Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?
Yes, yes he does, especially when he is trying to deny them renewing their license.

So you think you can punish people without proving them guilty?

Trump has the power to revoke a license to broadcast? Hardly........the leftists threatened to use that same tactic to go after radio stations that broadcast shows like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, etc,etc until they realized that the same media conglomerates that own 90 percent of all media also own the very stations that put these programs on....get it now????

I've already answered you on this. :rolleyes:

Only the FCC can revoke a license, moron......capiche'?

Now. People like Trump, who make the comments he makes, find ways to usurp the process. Take for example the inability of Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare... so what is Trump going to try and do? Write EO's to undermine it.
Which he has already done, removing its adverstising money.

He even cut the use of ads for Obamacare despite them being already paid for.
I live under a dictatorship and I know a dictator when I see one. Trump is trying so hard to be one, and his extreme minority is pushing the envelope.

Lol really? America is nothing like the Muslim theocracies of the Middle East. Nothing. Like.

I mean hey, he could have sent troops to suppress protesters (killing them in the streets like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did in 2011) after his inauguration, but he didn't. No, you don't know a dictator when you see one, you truly don't.

Further examples of the stark difference available upon request.
Oh, Trump's a dictator, make no mistake. Has been all his life. He just doesn't get to be one now, because our institutions prevent it.

Oh spare me. That "he's a dictator" line has been used against every president in my 30 year lifetime. Pretty tired line. I seriously doubt you know what living under a dictator is like.

If you have no arguments against his policy stances, please just say so.
I've never used it about any other president, nor did I imply anything about living under a dictatorship. In fact, I explicitly said we were not, and that our institutions prevent such a thing. Pay attention! :D

. And I've been around for a while. Yes, I think he is a spoiled little manbaby dictator, who throws little tantrums and came into office thinking the government was "the President's cabal". And his little delusion still gets smacked down on almost a daily basis. It's like whack-a-mole with his authoritarian tendencies.

Response to bold:

Yet you seem to think he is a dictator, whilst knowing nothing about how real dictatorships work.

How childish. You call him all these names, yet you are exemplifying all of them to a tee.

(PS, I didn't say anything about you in that post. Perhaps you should be the one paying attention.)

Google "fairness doctrine". Plenty of links.

Can you show me where Obama supported it? Because from everything I'm reading, he was against it.

In June 2008, Barack Obama's press secretary wrote that Obama (then a Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois and candidate for President):

“ Does not support reimposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters ... [and] considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible. That is why Sen. Obama supports media-ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets.[50]

Riiiight. Barry never said one thing and did opposite.

June 2008? That was before he was elected. Right after he was worn in, sometimes in February 2009, Democrats (Hinchey, Stabenow and Harkin), with Barry's blessing pushed for reinstating the "fairness doctrine" and he put Rivera to lead the transition.

You don't know about that? Oh, you were still in diapers...

Link? :bye1:

You've been asked twice now.

Are you really unable to google it yourself?

Is CNN good enough for you?

Dems target right-wing talk radio


Democrats’ New ‘Fairness’ Push May Silence Conservative Radio Hosts, Critics Say


Putting Talk Radio on Trial at the FCC

Look kid, you are trying to prove something, but for that you need to know the subject(s). You've been proven wrong every time, over and over, and you're still dicking around like you're boss here. So far, you show nothing, because you know nothing. Grow up.

All your links talk about Democrats, not Obama like you said. So where is a quote from Obama threatening to take away the licenses of networks because they criticized him, like the one Trump made?
I've already answered you on this. :rolleyes:

Only the FCC can revoke a license, moron......capiche'?

Now. People like Trump, who make the comments he makes, find ways to usurp the process. Take for example the inability of Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare... so what is Trump going to try and do? Write EO's to undermine it.
Which he has already done, removing its adverstising money.

If Barrypuppet is so great and wondrous? Why does it need to advertise????? LOL!!!!!!!!!
For awareness, of course. People are notoriously bad at signing up for stuff. I'm surprised they did not consult an expert like you, first.

Why would I ever encourage someone to sign up for Barrypuppetcare? I didn't sign up for it either......
Well, to the cheaters, it's not enough to let it fail. They have to make it fail. But they can't pass a replacement, because they are having a hard time coming up with an idea that is better than the BEST idea they, themselves, could come up with for 20+ years. Well, until President Blackenstein ate their lunch, then they hated their best idea. It's theater of the absurd.
So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?

Of course he lies, all presidents have lied at some point or another. But that is just a convenient talking point for you. A default response when you have no real arguments to make.
Google "fairness doctrine". Plenty of links.

Can you show me where Obama supported it? Because from everything I'm reading, he was against it.

In June 2008, Barack Obama's press secretary wrote that Obama (then a Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois and candidate for President):

“ Does not support reimposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters ... [and] considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible. That is why Sen. Obama supports media-ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets.[50]

Riiiight. Barry never said one thing and did opposite.

June 2008? That was before he was elected. Right after he was worn in, sometimes in February 2009, Democrats (Hinchey, Stabenow and Harkin), with Barry's blessing pushed for reinstating the "fairness doctrine" and he put Rivera to lead the transition.

You don't know about that? Oh, you were still in diapers...

Link? :bye1:

You've been asked twice now.

Are you really unable to google it yourself?

Is CNN good enough for you?

Dems target right-wing talk radio


Democrats’ New ‘Fairness’ Push May Silence Conservative Radio Hosts, Critics Say


Putting Talk Radio on Trial at the FCC

Look kid, you are trying to prove something, but for that you need to know the subject(s). You've been proven wrong every time, over and over, and you're still dicking around like you're boss here. So far, you show nothing, because you know nothing. Grow up.

All your links talk about Democrats, not Obama like you said. So where is a quote from Obama threatening to take away the licenses of networks because they criticized him, like the one Trump made?

How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????
So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?

Of course he lies, all presidents have lied at some point or another. But that is just a convenient talking point for you. A default response when you have no real arguments to make.
" all presidents have lied at some point or another."

Ugh.... jesus man, so what? Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse. Litigating his lying is like complaining about not getting a pickle on your burger at a fly-infested truck stop. The problems with Trump run much deeper than his special brand of dishonesty, which appears to also be self-delusion. Ignorance and incompetence, for starters. yes, he's worse. I would take back Dubya tomorrow.
Can you show me where Obama supported it? Because from everything I'm reading, he was against it.

In June 2008, Barack Obama's press secretary wrote that Obama (then a Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois and candidate for President):

“ Does not support reimposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters ... [and] considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible. That is why Sen. Obama supports media-ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets.[50]

Riiiight. Barry never said one thing and did opposite.

June 2008? That was before he was elected. Right after he was worn in, sometimes in February 2009, Democrats (Hinchey, Stabenow and Harkin), with Barry's blessing pushed for reinstating the "fairness doctrine" and he put Rivera to lead the transition.

You don't know about that? Oh, you were still in diapers...

Link? :bye1:

You've been asked twice now.

Are you really unable to google it yourself?

Is CNN good enough for you?

Dems target right-wing talk radio


Democrats’ New ‘Fairness’ Push May Silence Conservative Radio Hosts, Critics Say


Putting Talk Radio on Trial at the FCC

Look kid, you are trying to prove something, but for that you need to know the subject(s). You've been proven wrong every time, over and over, and you're still dicking around like you're boss here. So far, you show nothing, because you know nothing. Grow up.

All your links talk about Democrats, not Obama like you said. So where is a quote from Obama threatening to take away the licenses of networks because they criticized him, like the one Trump made?

How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????
He couldn't, it's just an embarrassing and astonishing thing for a sitting President to say.
Can you show me where Obama supported it? Because from everything I'm reading, he was against it.

In June 2008, Barack Obama's press secretary wrote that Obama (then a Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois and candidate for President):

“ Does not support reimposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters ... [and] considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible. That is why Sen. Obama supports media-ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets.[50]

Riiiight. Barry never said one thing and did opposite.

June 2008? That was before he was elected. Right after he was worn in, sometimes in February 2009, Democrats (Hinchey, Stabenow and Harkin), with Barry's blessing pushed for reinstating the "fairness doctrine" and he put Rivera to lead the transition.

You don't know about that? Oh, you were still in diapers...

Link? :bye1:

You've been asked twice now.

Are you really unable to google it yourself?

Is CNN good enough for you?

Dems target right-wing talk radio


Democrats’ New ‘Fairness’ Push May Silence Conservative Radio Hosts, Critics Say


Putting Talk Radio on Trial at the FCC

Look kid, you are trying to prove something, but for that you need to know the subject(s). You've been proven wrong every time, over and over, and you're still dicking around like you're boss here. So far, you show nothing, because you know nothing. Grow up.

All your links talk about Democrats, not Obama like you said. So where is a quote from Obama threatening to take away the licenses of networks because they criticized him, like the one Trump made?

How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????

How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.
I notice Trump isn't calling the Harvey Weinstein scandal fake news. Wonder why ...

Well no, the liberals are calling it fake news. But um... we aren't talking about fat Harvey now are we?

I thought we were talking about fake news.

Yeah, but that rapist isn't fake news, he's the real deal.

Saying via three anonymous sources that Trump wanted "ten times the nukes we have now" is. Did NBC even verify their sources? I thought we hated when people lie straight to our faces?

Oh, it seems you don't mind when it's your political opponents they're lying about.
So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?

Of course he lies, all presidents have lied at some point or another. But that is just a convenient talking point for you. A default response when you have no real arguments to make.
" all presidents have lied at some point or another."

Ugh.... jesus man, so what? Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse. Criticizing his lying is like complaining about not getting a pickle on your burger at a fly-infested truck stop. The problems with Trump run much deeper than his special brand of dishonesty, which appears to also be self-delusion.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about? What has he allegedly lied about that has cost the serfs any money? Now, you may claim he was wrong about things as it pertains to your perception but that's not the same thing as flat out and knowingly lying like Bush 1 and 2 Bill "drop trou" did or like the Barrypuppet did when he said "If you like your plan you can keep your plan...period" ad naseum...........put up or STFU.
Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse.

Heh. That is a pretty paltry argument.

You are no doubt influenced by your own biases. Just like some of these news organizations are. So influenced in fact, that you want anything negative said about him to be true, regardless of if it was debunked by actual facts and analysis. And to that extent, you will assert that these negative stories are true, once again, regardless of if they have been debunked by facts and analysis. In fact, you truly don't care about the truth. Nobody with heavy political biases does.

Thank goodness I'm a true independent now. I don't fall for this crap so easily. I have a well and finely tuned bullshit detector.
Last edited:
I notice Trump isn't calling the Harvey Weinstein scandal fake news. Wonder why ...

Well no, the liberals are calling it fake news. But um... we aren't talking about fat Harvey now are we?

I thought we were talking about fake news.

Yeah, but that rapist isn't fake news, he's the real deal.

Saying via three anonymous sources that Trump wanted "ten times the nukes we have now" is. Did NBC even verify their sources? I thought we hated when people lie straight to our faces?

Oh, it seems you don't mind when it's your political opponents they're lying about.

I'm just wondering why everything is fake news unless it favors him in some way. Then it's real news.
Riiiight. Barry never said one thing and did opposite.

June 2008? That was before he was elected. Right after he was worn in, sometimes in February 2009, Democrats (Hinchey, Stabenow and Harkin), with Barry's blessing pushed for reinstating the "fairness doctrine" and he put Rivera to lead the transition.

You don't know about that? Oh, you were still in diapers...

Link? :bye1:

You've been asked twice now.

Are you really unable to google it yourself?

Is CNN good enough for you?

Dems target right-wing talk radio


Democrats’ New ‘Fairness’ Push May Silence Conservative Radio Hosts, Critics Say


Putting Talk Radio on Trial at the FCC

Look kid, you are trying to prove something, but for that you need to know the subject(s). You've been proven wrong every time, over and over, and you're still dicking around like you're boss here. So far, you show nothing, because you know nothing. Grow up.

All your links talk about Democrats, not Obama like you said. So where is a quote from Obama threatening to take away the licenses of networks because they criticized him, like the one Trump made?

How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????

How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.

Spare me, moron....there is NOTHING an uneducated and uninformed moron like you can "hip" me to. We just got rid of a narcissistic pile of shit that was the biggest "empty suit" in any room that he was in with no skins on the wall or admirable accomplishments. Your pathetic attempts to paint Trump as a fascist is nothing but you spewing leftard and lamestream media talking points. There is NOTHING that Trump has proposed or wishes to accomplish that falls under the definition of fascism.
Last edited:
I notice Trump isn't calling the Harvey Weinstein scandal fake news. Wonder why ...

Well no, the liberals are calling it fake news. But um... we aren't talking about fat Harvey now are we?

I thought we were talking about fake news.

Yeah, but that rapist isn't fake news, he's the real deal.

Saying via three anonymous sources that Trump wanted "ten times the nukes we have now" is. Did NBC even verify their sources? I thought we hated when people lie straight to our faces?

Oh, it seems you don't mind when it's your political opponents they're lying about.
I notice Trump isn't calling the Harvey Weinstein scandal fake news. Wonder why ...

Well no, the liberals are calling it fake news. But um... we aren't talking about fat Harvey now are we?

I thought we were talking about fake news.

Yeah, but that rapist isn't fake news, he's the real deal.

Saying via three anonymous sources that Trump wanted "ten times the nukes we have now" is. Did NBC even verify their sources? I thought we hated when people lie straight to our faces?

Oh, it seems you don't mind when it's your political opponents they're lying about.

So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?

Of course he lies, all presidents have lied at some point or another. But that is just a convenient talking point for you. A default response when you have no real arguments to make.
" all presidents have lied at some point or another."

Ugh.... jesus man, so what? Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse. Criticizing his lying is like complaining about not getting a pickle on your burger at a fly-infested truck stop. The problems with Trump run much deeper than his special brand of dishonesty, which appears to also be self-delusion.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about? What has he allegedly lied about that has cost the serfs any money? Now, you may claim he was wrong about things as it pertains to your perception but that's not the same thing as flat out and knowingly lying like Bush 1 and 2 Bill "drop trou" did or like the Barrypuppet did when he said "If you like your plan you can keep your plan...period" ad naseum...........put up or STFU.
Again I'm not complaining about Trump lying, as i find that to be a waste of time.

I think there are mush bigger problems than simple "lies told by all presidents". I wonder how history will view people making this argument? "Bah, nothing to see here, all presidents lie"...?

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