Trumps home raided by fbi

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Hey asswipe, learn to read. Trump did not pack those documents. An official agency from the government did. Hey fuckwad, if they were so concerned about destruction of documents, why didn’t they take them when they were there a couple of months ago? Pathetic excuse coming in 3, 2.......
Did Kreskin put them in Trump's safe, Pugsley? Oh, btw. What was Trump doing with TOP SECRET documents in Florida in the first place, fool?
Like this? :dance:

Scared a you.
The fucking idiot democrats have been so far up his ass that he has the CLEANEST colon of any politician ever known. The only shit they've found is on their own faces. Two scam impeachments with questionable tactics and illegal activities on the investigators part. A Russia investigation that exposed more dirt on Biden than anyone else. A J6 investigation that has produced nothing but bought and paid for HEARSAY and now this. Don't wear yourself out, your dance will be short.
Sure, easy as pie. So no judge can be trusted ever. Neato. The FBI investigators, too. That broad conspiracy is so much simpler and obvious than the idea that there was good reason to believe that evidence of a crime was at Mar a Lago. Silly me.


That's an embarrassing fallacy that you have reserved for special cases that don't jibe with your political fetishes.
It's always a conspiracy until it happens to you.
Please keep in mind that I'm not accusing you of anything.

I am not immune to getting drawn into the vitriol. Emotions get the better of me just like it does anyone else.

Thank you. I understand getting carried away. I do the same thing.

You were not the really rude one on this topic.
I hope the DOJ/FBI saves their pennies......I suspect they are going to be gutted like a fish funding-wise next year.

That's not enough.

They need a RICO launched up their collective asses.

its not democrats, its just law enforcement.
Classified documents at mar-a-lago.
I'll write the headline for you, Dems make unforced error, martyr Trump, enrage Republicans, get obliterated in 2022 midterms.
You can’t just blindly assume something like this. It doesn’t make any sense. Biden does not have the right power to tell the FBI to do a raid. He sure as hell wouldn’t if there was no probable cause. This is basic common sense.
Not like the FBI doesn't lean to the left and apparently takes their marching orders from Biden, Billy.
There were a lot of things they could have been investigating with the democrats and specifically Biden and Hunter.
Yet.....crickets. So.....
And weren't.

Rules for thee but not for me. This is the definition of a banana republic.

Wake up, dude.

I am not asleep. The fact that those warrants were obtained under false pretenses, and no one was prosecuted, is just another sign we need to remove the parties from politics.
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