Trumps home raided by fbi

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Not my word. I posted a link from a legal site.

I have not seen where Dershowitz said anything. Perhaps you could actually post that instead of just screaming and stamping your feet?
Projecting now. Just pathetic. Oh that’s normal for you dumbfuck.

That’s from tonight before you start lying.
Does it strike you at any point that Dershowitz is a well-known constitutional scholar?

I did not say that Dershowitz is not a well-known and qualified constitutional scholar. I said I have not seen where he stated that a special warrant was needed to access a safe. I posted a link from a legal website that says a special warrant is not needed. I would be happy to read what Dershowitz said.

I also said, earlier, that no one knows if there was a special warrant issued for the safe. If fact, if you have a list of the warrants and what they said, please post it so we can all see it.
Game over for Trump.

He will be stronger because of it.

We Americans are pissed that the filthy ass Biden administration is using the government to attack political opponents. That is banana republic kind of shit.

It will energize Trump's base.

One more failure by Biden. Remember Obama saying to never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up?
There are a lot of stupid fucks here who can’t see thst obviously.too fucking stupid to get that this happened to trump because he is the first pro American president sense kennedy who same as him is not part of the corrupt two party system.they don’t do this to you if your part of the corrupt two party system,trump is a Republican in name only.both parties are corrupt and one in the same so I call the gop the republicrats and the dem the demopublicans.trump is the first conservative president sense kennedy so this is why this is happening to him fir not being part of that corrupt two party system.

These stupid fucks who put laughing smileys to posts like this and your post are such fucking idiots they are hopeless in trying to reason with them this is a banana republic dictatership we live in now.
The deep state here fucked up big time this time because all they accomplished was a big awakening to the American people who have been asleep over these facts here I mentioned,the governments corruption has been exposed out in the open now,it’s no longer a secret anymore to the sheep thst were asleep.

you can keep it a secret when its Simone gold,a patriot,whom they did this to as well a few months ago And is serving a two month jail sentence now but you do that to an ex president,then the corruption is out in the open fir everyone to see and is no longer a secret anymore.
Dersh has been a GOP shill for quite a while.

My favorite part? How he whined that he wasn't getting invited to parties now just because he supported treason and insurrection.
No, Dershowitz just doesn’t put your cult leaders first so you hate him.
quote]One side is definitely acting cultlike, and it's not the liberals. \[/quote]

nooo. you think you're sittin' in the catbird seat and you're about having orgasms aren't you. But i seem to remember that everytime you thought you had didn't. Leftist lies are exposed everyday. Oh i know you don't see them because your media doesn't want you to see them. Tellme. were charges ever filed against Giuliani after they raided his place? the left is scared shitless...they see trump supported politicians winning every day and it scares hell out of them. Beto run out of rockdale texas and that Ryan Guy ......primary election called for him...trump supported. Can they come up with something to cancel the 2022 elections? The 2024??
Projecting now. Just pathetic. Oh that’s normal for you dumbfuck.

That’s from tonight before you start lying.

Projecting now. Just pathetic. Oh that’s normal for you dumbfuck.

That’s from tonight before you start lying.

Now was that so hard? Ok, so they need a special warrant to open a safe. I was not aware of that.

Did they have a special warrant to open the safe? Do you know?
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