Trumps home raided by fbi

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How is he roundly despised? He got more actual* votes than any other president in history.

* actual votes are ones not not harvested from people too ignorant or lazy to vote on their own, created votes hidden in suitcases, and “cured” ballots

Lol Trump lied about that too.
Prof Dershowitz is going nuts on Hannity.
Calls the raid total bullshit
Said that a subpoena should have been used before a search warrant
Also said that breaking into Trump's safe was an illegal search
Actually citing a Book he penned.
- The Price of Principle -
For the first time in 242 years. The government agency (FBI) has raided the home of a former president.
The Rubicon has been crossed.
This is an abomination and violation of the law.
Christopher Wray has now become the Henrich Himmler of the Biden Reich,
I wonder, was CCN notified by Wray so that the raid could be televised?
Trump has been spied upon, lied about and impeached to no avail by the Progressive Maoist Left. This is undermining American Democracy.
Oh enough with the melodramatic whining SNOWFLAKE!

Trump brought this all upon himself.
This from an asshole who didn’t know you need a special warrant to open a safe. So you best keep your fool mouth shut. Asshole.

Hey dickwad, did I say you didn't need a special search warrant? Or did I question someone saying they didn't have the special warrant, like they knew what warrants were served.

Make up what someone else says. I have no problem remembering what I said and will flat call you out on it.
How do you left wing drones not see the danger in this shit?

I was in DC last week on vacation and I took my 17 yearold son to the Holocaust museum (Among many others)

You ignorant fucks need to study Germany in the 1930s.
We got some major stupid fucks that can’t see what dangerous times were living in that the FBI is the gestapo. :uhoh3: They did that to Simone gold as well.when the FBI raids your house in the middle of the night as they did with Simone and arrested her putting her in prison fir 60 days just for visiting Washington DC then every single American here should be worried about their future.:uhoh3: Trump is the ex president so the white hats in the military will protect him but simones life is in danger,she could be killed in prison.

Anybody who cannot see our country has become as bad as venasulia how the fbi is the modern day gestapo is in complete Ty in denial mode.
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If Repub lawmakers play the same game of doing nothing when elected in November than they can screw themselves. It is time for real hardliners to run in rural areas. Nasty people.
Maybe you'll understand why I have zero tolerance for weak-assed, fake conservatives here. It's time for people to be real hardliners on conservative values and the Constitution or admit they're really on Biden's side. Those are the only two choices.
Top flight lawyers won't work for Trump. He doesn't listen. He lies and he doesn't pay his bills.
That has nothing to do with what I said that you replied to. You can just reply to the thread on the bottom of a thread without replying to a particular post with a non-sequitur.

Trump does go through staff, lawyers included. He is clearly an unpleasant person to work for or even with. I understand why there is deep personal dislike for him that no doubt turns to hatred in those who oppose him, but are forced to deal with him. I'm not here or anywhere to say that Trump is a perfect guy.

He was the first genuinely pro-American president we've had since Ronald Reagan, and he accomplished some of his important pro-American goals. Both of those put him leaps and bounds ahead of all the mainstream politicians who were not subjected to politically motivated FBI raids today.
"There's no Deep State"....
Yet, here it is, more amplified than the FAKE Russian collusion, and FAKE impeachments.
OMG, an FBI RAID on a former president!!!
Unprecedented; and will go down as a turning point towards tyranny.
Must suck for the democrats to be so scared of Trump and what he will expose if elected again.
Sucks more for Trump. The national archives already made him give back 15 boxes of record, documents and other stuff that were supposed to be part of White House records and property of the United States Government, and made him promise to give back any he found after that. This time they have a list of documents known to still be missing. If they find them there, he is one F#cked Donald Duck.
If they have a warrant, no it isn’t.
Was the warrant granted in accordance with the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits UNREASONABLE search and seizure. The FBI has already demonstrated that it is anti-Trump and was the reason Biden won. If they hadn’t lied and called the laptop “Russian disinformation.” Biden would have lost.
The Democratic party is the most FASCIST party on EARTH
We are seeing the old Soviet Union unfold before our eyes. THE USA is as BAD as the OLD USSR
I never thought I see the USA become as bad as the USSR but I have

The only hope is to win back the House and elect a complete conservative maverick to be speaker and investigate everything and ARREST
Fuck off you flaming homo. There was ZERO proof that anything was going to be destroyed. Other than your verbal diarrhea. Hey asshole, those documents were searched just a couple of months ago with full cooperation of Trump. Cry some more you no education basement dweller.
The documents don't belong to Trump you fucking retard. Guess what? Trump was slapped with a warrant & not a supeona because Trump can't be trusted with those documents, Cleetus.

Take your head out of Trump's virtual ass & try to keep up.
You are responsible for allowing yourself to be DELUSIONAL.
Trump has only himself to blame – the consequence of his contempt for our democratic institutions and the rule of law.

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