Trump's incoherent Message to Mothers on Mothers Day

I find it amusing in a sad way to see the Trumpkins attacking Joe Biden for what he says- when Trump repeatedly rambles off on incoherent replies like this one:

Trump was on Fox the Friday before Mother's Day- and after spending the better part of an hour attacking everyone and anyone on his enemies list was lobbed a softball by Fox News host Ainsely Earhardt: "This Sunday is Mother's Day. What are your plans? What are you gonna do for Melania and do you have a message for all the moms that are watching this morning?"

Here is Trump's literal words- this is his message to Mother's for Mother's Day during this centuries greatest pandemic:

Well, we'll be together. I'm going to a Camp David meeting — a big meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Camp David is this very special place that nobody ever gets to see but it's a great work environment. And we're going to have meetings on different things.

And we're going to have meetings on different things, and our military has never looked better. It's never been better. We've never had the kind of equipment that we have now.

And we had planes that were 50 years old, and more. Fighter jets — now we have the best in the world, the F-35 and the F-18, and you know, what we have is incredible.

The equipment and the people we have are great, but you know, they have to have equipment.

And we spent $1.5 trillion — really, more than that. And we've totally rebuilt our military, which you have to do. You know, I'm a very budget-conscious person. But you have to do.

The nice thing is — it's all built in the USA. And plenty of equipment coming. Lot of this equipment is coming. So it's very important that we have the best military and we have the... our military has never been in condition like it is now and soon will be."

That is his message to mothers- only 4 words of which had anything to do with his wife or mothers in America.

Remember that every time you want to bash Joe Biden for being 'senile'- because this rambling incoherent mess of a statement is typical Trump whenever he doesn't have a script in front of him.

To be fair- after Fox asked him again about Mother's Day(they lobbed that softball a second time since Trump whiffed on the first pitch) he remembered to praise his wife and say Happy Mother's Day.
So, Joe Biden is suffering from a serious case of Alzheimer's and the people around him are abusing him through their exploitation.

This tells Me that even the left see this is true and have mounted a campaign to paint Trump in the same light.

Sigh. As someone who has had family members suffer from 'serious cases' of Alzheimer's- that is just bullshit.

Certainly my post is partisan- but every post like yours- claiming that Biden has 'Alzheimers'- is also partisan.

The fact of the matter is- that both Biden and Trump have their gaffes. They both sometimes ramble.

But when its Biden- you call is 'serious Alzheimer'- and when its Trump- you applaud his intellect and insite.
I had an Aunt who died from Alzheimer's. I know what I'm talking about. FTR, I don't applaud Trump for just about anything. He is worse than Obama when it comes to spending. However, I do enjoy pointing out how wrong the left is with their obsession with throwing any kind of mud at him.
FTR, I don't applaud Trump for just about anything.

Your posts say differently
The problem with this is that Trump was taking concrete actions to limit the threat of Corvid19 virus while you people were practicing on how to fail at a soft coup.
You're a liar if you believe that. He was moving to protect the US while the left were still trying to impeach him.
Speaking of which, I heard that Trump's employment numbers are so good he managed to get even Colin Kaepernick a job interview! :3

Matter of fact- in a quick survey i couldn't find a single post of yours criticizing Trump.

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