Trumps home raided by fbi

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A former President has clearance as long as he lives. He is kept up to date on everything pertaining to national security. Plus, even if he had classified documents today that the FBI took, he can announce he has declassified them. He has that right as a former president.
That is just wrong. Presidents receive their security clearance by the requirement of the office. As commander-in-chief and chief executive, they are the source (via EO) of how classified material is handled.

Once they are no longer commander-in-chief, their security clearance is gone. Historically the current president, will grant the ex-president a security clearance so they could seek advice from former presidents. But it is by no means a requirement. And I would doubt Biden would ever trust any advice Trump would give, hence he would have no need to give Trump a security clearance.
To those that do not know. Let me refresh you about 1933.

Germany had their Reichstag fire.
They set up panels just like our "commission".
They arrested political opposition. <---- you are here.
They then wrote several acts to go after people who supported those political parties.
They then put those people into camps.
Those camps started out as hotels and ended up being Dachau.
The acts got worse and targeting went past politics.
They then wrote the 1938 German Weapons Acts.

You are reliving it all.
Not like the FBI doesn't lean to the left and apparently takes their marching orders from Biden, Billy.
There were a lot of things they could have been investigating with the democrats and specifically Biden and Hunter.
Yet.....crickets. So.....
A whataboutism does not help your argument.
I don't think Trump has ongoing security clearance. I think classified information is granted as a courtesy to ex presidents.

If Trump says it was not classified it's not classified. If he said, as President, that he can keep it in his home, on his coffee table, for the rest of his life, then that is what he can do.
I am not asleep. The fact that those warrants were obtained under false pretenses, and no one was prosecuted, is just another sign we need to remove the parties from politics.

And the very same scumbags who did that, did this. And you give them a pass.

I am not asleep. The fact that those warrants were obtained under false pretenses, and no one was prosecuted, is just another sign we need to remove the parties from politics.
Then given they have no problem making up evidence, why do you believe them now?
If Trump says it was not classified it's not classified. If he said, as President, that he can keep it in his home, on his coffee table, for the rest of his life, then that is what he can do.
Lol this would be pure hypocrisy given his whining about Hillary and her emails.
What authority does a president have to tell the FBI to do an illegal raid without cause?
Let me repeat myself, the FBI reports to the DOJ, of whose director (appointed by the president) reports directly to the president himself.

He has the authority to order the FBI and DOJ to do whatever he wants them to within legal bounds.
A former President has clearance as long as he lives. He is kept up to date on everything pertaining to national security. Plus, even if he had classified documents today that the FBI took, he can announce he has declassified them. He has that right as a former president.


No, he doesn't have clearance to reclassify them as a FORMER president.

And he has above top secret documents....a risk to our National Security.... That he has refused to turn over, the past 2 years.
Gee, let me guess, a liberal bought and paid for judge?
Now it's a wait and see what they have.....once again. :smoke:
Are you sure it's a Liberal Judge?
Do you have evidence?

IDK, have they said the name of the Judge?
Sure, easy as pie. So no judge can be trusted ever. Neato. The FBI investigators, too. That broad conspiracy is so much simpler and obvious than the idea that there was good reason to believe that evidence of a crime was at Mar a Lago. Silly me.


That's an embarrassing fallacy that you have reserved for special cases that don't jibe with your political fetishes.
Yeah, you called it, silly you.
It's not hard to find a sympathetic judge to allow a fishing expedition, FFI.
And the very same scumbags who did that, did this. And you give them a pass.


How am I giving them a pass? If these warrants were obtained improperly, then prosecute who ever did it.

But neither you nor I know that these warrants were obtained improperly.
Let me repeat myself, the FBI reports to the DOJ, of whose director (appointed by the president) reports directly to the president himself.

He has the authority to order the FBI and DOJ to do whatever he wants them to within legal bounds.
Lol no he doesn’t. That is completely false. He does not have that authority whatsoever. Sorry your boy Trump is actually guilty of something lol.
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