Trumps home raided by fbi

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Then push for change. Just throwing a fit and accusing the FBI of misconduct in this specific case does no good at all.

No good? Warrants are based on specific things. The FBI just broke into Trump's home, blew his safe open, and just grabbed everything, boxes full of stuff not even looking at any of it and took it all, so now, who knows what they might do to it, put in it saying they "found" it, or just not giving it back or destroying it.

As Ari Fleischer just put it, the FBI better come forward right now tonight and produce the goods that they got Trump nailed to the wall criminally with hard proof from the raid, and that this wasn't just another baseless fishing expedition to dick the guy over or the shit has now just REALLY hit the fan.
No, they can't.

A security clearance is granted to an individual and generally recognizes a maximum level of clearance. Exceptions include levels above compartmentalized access or when an individual is cleared for a certain type of data. The President of the United States will be given access to any government or military information that they request, even if they would not otherwise be able to normally obtain a security clearance were they not the President. Having obtained a certain level security clearance does not mean that one automatically has access to or is given access to information cleared for that clearance level in the absence of a demonstrated "need to know".[25] The need-to-know determination is made by a disclosure officer, who may work in the office of origin of the information. The specified need to know must be germane to the prospective user's mission, or of necessity for the integrity of a specified security apparatus.
The former P can get the daily briefings. I doubt Trump ever bothers with them.
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Nothing surprises me, FFI, and they just grabbed not knowing what they had from Sky's link.
They don't even know if they have violated the warrant or not.
As I stated, and you ignored, I sated that I doubted that it would have been an open end warrant.
Strange that, you do that shit a lot.
*Besides the idea that evidence of a crime just might be at trump's home.

They don't even know if they have violated the warrant or not.
Hmm, I'm going to call bullshit on that one.
I sated that I doubted that it would have been an open end warrant.
On the same basis as your other assertions. This right here:

80,000 new irs employees to make sure, you paid your taxes. Better hope they don't look at what you make on here. Liberals will eat their own.
To go after ~700 billionaires.

And today they voted against protecting oeoe under 400k from them.

This is how the war is being fought.
According to Lara and Eric trump, Donald collected photos, newspaper articles, magazines.
And he was allowed to take those papers with him.

If Donald was smart enough to play the 'switcher-roo' and replace the documents that the FBI was looking for, then more power to djt.

Question, why would trump keep classified documents and not just destroy them?
Because traitors sell the stuff to adversaries?
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