Trump's investment opportunities?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
You had to see this coming, liberals will complain if Trump has a hair out of place. Anyway, CONFLICTS of INTEREST is the latest trend. Apparently they're at a loss for material. So let's talk reality, it will be fun.

Which of the following are Trump's options. Sell stocks and:

Buy mutual funds: Nope, can't do that. Mutual funds own stock.

Buy govt. treasury bonds: Nope, can't do that for certainty. Policy impacts those as well, and besides, he runs the govt.

Money market: Nope, can't do that. These invest in stock.

Savings account: Nope, can't do that. These invest in stock.

IRA, Pension etc.: Yep, you know the answer, can't do it.

He needs to put all his money into a vault someplace, because all else is liberally declared a conflict of interest.

Now for some more fun. There are some vague laws that imply a POUS cannot have a conflict of interest. Sorry mother fuckers, but every POUS in our lifetime with any of above investments had a "conflict of interest". Even a deadbeat like Obama. Example, GM buyouts. You have stock in GM MFer? "Just mutual funds". Ah, you broke the law.

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Trump is already a Multi Billionaire. And he's past his 70th Birthday

In a few weeks, he will be the most powerful Man on the Planet Earth.

If he gets elected for another term (very likely) he will be over 78 when he retires.

But he needs to make another few million by defrauding somebody?

I just don't get dimocrap scum.

They're like the little girl that gets chastised for leaving the curling iron on, and in a fit of embarrassment and vitriol, berates her mother for not picking her up from Dance exactly on time.

But that's a 12 year old girl..... Whcih is about the mentality of the typical dimocrap scumbag
But he needs to make another few million by defrauding somebody?
Apparently so since that's what he's been doing all his life and he could have called it good when he hit $100 million (or whatever level of wealth he'd never be able to spend).
You had to see this coming, liberals will complain if Trump has a hair out of place. Anyway, CONFLICTS of INTEREST is the latest trend. Apparently they're at a loss for material. So let's talk reality, it will be fun.

Which of the following are Trump's options. Sell stocks and:

Buy mutual funds: Nope, can't do that. Mutual funds own stock.

Buy govt. treasury bonds: Nope, can't do that for certainty. Policy impacts those as well, and besides, he runs the govt.

Money market: Nope, can't do that. These invest in stock.

Savings account: Nope, can't do that. These invest in stock.

IRA, Pension etc.: Yep, you know the answer, can't do it.

He needs to put all his money into a vault someplace, because all else is liberally declared a conflict of interest.

Now for some more fun. There are some vague laws that imply a POUS cannot have a conflict of interest. Sorry mother fuckers, but every POUS in our lifetime with any of above investments had a "conflict of interest". Even a deadbeat like Obama. Example, GM buyouts. You have stock in GM MFer? "Just mutual funds". Ah, you broke the law.
Do you know what a blind trust is?
Trump is already a Multi Billionaire. And he's past his 70th Birthday

In a few weeks, he will be the most powerful Man on the Planet Earth.

If he gets elected for another term (very likely) he will be over 78 when he retires.

But he needs to make another few million by defrauding somebody?

I just don't get dimocrap scum.

They're like the little girl that gets chastised for leaving the curling iron on, and in a fit of embarrassment and vitriol, berates her mother for not picking her up from Dance exactly on time.

But that's a 12 year old girl..... Whcih is about the mentality of the typical dimocrap scumbag
WE don't know that, he might be broke for all we know. Read my signature, Pay for Play on Steroids.
I believe Trump is actually broke, and there is a lot of evidence to support this conclusion. After all, most of Donald Trump's net worth is in fixed assets. In other words, he has a lot of valuable stuff but very little money.
You had to see this coming, liberals will complain if Trump has a hair out of place. Anyway, CONFLICTS of INTEREST is the latest trend. Apparently they're at a loss for material. So let's talk reality, it will be fun.

Which of the following are Trump's options. Sell stocks and:

Buy mutual funds: Nope, can't do that. Mutual funds own stock.

Buy govt. treasury bonds: Nope, can't do that for certainty. Policy impacts those as well, and besides, he runs the govt.

Money market: Nope, can't do that. These invest in stock.

Savings account: Nope, can't do that. These invest in stock.

IRA, Pension etc.: Yep, you know the answer, can't do it.

He needs to put all his money into a vault someplace, because all else is liberally declared a conflict of interest.

Now for some more fun. There are some vague laws that imply a POUS cannot have a conflict of interest. Sorry mother fuckers, but every POUS in our lifetime with any of above investments had a "conflict of interest". Even a deadbeat like Obama. Example, GM buyouts. You have stock in GM MFer? "Just mutual funds". Ah, you broke the law.
Do you know what a blind trust is?

Ha, I didn't till you mentioned it. I don't know, he might have gotten word so not so blind.
I believe Trump is actually broke, and there is a lot of evidence to support this conclusion. After all, most of Donald Trump's net worth is in fixed assets. In other words, he has a lot of valuable stuff but very little money.

I agree I think he flew into Washington on fumes. If not show us the tax returns. Also most of his stuff came after 08.
I read he spent 65 million, could of taken a loan out or borrowed it, from someone private. Read and heard he has a hard time borrowing money from the banks in the US.
Look at the freaking DOW and electronics stocks. You have to ask yourself why an electronics guru in Apple or other high profile dot-com company would have risked their investors capital in support of Hillary when the stocks surged after Trump was elected? Maybe the dot-com gurus put politics ahead of profit and that's a dangerous signal of their mental competence that their corporate board and their investors should consider..Drain the corporate swamp?
Gotta love the duplicity.

Got any idea how much Obama's worth has increased in 8 years?

Wanna be scared? Check out the net worth of Malia Obama - (you know, the 19 year old daughter). It would appear that SOME wealth has been transferred into her name.

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