Trumps home raided by fbi

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The FBI raided Trump's home to find classified info he took with him from DC.....BUT AS PRESIDENT HE IS THE DE-CLASSIFYING AGENT FOR THAT INFO....


Never in this nation's history has a US President been treated in such a way...

Democrats have lost their fucking .i ds.

The US Govt, led by seditious, treasonous Democrats and backed by a rogue criminal army directed by Wray has turned this nation Into a corrupt 3rd world banana republic

All of this, however, demonstrates how desperately, totally they are afraid of Trump, of him running again, and of what he would do to them if / when he wins.
Worse! Trump INTENTIONALLY STOLE and removed from their secure and proper place, top secret, and above top secret documents, allegedly....

and has refused to return them.
What’s up with this
All the problems dems cause and this is the final solution

As Ari Fleischer just put it, the FBI better come forward right now tonight and produce the goods that they got Trump nailed to the wall criminally now with hard proof seized from his home, and that this wasn't just another baseless fishing expedition to dick the guy over or the shit has now just REALLY hit the fan in the United States.
What’s up with this
All the problems dems cause and this is the final solution

It's called exercising the rule of law, where no citizen is above the law. Withholding classified or unclassified documentation for the archives is a federal crime.
Lol umm no I’m saying that a judge signed off on the warrant. That is what made it legal. What Trump actually did is secondary to that. The raid itself was legal.
I doubt the warrant was legal. The FBI probably lied about it like they did with the FISA court. No one trusts the FBI especially the upper echelon in D.C.
Wrong. A wave of the hand. There's no required process for him to declassify anything other than to simply say it's declassified.
No more than a president can pardon somebody by merely making a public declaration of it.

The USSC ruled that a presidential pardon has to be on paper.
A cold hearted govt and its operatives that gleefully promote the murder of infants, the indoctrination of children with perversion and the hatred of whites, medically turn other children into sexual hybrids, turn a blind eye to the crime and murder in our streets, lay in bed with communist China, let fentanyl poison, terrorists, sex traffickers, and millions of illegal aliens pour across our border, politicize and corrupt our DOJ, FBI, et al. crippling a nation. Still the people continue to vote for this criminal party and refuse to believe in evil and eternal consequences.
Your guarantees mean absolutely nothing.

And, the warrant might withstand legal scrutiny anyway. But if it doesn’t, it’s probably going to be on the basis of the affidavits in support of the application. If they get revealed to be in any way fictional or fudged, the whole fascade could come crashing down. But by then it may be too late.

And I’m wondering if that’s not the whole point here.
Given how your incompetence handicaps you regularly. I don’t expect you to actually understand what competency would or should look like. They’re waaay ahead of you. Any thinking person realizes how this will be scrutinized. Your little theory wouldn’t get you in the door.
The story is breaking all over the news wires. Everybody has the same take. The only thing confirmed so far, is a search warrant signed by a judge has been served directly to Trump. That doesn't happen without significant evidence of probable cause on an ex President. This is fucking huge.

Idiot, Trump is in New York not even home so how did they serve him with papers AT his home! And as Ari Fleischer just put it, the FBI better come forward right now tonight and produce the goods that they got Trump nailed to the wall criminally with hard proof, and that this wasn't just another baseless fishing expedition to dick the guy over or the shit has now just REALLY hit the fan.
the system requires a search warrant.
They had to present probable cause evidence to a federal judge to get a search warrant. The FBI is authorized by a federal judge by that search warrant.

There are strict rules for classified documents being removed from official premises.
That wasn't done in the case of the fake dossier.
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