Trumps "immunity" defence is punctured by the first question

Trump does whatever he wants. Immunity would protect him from whatever crimes he has committed and will commit.

The case for Trump and immunity is over.
The claim is the president has immunity. It is not a conditional immunity, it is not dependent upon the severity of the criminal action. It is immunity, period. The que stion was more than justified. And the argument is absolutely STUPID. I mean hell, why did Nixon step down, he had "immunity". You people are some really stupid mofos.
He doesn't have immunity from impeachment, nor would he have immunity from criminal prosecution following what would be a obvious removal from office.

As previously noted, the question was asked in order to get bedwetting loons like you to wet the bed....It worked.
Who asked the question??

"The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter or even on selling pardons."
...."Sauer argued that presidents can only be criminally prosecuted if they have already been tried and convicted by the Senate.

“He would have to be impeached and convicted,” Sauer replied."

IF TRUE, refuse the resignation and impeach. Then convict. Seems pretty simple. Then HANG the fukker!!!

Another view from a retarded source.

“You’re saying a president could sell pardons, could sell military secrets, could order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival,” Judge Florence Pan told Trump lawyer John Sauer during arguments at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals over whether he is immune prosecution.

Sauer told the three-judge panel a president would be swiftly impeached and convicted for ordering the murder of a rival. But he argued that without an impeachment, the Supreme Court has held that a president’s official acts are never reviewable by the courts.

“He would have to be and would speedily be impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution,” Sauer said. “There is a political process that would have to occur under our Constitution.”

“If there’s no impeachment ever, and no conviction, then the official acts are immune. Period,” Sauder added later.

Trump, who attended the hearing, contends he is immune to federal charges of conspiring to interfere in the 2020 election because his actions took place while he was president. He was impeached in the House of Representatives and acquitted in the Senate for similar allegations that he incited the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021.

Of course if a DemoKKKrat did it there would be no impeachment so the asshole would get away with it!!

Utter bullshit and typical of leftoids.

However, playing along with the idiot Biden appointed judge, sure. Then the House impeaches and the Senate convicts, and per the Framers he could then be charged.

OTOH, that President could pardon himself before being removed and then no charges.

🤔 Øbama who ordered the drone killing of two American citizens comes to mind. But e didn't pardon himself. Oops.

Do your homework. These guys were Al-Qaida, killing Americans. they were traitors.

The Obama administration authorized the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen and former al-Qaida propagandist, in a drone strike in Yemen in 2011. The decision was made based on the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), a broad and controversial 2001 law that played a major role in the legal decision to kill Awlaki. The Obama administration argued that the AUMF’s authority to use lethal force abroad also applied to a United States citizen who is part of the forces of an enemy authorization within the scope of the force authorization. The administration contended that the protection of US citizenship was effectively removed by the AUMF .

Obama would never 'pardon himself', that's an abuse of one's authority under the concept that 'no one can serve as his own judge'.
It's the prosecutors who are supposed to "have" something.

They don't.

Just a speech about a stolen election, and a request to be peaceful. Democrats made speeches about stolen elections countless times, but they did not call for peacefulness.
The prosecutors have Trump running around the country making absolutely ridiculous arguments in court. Should make you wonder why a man purported to be an innocent and a victim of persecution would go to such extremes when defending themselves.
Rump tried that with the 82nd. The sent troops to DC and Rump tried to use them for crowd control. What he got was, they had to come to DC but instead of manning the guns and attacking protesters, they sat down and played Spades and Pinochle. He did not meet the use of Federal Military for actions on US Soil.
And then the Easter Bunny showed up and told them to go home, and everyone was happy. The End.
Well this would have changed things quite a bit. We wouldn't have had to put up with Biden as our president. The persecution we see now wouldn't be happening.

---Trump could order SEAL Team 6 to kill rivals and avoid prosecution---

Those promoting this utterly ridiculous notion are ignoring the obvious. No SEAL team that received such orders would ever accept them or act on them
Not legally.
Where's the proof?

Giuliani has to pay 150 million because what he claimed to be proof wasn't. And you don't have any proof either.

Because it didn't happen.
"The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter or even on selling pardons."
...."Sauer argued that presidents can only be criminally prosecuted if they have already been tried and convicted by the Senate.

“He would have to be impeached and convicted,” Sauer replied."

IF TRUE, refuse the resignation and impeach. Then convict. Seems pretty simple. Then HANG the fukker!!!

Another view from a retarded source.

“You’re saying a president could sell pardons, could sell military secrets, could order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival,” Judge Florence Pan told Trump lawyer John Sauer during arguments at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals over whether he is immune prosecution.

Sauer told the three-judge panel a president would be swiftly impeached and convicted for ordering the murder of a rival. But he argued that without an impeachment, the Supreme Court has held that a president’s official acts are never reviewable by the courts.

“He would have to be and would speedily be impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution,” Sauer said. “There is a political process that would have to occur under our Constitution.”

“If there’s no impeachment ever, and no conviction, then the official acts are immune. Period,” Sauder added later.

Trump, who attended the hearing, contends he is immune to federal charges of conspiring to interfere in the 2020 election because his actions took place while he was president. He was impeached in the House of Representatives and acquitted in the Senate for similar allegations that he incited the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump could order SEAL Team 6 to kill rivals and avoid prosecution if not impeached, lawyer says

Murder, peddling pardons, selling secrets: Trump's lawyer said all presidents are immune from prosecution unless the Senate first convicts them.

Of course if a DemoKKKrat did it there would be no successful impeachment so the asshole would get away with it!!

Frankly that was the CORRECT answer by Sauer so there's that.

OK, poster Lastamender, you allege Biden didn't win legally.
Prove it.
Prove Biden didn't win legally.
Man up. Cowboy up. Show your grit. Show credibility.
Lastamender Can't do it.

Trump is a world class MORON!!!!!
The Constitution says nothing about this, gomer.

Impeachment is a political process, not a criminal process.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The Constitution says nothing about judges having immunity but they do, gomer.

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