Trumps home raided by fbi

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No. But it also requires a very TIGHT LEGAL predicate for raiding the home of an ex-President and seizing his 4th amendment stuff and breaking into his safe -- FOR THE FIRST TIME in the history of America.

The J6th Inquisition is failing because of the incompetent KNOWN LYING morons running it. We're into the dark areas of a tyrannical stage with these TDS dementia people. You push this hard and bad shit is gonna happen. Tomorrow or when the Dems lose this power that's corrupting them.
Has a President ever left office with a van load of classified docs before?
If you are serious, that is so desperate and sad. If you are mocking the predictable, idiotic things Trump cultists will say... that's funny.
Thanks for your opinion. It's not hard to go shopping for judges, FFI.
Done all the time, even at the federal level.
Idiotic things the Brandon cultist will come up with. :wink:
In order to remain completely loyal and utterly blind or stupid ---- the lefties here and beyond must have been injected with a serum that brings on "selective memory syndrome" and the inability to know the difference between right and wrong.

And all the righties are rational, clear thinking souls who are loyal and blind for other reasons?
Really? Show me an example of it. Quote even one post - EVER.

Well? Hurry it up.
Great. Someone really wants my attention again.

I can show you the recent post where you said all of the Biden admin needs to be purges. That's some fine shilling for the GOP.

And of course, there's the way you so often respond to anyone pointing out current GOP fascism with your "But the Democrats are the party of concentration camps" deflection. That's a very dishonest false equivalence, and when you do it, you're carrying water for the GOP.
A former President has clearance as long as he lives. He is kept up to date on everything pertaining to national security. Plus, even if he had classified documents today that the FBI took, he can announce he has declassified them. He has that right as a former president.
A former President can declassify documents??!??
A former President has clearance as long as he lives. He is kept up to date on everything pertaining to national security. Plus, even if he had classified documents today that the FBI took, he can announce he has declassified them. He has that right as a former president.
Nope. That privilege is gone once he leaves office
What fuse? Are you saying this will start a civil war? Without even knowing what they will find?

What can they possibly find after 150 anti Trump agents spent 40 million and found NOTHING.

This is the end of the Republic.

You have to be incredibly stupid to not realize that.
The problem is that allegations need to hold up in a court of law and not just in the right wing echo chamber.

It’s a common misconception.
So why did the FBI suppress evidence regarding the laptop and the 10% skimming to the Big Guy? If you can’t see how they protect a corrupt Biden and go on a massive witch-hunt against Trump, you are just too engrossed in your left wing echo chamber.
I have seen enough on this thread to last for months. All of the deniers need to collect themselves and wait like everyone else. No one is getting anymore or less information. Zero patience and you all call yourself adults.
Then let's go over what we DO know.

- Trump's home was raided in a document investigation

-Rarely (maybe never) is anyone charged for the idea of having classified materials from their time in office in their possession (unless they pass them to a 3rd party)

- per sources, there was nothing in his safe

*added the last one for laughs
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