Trumps home raided by fbi

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Trump and his attorneys were negotiating to turn over documents, there is absolutely NO NEED for this Gestapo tactic.

No negotiation. If you government wants their documents (classified and otherwise) You give them back. Period. If not, they will come get them.
You are simply pretending based off no evidence whatsoever that this raid was illegal lol. It’s basic common sense that it is legal. Think what you want about corruption in the FBI or DOJ, they would not be STUPID enough to do a raid illegally.

Almost all raids are illegal.
For example, almost all drug raids are to gain evidence in order to be able to convict.
But that is not what the law says.
You are not supposed to be able to get a search warrant unless you already HAVE all the evidence you need in order to convict.
But they never do.
So almost all raids are illegal.

The reality is that there are not just the 3 levels of sovereignty, federal, state, and municipal.
The Founders considered each individual home to also be sovereign to the owner.
So the cavalier way we do search warrants now is completely illegal.
They are "fishing expeditions" that are totally illegal.

Like the Breonna Taylor case, where the cop lied and claimed there was proof a drug dealer was picking up main packages at her home, which was totally untrue.
The police usually lie in order to illegally get judges to issue search warrants.
As Ari Fleischer just put it, the FBI better come forward right now tonight and produce the goods that they got Trump nailed to the wall criminally now with hard proof seized from his home, and that this wasn't just another baseless fishing expedition to dick the guy over or the shit has now just REALLY hit the fan in the United States.
They already retrieved boxes of documentation from his home months ago. "Better come forward" has come and gone. Trump broke the law and all of us who knew and know just a little were waiting for this crime to surface. Ari Fleischer is talking out of his ass just like McCarthy.

UPDATE: Stasi-FBI Swooped Through President Trump’s Home — Grabbing Boxes without Going Through Them or Knowing What’s In Them — TO GO THROUGH LATER AND MANUFACTURE A CRIME​

Yeah, this is what I figured it would be. Not adhering to the warrant, I'm sure it wasn't a blanket open end warrant.
I doubt the warrant was legal. The FBI probably lied about it like they did with the FISA court. No one trusts the FBI especially the upper echelon in D.C.
Well then that judge was a complete moron for baselessly signing off on it. I mean I get it. You’re trying really hard for all the puzzle pieces to add up to some grand conspiracy because you lack any objectivity when it comes to Trump.

Is this true?

Okay I will bet you $10,000 that a judge approved this raid. See I think you know this is how it is going to turn out but you’re in denial.
I know a judge signed off because that's in the report. I just wonder who appointed him/her.
Lock and load.... Democrats just started a civil war.. Just like Hitler and the NAZI's used the false claims to displace those who challenged their power, now Biden has followed in Hitler's footsteps. Watch for Biden to declare martial law and seize all powers of the federal government... IS it time yet for the use of deadly force to remove these people?
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