Trump's imaginary history

Those things are what YOU liberals embrace.

anti-democracy - these people want to create obstacles to their enemies so they cannot perform their civil duty to AMERICAN VOTE

anti-republicanism - same thing

ultra-xenophobia - these people are hostile to all Americans who do not look like, think like, or act like them

uber nationalism - a BAD thing

filthy racialism - this is the core of the far right and the alt right

They are sick in the head.
Those things are what YOU liberals embrace.

anti-democracy - you want to flood the country with foreigners, thereby lessening/diluting the AMERICAN VOTE

anti-republicanism - same thing

ultra-xenophobia - you are hostile to AMERICAN culture

uber nationalism - a GOOD thing

filthy racialism - your support of Affirmative Action, your hostility to whites, and your support of the Obama/Sharpton/Holder/ Crump/Jackson race hustlers campaign that gave us riots in Ferguson, MO, Baltimore MD, Lousiana, Charlotte, NC, New York City, etc.

As for "sick in the head" - that's what YOU are.
Those things are what YOU filthy alt right support

anti-democracy - these people want to create obstacles to their enemies so they cannot perform their civil duty to AMERICAN VOTE

anti-republicanism - same thing

ultra-xenophobia - these people are hostile to all Americans who do not look like, think like, or act like them

uber nationalism - a BAD thing

filthy racialism - this is the core of the far right and the alt right

They are sick in the head.

You people are losing this battle, protectionist.
It is understandable why Der Gropenfürher’s supporters made him their president, his grasp of history is identical to theirs. Like all other issues, Der Gropenfürher continues to impress his minions with “alternate facts” they eagerly accept as truth. And they will defend their own ignorance as well as that of Der Gropenfürher, swearing their complete lack of knowledge makes them superior individuals to the “educated elitists” who rely on facts.

The right-wingers’ alternate facts, alternate reality, and typical delusional flights-of-fantasy are embraced by conservatives everywhere. This will be proven by their responses to this OP and the article at the link below.

Donald Trump ridiculed after asking 'why was there the Civil War?'



Your use of the slur, "Der Gropenfürher’s" makes a complete mockery of your pretense of intellectual superiority, and a fool of you, on so many levels,

not that you have the self awareness nor honesty to face that.

The term "Der Gropenfürher" is based on his questionable boast that it is his right to sexually assault any woman he chooses because he is a wealthy celebrity. You conservatives consistently defend his "right" to commit these offenses as shown by your response to my post in this thread.

The deep seated pride you conservatives feel for your willful ignorance does NOT make you or any other right-winger superior to well informed individuals. This is despite the many years the GOP leaders have told you that ignorance is one of the virtues of conservatism.


Your lies about Trump are noted.

All that did was show that you are a liar.
It is understandable why Der Gropenfürher’s supporters made him their president, his grasp of history is identical to theirs. Like all other issues, Der Gropenfürher continues to impress his minions with “alternate facts” they eagerly accept as truth. And they will defend their own ignorance as well as that of Der Gropenfürher, swearing their complete lack of knowledge makes them superior individuals to the “educated elitists” who rely on facts.

The right-wingers’ alternate facts, alternate reality, and typical delusional flights-of-fantasy are embraced by conservatives everywhere. This will be proven by their responses to this OP and the article at the link below.

Donald Trump ridiculed after asking 'why was there the Civil War?'



Your use of the slur, "Der Gropenfürher’s" makes a complete mockery of your pretense of intellectual superiority, and a fool of you, on so many levels,

not that you have the self awareness nor honesty to face that.

The term "Der Gropenfürher" is based on his questionable boast that it is his right to sexually assault any woman he chooses because he is a wealthy celebrity. You conservatives consistently defend his "right" to commit these offenses as shown by your response to my post in this thread.

The deep seated pride you conservatives feel for your willful ignorance does NOT make you or any other right-winger superior to well informed individuals. This is despite the many years the GOP leaders have told you that ignorance is one of the virtues of conservatism.

Your lies about Trump are noted.All that did was show that you are a liar.
Correll's so often and failed tactic is to attack the other board member not defend Trump. I so owned him, he won't talk to me. So stay on his ass.
Trump is aware of Eisenhower's Operation Wetback. If that was all the history he knew, that would be plenty. :biggrin:
Andrew Jackson was adamantly opposed to operation wetback

RW! Do you still believe that whites will stand for being politically and economically marginalized in your hoped for One Party Utopia of Permanent Democratic Rule?

The night Obama got elected.....Andrew Jackson wept
He wept so hard!
Trump is aware of Eisenhower's Operation Wetback. If that was all the history he knew, that would be plenty. :biggrin:
Andrew Jackson was adamantly opposed to operation wetback
Jackson yelled at Eisenhower about it.
Jackson liked Ike. He was always partial to good generals
But allowing Mexicans in was more than he could take

He told Ike they were all murderers, rapists and drug dealers
Build a wall said Jackson
Trump is aware of Eisenhower's Operation Wetback. If that was all the history he knew, that would be plenty. :biggrin:
Andrew Jackson was adamantly opposed to operation wetback
Jackson yelled at Eisenhower about it.
Jackson liked Ike. He was always partial to good generals
But allowing Mexicans in was more than he could take

He told Ike they were all murderers, rapists and drug dealers
Build a wall said Jackson
Using slave and convict labor!
Andrew Jackson hates Elizabeth Warren
He never did like Indians
Trump is aware of Eisenhower's Operation Wetback. If that was all the history he knew, that would be plenty. :biggrin:
Andrew Jackson was adamantly opposed to operation wetback

RW! Do you still believe that whites will stand for being politically and economically marginalized in your hoped for One Party Utopia of Permanent Democratic Rule?

The night Obama got elected.....Andrew Jackson wept

When we discussed your vision of "the next gop president not being born yet" you insisted that whites would accept the results of "democracy" even if it meant never having their interests represented in national policy again.

Yet with the anti-Free Speech shit going on in Berkeley, we see that dems don't stop with just malign neglect but are quick to move on to active oppression, if not checked.

And we saw that whites/Middle America are not prone to meekness.

This disproves your belief that your ONe Party State would be an utopia, and supports mine that it would be a dystopia.

Now, the question is, now that you see that your path is doomed to be a nightmare for the nation and the world, do you still want it?
I was watching Andrew Jackson on Hannity last night. He thinks Trump is too soft on Kim Jong Un
Last edited:
I was watching Andrew Jackson on Hannity last night. He thinks Trump is too soft on Kin Jong Un


This is what you wanted. THis is what you have been gloating about for years.

It is only going to get worse.

Like I told you.

Any doubts yet?
I was watching Andrew Jackson on Hannity last night. He thinks Trump is too soft on Kin Jong Un


This is what you wanted. THis is what you have been gloating about for years.

It is only going to get worse.

Like I told you.

Any doubts yet?

It would make Andrew Jackson proud...he enjoyed a good political fight
I was watching Andrew Jackson on Hannity last night. He thinks Trump is too soft on Kin Jong Un


This is what you wanted. THis is what you have been gloating about for years.

It is only going to get worse.

Like I told you.

Any doubts yet?

It would make Andrew Jackson proud...he enjoyed a good political fight

It's NOT going the way you thought it would, is it?

Is that why you've gotten so... obtuse?

It is going just the way I told you it would.

Increasing oppression, and increasing resistance and anger.

I hear that antifa is talking about escalation.

Change. Is it always Good?
I was watching Andrew Jackson on Hannity last night. He thinks Trump is too soft on Kin Jong Un


This is what you wanted. THis is what you have been gloating about for years.

It is only going to get worse.

Like I told you.

Any doubts yet?

It would make Andrew Jackson proud...he enjoyed a good political fight

It's NOT going the way you thought it would, is it?

Is that why you've gotten so... obtuse?

It is going just the way I told you it would.

Increasing oppression, and increasing resistance and anger.

I hear that antifa is talking about escalation.

Change. Is it always Good?
You are the one trying to divert the thread

Andrew Jackson always hated off topic posts
I was watching Andrew Jackson on Hannity last night. He thinks Trump is too soft on Kin Jong Un


This is what you wanted. THis is what you have been gloating about for years.

It is only going to get worse.

Like I told you.

Any doubts yet?

It would make Andrew Jackson proud...he enjoyed a good political fight

It's NOT going the way you thought it would, is it?

Is that why you've gotten so... obtuse?

It is going just the way I told you it would.

Increasing oppression, and increasing resistance and anger.

I hear that antifa is talking about escalation.

Change. Is it always Good?
You are the one trying to divert the thread

Andrew Jackson always hated off topic posts

You are one of the few liberals brave enough to honestly discuss this issue. And the plans of your movement.

Or at least you were.

This trend, is the Destiny of this nation. It will define our lives and the lives of our descendants forever.

You believed that it would be all rainbows and unicorns.

I said it would be fire and blood.

We are now seeing the beginning.

I am being proved right.

I want to hear what the Left is thinking about these important developments.

Are you having second thoughts?

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