Trumps home raided by fbi

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Donald Trump was the ultimate classification authority in the United States. He can declassify anything he wants at will without documentation or notification. It's literally impossible for him to illegally possess classified documents that he obtained while being President.
Only if he does so "on the record", often by EO or other documented means. Which would then be executed by the white house personnel charged with handling white house classification / declassification. And mark the documents declassified, and when they were declassified, and under whose authority they were declassified.

No more than a president can pardon somebody merely by tweeting it.
bull crud, meister!


This is a big deal, and no judge, anywhere, would sign off on this search without probable cause, nor without dotting eyes and crossing Ts...ever!!!!!

Especially from this point forward, that judge has to worry about his and his family's lives!
Dossier ? :dunno:
No judge looked very hard on that one
Archives or not. They do not belong to him. It is criminal. A federal crime. AKA stealing.

I doubt there is any proof they were not personal property.
Any and all presidents have always pretty much wiped the record.
For example, Bill Clinton actually claimed he never sent or received an email ever, because he did not know how to.
The FBI is being sued by a group of American woman gymnasts for MISQUOTING their testimony publicly about sexual deviant medical team doc. THey also KNOWINGLY lied to the FISA court about documentation including the POShit "dossier" that THEY KNEW WAS phony to get the keys to the "Worlds Greatest Spy Machine" to SPY on the 2016 campaign and after he was elected.

So I WISH I had the confidence that YOU have. But I SINCERELY DOUBT -- the FBI initiated this action on their own. "Presidential papers" have ALWAYS been contested. Presidents RETAIN "complimentary clearances" after they leave. If there is reason to suspect SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS -- we need to know this TONIGHT or tomorrow. Because folks are at a breaking point here. And the FBI has NO CREDIBILITY ON ANYTHING to do with Trump.
Emotional validation needs usually have high confidence in whatever validates the emotion.
So Lara & Eric Trump want us to believe that the FBI got a search warrant to retrieve Trump's collection of Hustler magazine & other junk?

Sure they did.
I watched them both say it, at separate times, on FoxNews.
That's what they claim.
Your memory THAT bad? Comey CLEARED HER while under OBAMA. Wasn't a CHANCE she'd be charged. Besides, Comey was CORRECT in his reasoning that when the crimes involve classified docs, they dont GO to public trial. Those are handled WITHIN THE AGENCY that they occurred. And the penalties could be dismissal/loss of pension/demotion/loss of clearances (perm or temp) or eviction from future govt work in total.
Hmm so if Comey had all this unilateral power, why didn’t the FBI chief that replaced him do something about it?
You are simply pretending based off no evidence whatsoever that this raid was illegal lol. It’s basic common sense that it is legal. Think what you want about corruption in the FBI or DOJ, they would not be STUPID enough to do a raid illegally.
Lmao. I need to go to bed, but I'm enjoying this way too much.

You are simply pretending based on no evidence, only your presumptions of a man's character, that Trump did something criminal which warranted this raid.

You live on pure animosity alone. You aren't interested in evidence. Just that your political enemies are brought down.
Only if he does so "on the record", often by EO or other documented means. Which would then be executed by the white house personnel charged with handling white house classification / declassification. And mark the documents declassified, and when they were declassified, and under whose authority they were declassified.

No more than a president can pardon somebody merely by tweeting it.
Wrong. A wave of the hand. There's no required process for him to declassify anything other than to simply say it's declassified.
The FBI raided Trump's home to find classified info he took with him from DC.....BUT AS PRESIDENT HE IS THE DE-CLASSIFYING AGENT FOR THAT INFO....


Never in this nation's history has a US President been treated in such a way...

Democrats have lost their fucking .i ds.

The US Govt, led by seditious, treasonous Democrats and backed by a rogue criminal army directed by Wray has turned this nation Into a corrupt 3rd world banana republic

All of this, however, demonstrates how desperately, totally they are afraid of Trump, of him running again, and of what he would do to them if / when he wins.
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