Trumps home raided by fbi

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Capitol offense!!! Hang him!!!
They forget the feds went through those documents a couple of months ago with full cooperation from Trump. If they were scared they’d be destroyed, why didn’t they take them then? Something doesn’t add up here.
Because if the FBI raid was about those documents Trump supposedly took home, Hillary Clinton did the same thing, and was not prosecuted for it. What we're seeing is a weaponized two-tier justice system.

Past practices by the FBI….using false information to get FISA warrants from Federal Judges……knowing the information was false and directly from the Clinton campaign….

There is a signed warrant by a federal judge. Given what a brazen move this is it stands to reason he was provided enough evidence to feel the search was warranted. Something like this could be a career ender or worse if not taken seriously.
There is a signed warrant by a federal judge. Given what a brazen move this is it stands to reason he was provided enough evidence to feel the search was warranted. Something like this could be a career ender or worse if not taken seriously.

It also indicates this isn't just about mishandling classified materials. Despite what has been reported.
clayton said:
They don’t even want a lawful, warranted investigation to be conducted into Trump’s likely crimes.

how many times you wanna do that baby? Maybe his gin rummy cards are marked. He's taking steroids for his golf game? HE USES A SECRET DICTIONARY UP HIS SLEEVE In SCABBLE????
Choke on it....this is not political. The FBI is looking for evidence of a Federal Crime.

Don't be stupid. No judge is going to sign off on a warrant that is politically motivated. There is evidence of a federal crime at this location.
They did that with the FISA warrant, based on fabricated “evidence.”
Funny that the democrats imagine they can "argue" their way out of what their antics are going to do to them in the midterms.
fartfunindiana said:

It also indicates this isn't just about mishandling classified materials. Despite what has been reported.

oh good. our resident expert..on the scene/behind the scene. LOLOLOLOLOL
These cry babies never utter a word over the abuse of power enacted on black American citizens every day in this country.
On what exactly?
You interjected some ridiculous crap about “abuse of black people” on thread. Post your victimhood nonsense in the race forum. This thread is about the corrupt FBI and how low Dems will go to prevent the man whom 74 million Americans wanted for president from running for the office.
Buddy I'm sorry but you're wrong. I practice constitutional law in federal court here in Florida. The thing you cited was about Section 1983, which applies to constitutional violations by state agencies, not the federal government. It says as much in the part you posted here FFS. You should know this from civics class, but if you're not going to use your own eyes or your ability to read and think, I'm not going to keep wasting time arguing with you.

Oh. It's a Bivens action I'm looking for.

So, my argument stands. I unlike you, am not a constitutional scholar, so I learn as I go.
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