Trumps home raided by fbi

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Your words always fail to impress anyone with a functioning brain.

And stealing — you ignorant dipshit — requires more than simply possessing something that isn’t yours. But you’ll never grasp any subtle distinctions.

It all goes back to an arcane concept which you libtards simply can’t grasp. Words have meaning.
If you are the one who took what you are now possessing, that is indeed stealing.

You're like a toddler, needing basic right and wrong explained to you.
Whoa, I wasn't expecting this, spot on question, too. Too bad it may have been directed at the wrong poster. Friendly fire maybe?

A former President can declassify documents??!??
No, they can't.

A security clearance is granted to an individual and generally recognizes a maximum level of clearance. Exceptions include levels above compartmentalized access or when an individual is cleared for a certain type of data. The President of the United States will be given access to any government or military information that they request, even if they would not otherwise be able to normally obtain a security clearance were they not the President. Having obtained a certain level security clearance does not mean that one automatically has access to or is given access to information cleared for that clearance level in the absence of a demonstrated "need to know".[25] The need-to-know determination is made by a disclosure officer, who may work in the office of origin of the information. The specified need to know must be germane to the prospective user's mission, or of necessity for the integrity of a specified security apparatus.
Lol no he doesn’t. That is completely false. He does not have that authority whatsoever. Sorry your boy Trump is actually guilty of something lol.

Egads, you are out of your league here, Billy.

The President is the head of the Executive Branch, to which both the FBI and DOJ belong. He can issue orders to them anytime he wants to.
Then given they have no problem making up evidence, why do you believe them now?

I have not said I believe them. I have simply said they had warrants and served them.

But I can point out examples of cops, prosecutors, judges and jurors breaking the law. Should we just throw out the entire system?

All this speculation about the warrants is ridiculous. Until we see what was in the warrants, it is just guessing and hoping.
How am I giving them a pass? If these warrants were obtained improperly, then prosecute who ever did it.

But neither you nor I know that these warrants were obtained improperly.

You said to wait until the evidence that they gathered is released. There IS no evidence.

Face it, the fbi is the new gestapo, and they are acting like it.
It's not hard to find a sympathetic judge to allow a fishing expedition, FFI
Totally! A broad conspiracy of corrupt civil servants is so much simpler and easier to believe than the idea that there was good reason to believe evidence of a crime was at Mar A Lago. You just can't find brilliant insight like this anywhere else.
Would not matter if he did, having a clearance is only half the equation. you still are required to have "need to know".

I had a clearance my whole time in the Marine Corps, that did not mean I could look at all classified documents.
The President has need to know everything. He gave himself access when he was president. You were restricted by need to know. The President is not. If, while President, Trump gave himself perpetual access then no one can change that. The incumbent diaper-shitter can't even revoke it without having exactly knowledge of what is in it and has no way to legally get that knowledge.
He stole classified documents, removing them from a secure location - a clear violation of the law.

You wanted to lock up Hillary over her deleting muffin recipes.
Donald Trump was the ultimate classification authority in the United States. He can declassify anything he wants at will without documentation or notification. It's literally impossible for him to illegally possess classified documents that he obtained while being President.
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