Trumps home raided by fbi

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What can they possibly find after 150 anti Trump agents spent 40 million and found NOTHING.

This is the end of the Republic.

You have to be incredibly stupid to not realize that.
The Dem fishing expedition never ended. GET TRUMP, on something, anything. It's become sickening honestly, even I didn't think Dems were this low yet look, even more reason to hate them.
Here is where you lack common sense, Billy.
This would have never came down if Biden wasn't giving his blessings.
The FBI, the DOJ?
priceless come November.
You can’t just blindly assume something like this. It doesn’t make any sense. Biden does not have the right power to tell the FBI to do a raid. He sure as hell wouldn’t if there was no probable cause. This is basic common sense.
Good deal. I do not watch Hannity. I cut cable almost 10 years ago. \

I did not say Dershowitz didn't say it. I simply said I had not seen where he said it. Wouldn't have been easier to post a link first, instead of posting half a dozen vitriolic posts first?
Please keep in mind that I'm not accusing you of anything.

I am not immune to getting drawn into the vitriol. Emotions get the better of me just like it does anyone else.
A show of hands, who thinks Democrats have gone too far and really blew it? I predict retribution and retaliation.

I do....I think demonRats have gone too far this time, they have crossed a red line, like I said before,

Enough is enough! :mad-61:
Thanks for your opinion. It's not hard to go shopping for judges, FFI.
Sure, easy as pie. So no judge can be trusted ever. Neato. The FBI investigators, too. That broad conspiracy is so much simpler and obvious than the idea that there was good reason to believe that evidence of a crime was at Mar a Lago. Silly me.


That's an embarrassing fallacy that you have reserved for special cases that don't jibe with your political fetishes.
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