats really, really don't like.

When does biden start wearing huge, garish epaulets and a chest full of fake medals on his scarecrow suit?
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