Trump’s Journey From Degenerate ‘Con Man’ To President


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Americans didn’t really like him as a nominee. They still don’t like him as he takes the oath of office.

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump has been called a con man and a huckster. An unstable pathological liar. A degenerate. And that’s just by other Republicans.

At noon Friday, they and every other American will call him Mr. President.

“God has a sense of humor,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s campaign during the GOP primaries.

How this happened is still being argued over ― by Republicans like Weaver and Kasich, who watched him hijack their party despite little knowledge or interest in their orthodoxies, and then by Democrats, who watched a candidate they saw as patently unelectable manage to win key states anyway and take an election they were confident was theirs.

Mo Elleithee, director of the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University and previously a longtime Democratic Party staffer, said voters angry at the system were key to Trump’s success. “They wanted someone who just wanted to roll a grenade into the room,” he said. “They didn’t know what the room was going to look like after it was done. They just wanted it blown up.”

Weaver is far less charitable ― toward his own party ― arguing that years of pandering to voters upset about President Barack Obama for less than honorable reasons created the climate for someone like Trump to win. “We preyed on people’s fears,” he said. “And all of that caught up with us. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.”

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas GOP consultant, warned against drawing lasting conclusions from the victory of a reality TV star against first a fractured GOP field, and then a Democratic nominee hamstrung by an FBI investigation.

“Donald Trump is a 100-year-old flood, politically,” he said. “Elections are about a choice. You had two unlikeable candidates. One embodied change, the other embodied the status quo.”

“If you had a half football stadium worth of voters in three states change their votes, Hillary Clinton would be president, narrowly,” he added.

More: Trump’s Journey From Degenerate ‘Con Man’ To President

Amen! So, only "half a football stadium worth of voters in three states" gave us President Trump. Damn. Trump is beginning his presidency with a 32% approval rating - the lowest in U.S. history. Therefore - no honeymoon.
Americans didn’t really like him as a nominee. They still don’t like him as he takes the oath of office.

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump has been called a con man and a huckster. An unstable pathological liar. A degenerate. And that’s just by other Republicans.

At noon Friday, they and every other American will call him Mr. President.

“God has a sense of humor,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s campaign during the GOP primaries.

How this happened is still being argued over ― by Republicans like Weaver and Kasich, who watched him hijack their party despite little knowledge or interest in their orthodoxies, and then by Democrats, who watched a candidate they saw as patently unelectable manage to win key states anyway and take an election they were confident was theirs.

Mo Elleithee, director of the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University and previously a longtime Democratic Party staffer, said voters angry at the system were key to Trump’s success. “They wanted someone who just wanted to roll a grenade into the room,” he said. “They didn’t know what the room was going to look like after it was done. They just wanted it blown up.”

Weaver is far less charitable ― toward his own party ― arguing that years of pandering to voters upset about President Barack Obama for less than honorable reasons created the climate for someone like Trump to win. “We preyed on people’s fears,” he said. “And all of that caught up with us. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.”

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas GOP consultant, warned against drawing lasting conclusions from the victory of a reality TV star against first a fractured GOP field, and then a Democratic nominee hamstrung by an FBI investigation.

“Donald Trump is a 100-year-old flood, politically,” he said. “Elections are about a choice. You had two unlikeable candidates. One embodied change, the other embodied the status quo.”

“If you had a half football stadium worth of voters in three states change their votes, Hillary Clinton would be president, narrowly,” he added.

More: Trump’s Journey From Degenerate ‘Con Man’ To President

Amen! So, only "half a football stadium worth of voters in three states" gave us President Trump. Damn. Trump is beginning his presidency with a 32% approval rating - the lowest in U.S. history. Therefore - no honeymoon.
Washington Redskin stay out of the fire water
Americans didn’t really like him as a nominee. They still don’t like him as he takes the oath of office.

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump has been called a con man and a huckster. An unstable pathological liar. A degenerate. And that’s just by other Republicans.

At noon Friday, they and every other American will call him Mr. President.

“God has a sense of humor,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s campaign during the GOP primaries.

How this happened is still being argued over ― by Republicans like Weaver and Kasich, who watched him hijack their party despite little knowledge or interest in their orthodoxies, and then by Democrats, who watched a candidate they saw as patently unelectable manage to win key states anyway and take an election they were confident was theirs.

Mo Elleithee, director of the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University and previously a longtime Democratic Party staffer, said voters angry at the system were key to Trump’s success. “They wanted someone who just wanted to roll a grenade into the room,” he said. “They didn’t know what the room was going to look like after it was done. They just wanted it blown up.”

Weaver is far less charitable ― toward his own party ― arguing that years of pandering to voters upset about President Barack Obama for less than honorable reasons created the climate for someone like Trump to win. “We preyed on people’s fears,” he said. “And all of that caught up with us. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.”

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas GOP consultant, warned against drawing lasting conclusions from the victory of a reality TV star against first a fractured GOP field, and then a Democratic nominee hamstrung by an FBI investigation.

“Donald Trump is a 100-year-old flood, politically,” he said. “Elections are about a choice. You had two unlikeable candidates. One embodied change, the other embodied the status quo.”

“If you had a half football stadium worth of voters in three states change their votes, Hillary Clinton would be president, narrowly,” he added.

More: Trump’s Journey From Degenerate ‘Con Man’ To President

Amen! So, only "half a football stadium worth of voters in three states" gave us President Trump. Damn. Trump is beginning his presidency with a 32% approval rating - the lowest in U.S. history. Therefore - no honeymoon.

Transition from con man to President? Don't you mean same old job, just a different title?

I heard Pence say that when they change Obamacare around, if you like your Obamacare you will be able to keep your Obamacare.

At the time I was eating cereal when I heard that and I about had milk come out my nose I was laughing so hard.
Lakhota do you have a color preference for your straight jacket?


You're fucking losing it big time.
Lakhota do you have a color preference for your straight jacket?


You're fucking losing it big time.

We should buy her a plane ticket out of the country before the Hitler Trump has her deported to a concentration camp.

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