Trumps home raided by fbi

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What was Trump doing with TOP SECRET documents in Florida in the first place, fool?
According to Lara and Eric trump, Donald collected photos, newspaper articles, magazines.
And he was allowed to take those papers with him.

If Donald was smart enough to play the 'switcher-roo' and replace the documents that the FBI was looking for, then more power to djt.

Question, why would trump keep classified documents and not just destroy them?
I have not said I believe them. I have simply said they had warrants and served them.

But I can point out examples of cops, prosecutors, judges and jurors breaking the law. Should we just throw out the entire system?

All this speculation about the warrants is ridiculous. Until we see what was in the warrants, it is just guessing and hoping.
It really doesn't matter.

I'd be pissed if this were don't to any former president. Many are missing where this puts us as a country because of the hate of 1 person.
You are correct on the trajectory, but the camps never started out as hotels.
Actually on the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler had tricked his brown shirt leaders like Ernst Fromm to getting motel rooms for a meeting as well as I remember but it was a trap. Hitler had the hotel raided and had the guys shot.

Egads, you are out of your league here, Billy.

The President is the head of the Executive Branch, to which both the FBI and DOJ belong. He can issue orders to them anytime he wants to.
Hey moron, the president does not have the authority to direct the Justice Department to direct the FBI to commit a seizure that has no cause. Hell even with cause he does not have that authority. Only a JUDGE can make this call idiot.
Totally! A broad conspiracy of corrupt civil servants is so much simpler and easier to believe than the idea that there was good reason to believe evidence of a crime was at Mar A Lago. You just can't find brilliant insight like this anywhere else.
It's the times we live in, FFI.
Personally, I think the Great American Experiment is starting to erode.
This is just a sign of it.
Trump lost his security clearance upon leaving the office. Only Joe Biden can grant Trump a security clearance.
This is like when Trump rescinded the security clearances of several former agency heads.
It's not classified when he took it. Since he had no need to write it down, document it, log it, when he declassified something, he had the right to declassify anything he wanted - and no one can second guess him now if he said he did it before he left office. It's his word against no one because there's no one who has the authority to review his decision to declassify anything.
If Trump says it was not classified it's not classified. If he said, as President, that he can keep it in his home, on his coffee table, for the rest of his life, then that is what he can do.
Any grant or privilege given by EO (executive order) can be undone by the next president rescinding that EO.

It is in the current president that all national security, including handling of classified material rests.
Did you miss out on being raided during the Great Drug War the last fifty years?
Raided? No. Thrown in jail, but had to be released without charges and then they had to pay to fix all damages to my property, so a Federal Judge did not issue arrest warrant and charges on the head of that law enforcement agency, YES.
It paid to have connections in two states with people in the judicial system that knew my family in general, my dad in particular, and knowledge of what went down and where it happened. I had the Sheriff by the balls, and he knew it. He later went to jail on unrelated mail fraud, racketeering and other charges. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, but I knew to stay out of that county until he was out of office and serving time.
I don't know where don' went to law school, but you might want to get a new source for legal advice:

"Federal sovereign immunity. In the United States, the federal government has sovereign immunity and may not be sued unless it has waived its immunity or consented to suit. The United States as a sovereign is immune from suit unless it unequivocally consents to being sued."

Only municipalities can be sued for civil rights violations, and only where the violation occurred as a result of an official policy or custom, commonly known as the Monell doctrine.

This may be a tangent, but Gal Gadot is a straight up dime piece.

Back to politics…
If they did that to him, an ex President of the United States.....

you can only imagine what these scum are going to do to the rest.

Trump was right whe he said that!

I just have to admit....this makes me laugh out loud

Trump declined to say why the FBI agents were at Mar-a-Lago, but the former President said the raid was unannounced and "they even broke into my safe."

"My beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents," he said in a statement.
Of course it does. Fake libertarian that you are.
You said to wait until the evidence that they gathered is released. There IS no evidence.

Face it, the fbi is the new gestapo, and they are acting like it.

We don't know enough to say whether it is bogus or not.

We have not seen the warrants.
We do not know who swore to them.
We do not know who signed them.

Until we know more, all of this is pure speculation.
James comey detailed three felonies that hillary committed.

Well they had plenty of time to do something. There was definitely nothing political in their way. Republicans controlled all three branches for the first two years.
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