Trumps home raided by fbi

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Liberals: "Look at the evidence."


One side is definitely acting cultlike, and it's not the liberals.
Where is this “evidence” moron? Intelligent people (leaving you out of the discussion) want to see it before making stupid statements like you do. People hate you for a lot of reasons.
Easy, they are trying to prove he did something wrong. They failed with the committee and two impeachment trials to prove anything, now they're desperate and are making a last ditch effort by raiding his home.

I hope he sues the shit out of the US government for this.
He would end up having to testify, then he would be f@cked for sure.
Conservatives: follow the Law
Clearly a lie, since the warrant did follow the law.

Cultists tell lies more readily than normal humans breathe.

Liberals: how can we use the FBI and DOJ to harass conservatives
We get it. It's what you did under Trump, hence you assume everyone must be as corrupt as yourself. That's not the case. We are not like you.
I’ll take the the word of Alan Dershowitz over your crap. Game, set, match.

Not my word. I posted a link from a legal site.

I have not seen where Dershowitz said anything. Perhaps you could actually post that instead of just screaming and stamping your feet?
These cry babies never utter a word over the abuse of power enacted on black American citizens every day in this country.

Now look at them....weeping, moaning and gnashing their teeth. For a lying pimp and a thug.

You can't make this crap up.
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And I'll take the word of Virginia Giufree's about Dershowitz.

Virginia Giuffre said Alan Dershowitz had sex with her 6 times over 3 years from when she was 16 at Epstein home​

Where’s your proof idiot? Another moron mad that Dershowitz doesn’t put the Dem party above all.
If it had been his shit, he would have gotten to keep it. Again, he chose to operate outside the law.
Apparently Trump got a subpoena for the documents, and Trump just stalled and stalled, and probably threatened he would take it all the way to the supreme court, meaning years of delay. But the government couldn't wait, for whatever reason, and unlike the cops at Uvalde, they needed to move with urgency.
haha, maybe you don't understand and watch too much MSM, I understand that there is a line that no party should cross in the US political environment. Dems just cross it today. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
In fact, what did Trump do?? I am not his supporter, but this kind of act only a fool will support.
Not only is the dishonest, reprehensible right trying to portray Trump as some sort of ‘victim,’ conservatives actually want Trump to get away with his likely crimes.

They don’t even want a lawful, warranted investigation to be conducted into Trump’s likely crimes.
I cited federal law. These are entities acting on behalf of a government office, namely the FBI.

Case closed.
Buddy I'm sorry but you're wrong. I practice constitutional law in federal court here in Florida. The thing you cited was about Section 1983, which applies to constitutional violations by state agencies, not the federal government. It says as much in the part you posted here FFS. You should know this from civics class, but if you're not going to use your own eyes or your ability to read and think, I'm not going to keep wasting time arguing with you.
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