Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

Then again, why are people freaking out about this? If he can't do it, why worry about it?
"If he can't do it, why worry about it?"

Well, for one, it's an astonishing thing for a sitting american President to say. Second, it's disturbing that so many people are actually agreeing with him. Third, these bad ideas stay "smacked down" because we smack them down when they slither out from under their rocks.
I'm just wondering why everything is fake news unless it favors him in some way. Then it's real news.

Sigh... missing the forest for the trees. What's with you anyway? Why do you have to make everything about Trump? Can your arguments not stand alone without the need to attack him in some sort of way?

This is absolutely hysterical.

Because the thread is about Trump. Unlike some people, I don't start whining about Obama and Clinton when Trump is the subject. I would do that in an Obama or Clinton thread.

Have I said anything about Obama or Clinton? The only one mentioning them here is you.

You asked why I would mention Trump in a thread that is specifically about Trump. I'm questioning why you would feel the need to ask a question with such an obvious answer.

In fact, this thread is about something Trump suggested that he cannot within his power do. Not about him personally. If you can do nothing but attack him personally instead of his policy stances, you have no argument.

I did not "attack him". I asked why the only news that isn't fake to him is news that takes attention away from his problems or makes him look good.
How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.

Spare me, moron....there is NOTHING an uneducated and uninformed moron like you can "hip" me to. We just got rid of a narcissistic pile of shit that was the biggest "empty suit" in any room that he was in with no skins on the wall or admirable accomplishments. Your pathetic attempts to paint Trump as a fascist is nothing is you doing nothing but spewing leftard and lamestream media talking points. There is NOTHING that Trump has proposed or wishes to accomplish that falls under the definition of fascism.

So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

How do you know this?

How do I know "what", exactly? Be specific..........are you referring to the shadow government or the murder of JFK???

The mysterious shadow government. JFK doesn't concern me. The past is the past.
How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????

How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.

Spare me, moron....there is NOTHING an uneducated and uninformed moron like you can "hip" me to. We just got rid of a narcissistic pile of shit that was the biggest "empty suit" in any room that he was in with no skins on the wall or admirable accomplishments. Your pathetic attempts to paint Trump as a fascist is nothing is you doing nothing but spewing leftard and lamestream media talking points. There is NOTHING that Trump has proposed or wishes to accomplish that falls under the definition of fascism.

So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

So... you are stating their are two versions of government so that you can conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe, and when something happens that fits your narrative but you don't like, you can just blame it on this other invisible group?

Got it. That's what you conspiracy theorist always do. You make outrageous statements hoping that you can get one right and then brag you knew it all along and you are smarter than everyone else. But then when you are wrong 99% of the time you just blame it on some fantasy group of people, as a safety net.

Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.
Yeah, but that rapist isn't fake news, he's the real deal.

Saying via three anonymous sources that Trump wanted "ten times the nukes we have now" is. Did NBC even verify their sources? I thought we hated when people lie straight to our faces?

Oh, it seems you don't mind when it's your political opponents they're lying about.
Yeah, but that rapist isn't fake news, he's the real deal.

Saying via three anonymous sources that Trump wanted "ten times the nukes we have now" is. Did NBC even verify their sources? I thought we hated when people lie straight to our faces?

Oh, it seems you don't mind when it's your political opponents they're lying about.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about? What has he allegedly lied about that has cost the serfs any money? Now, you may claim he was wrong about things as it pertains to your perception but that's not the same thing as flat out and knowingly lying like Bush 1 and 2 Bill "drop trou" did or like the Barrypuppet did when he said "If you like your plan you can keep your plan...period" ad naseum...........put up or STFU.
Again I'm not complaining about Trump lying, as i find that to be a waste of time.

I think there are mush bigger problems than simple "lies told by all presidents". I wonder how history will view people making this argument? "Bah, nothing to see here, all presidents lie"...?

So, just as I have got nothing.

Nothing in the way of what? Specific lies you want me to be complaining about, even though I am not? Huh? What do you think you are, the house mother?

You have got nothing and you can't answer my question.........why is that????
You confuse "won't" and "can't" . I am ignoring your question, specifically, "What lies are you complaining about". Are we clear? Okay, good.

now, back to this "it's a disgrace that the press can write whatever they want" nonsense....

Are you familiar with the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947, why and how it no longer applies? You might want to familiarize yourself with that. Trump "lied"? Examples? What I find is that the leftard clown posse can only provide opinion or prove malice. Capiche'?
California wildfires?

Oh, you mean God's Own Cleansing!

Got it!

Is that also what it is when hurricanes and tornadoes decimate Southern towns?
So doing what you're employer asks you to do is the equivalent of slavery?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I think you missed the point.... it is being said that it's "slaver mentality" by the owners. As in, he can take away their rights on a whim. Which I'm sure is just as easy for you to disagree with.

They have no right to take a knee on company time if their employer tells them not to.

They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.

Spare me, moron....there is NOTHING an uneducated and uninformed moron like you can "hip" me to. We just got rid of a narcissistic pile of shit that was the biggest "empty suit" in any room that he was in with no skins on the wall or admirable accomplishments. Your pathetic attempts to paint Trump as a fascist is nothing is you doing nothing but spewing leftard and lamestream media talking points. There is NOTHING that Trump has proposed or wishes to accomplish that falls under the definition of fascism.

So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

So... you are stating their are two versions of government so that you can conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe, and when something happens that fits your narrative but you don't like, you can just blame it on this other invisible group?

Got it. That's what you conspiracy theorist always do. You make outrageous statements hoping that you can get one right and then brag you knew it all along and you are smarter than everyone else. But then when you are wrong 99% of the time you just blame it on some fantasy group of people, as a safety net.

Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.
Spare me, moron....there is NOTHING an uneducated and uninformed moron like you can "hip" me to. We just got rid of a narcissistic pile of shit that was the biggest "empty suit" in any room that he was in with no skins on the wall or admirable accomplishments. Your pathetic attempts to paint Trump as a fascist is nothing is you doing nothing but spewing leftard and lamestream media talking points. There is NOTHING that Trump has proposed or wishes to accomplish that falls under the definition of fascism.

So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

How do you know this?

How do I know "what", exactly? Be specific..........are you referring to the shadow government or the murder of JFK???

The mysterious shadow government. JFK doesn't concern me. The past is the past.

It became a reality with the Federal Reserve Act of Amschel Rothschild claimed (and I am paraphrasing) "Give me control over a country's monetary system and I care not whom makes their laws". Did you know that when President Eisenhower inquired to the goings on in the desert of Nevada known as Area 51 that he was told that he had no jurisdiction? Why are there 30 plus security levels higher than that of the POTUS? Who elected these people and where is the oversight? Have you stopped to ponder those very salient points? The "government" is a corporate entity and our labor was pledged as surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC on March 8th, 1933. We are debt slaves that have never been compensated for our labor in real money......something of an intrinsic value.

The murder of JFK has no bearing on what we are facing now? You couldn't be more wrong......... support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!

It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?
NBC stood by Dan Rather and his fake memos until the they were shamed into admitted the truth.
Kind of like Fox and their Seth Rich story.
When was that proven to be a fraud?

Exclusive: The chaos behind the scenes of Fox News' now-retracted Seth Rich story
So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

How do you know this?

How do I know "what", exactly? Be specific..........are you referring to the shadow government or the murder of JFK???

The mysterious shadow government. JFK doesn't concern me. The past is the past.

It became a reality with the Federal Reserve Act of Amschel Rothschild claimed (and I am paraphrasing) "Give me control over a country's monetary system and I care not whom makes their laws". Did you know that when President Eisenhower inquired to the goings on in the desert of Nevada known as Area 51 that he was told that he had no jurisdiction? Why are there 30 plus security levels higher than that of the POTUS? Who elected these people and where is the oversight? Have you stopped to ponder those very salient points? The "government" is a corporate entity and our labor was pledged as surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC on March 8th, 1933. We are debt slaves that have never been compensated for our labor in real money......something of an intrinsic value.

The murder of JFK has no bearing on what we are facing now? You couldn't be more wrong.........

Not related to this thread, but JFK was killed by Oswald who was working with a group of Cubans. The Cubans were part of a program that was created by JFK to train them for the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro. Problem was JFK pulled military support for them in the midst of the fighting, that caused many of them to die and the coup to fail. These Cubans were then pissed and vowed to take revenge on JFK. Castro was able to get a mole in the group to help push the assassination agenda for his own revenge as well.

Now, what has Trump lied about? Well how about a recent lie where he says that the U.S. is the most taxed country in the world. That's not true at all.
Spare me, moron....there is NOTHING an uneducated and uninformed moron like you can "hip" me to. We just got rid of a narcissistic pile of shit that was the biggest "empty suit" in any room that he was in with no skins on the wall or admirable accomplishments. Your pathetic attempts to paint Trump as a fascist is nothing is you doing nothing but spewing leftard and lamestream media talking points. There is NOTHING that Trump has proposed or wishes to accomplish that falls under the definition of fascism.

So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

So... you are stating their are two versions of government so that you can conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe, and when something happens that fits your narrative but you don't like, you can just blame it on this other invisible group?

Got it. That's what you conspiracy theorist always do. You make outrageous statements hoping that you can get one right and then brag you knew it all along and you are smarter than everyone else. But then when you are wrong 99% of the time you just blame it on some fantasy group of people, as a safety net.

Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me
So you got nothing? How many Tweets from Obama talking bad about people in his cabinet?

Do you know what the definition of fascism is? I love how you change your moral compass and political position so quickly. :lmao:

Our government has no problem breaking the law to kill its own citizens to perpetrate a false flag event in your eyes... but you think it is beyond comprehension that Trump could find a way to accomplish his goal of taking away the licenses from networks he doesn't like because there are rules in place. :uhoh3:

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

So... you are stating their are two versions of government so that you can conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe, and when something happens that fits your narrative but you don't like, you can just blame it on this other invisible group?

Got it. That's what you conspiracy theorist always do. You make outrageous statements hoping that you can get one right and then brag you knew it all along and you are smarter than everyone else. But then when you are wrong 99% of the time you just blame it on some fantasy group of people, as a safety net.

Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.
Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

How do you know this?

How do I know "what", exactly? Be specific..........are you referring to the shadow government or the murder of JFK???

The mysterious shadow government. JFK doesn't concern me. The past is the past.

It became a reality with the Federal Reserve Act of Amschel Rothschild claimed (and I am paraphrasing) "Give me control over a country's monetary system and I care not whom makes their laws". Did you know that when President Eisenhower inquired to the goings on in the desert of Nevada known as Area 51 that he was told that he had no jurisdiction? Why are there 30 plus security levels higher than that of the POTUS? Who elected these people and where is the oversight? Have you stopped to ponder those very salient points? The "government" is a corporate entity and our labor was pledged as surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC on March 8th, 1933. We are debt slaves that have never been compensated for our labor in real money......something of an intrinsic value.

The murder of JFK has no bearing on what we are facing now? You couldn't be more wrong.........

Not related to this thread, but JFK was killed by Oswald who was working with a group of Cubans. The Cubans were part of a program that was created by JFK to train them for the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro. Problem was JFK pulled military support for them in the midst of the fighting, that caused many of them to die and the coup to fail. These Cubans were then pissed and vowed to take revenge on JFK. Castro was able to get a mole in the group to help push the assassination agenda for his own revenge as well.

Now, what has Trump lied about? Well how about a recent lie where he says that the U.S. is the most taxed country in the world. That's not true at all.

What is tax freedom day now? May 5th? That means once all the taxes and all other fees are figured in that the Average American works until May 5th for this corporate entity that you worship at the feet of. If us serfs are not the most taxed population? I would hate to have to live some place else that steals even more of what our labor produces.

And as far as the JFK murder goes? You are 100 percent WRONG. Oswald was a patsy and worked in military intelligence. The cover-up of the murder of JFK goes to incredibly great lengths to hide the truth. The Warren commission findings were a total joke. JFK took on the bankers that finance the military industrial complex and the CIA and lost......bottom line.

Dude, you really are a simpleton with a very short attention span.There is the government that you believe we have and the shadow government that really calls the shots. AND from I where I am standing? Trump and some white hats within the Deep State are standing up against this shadowy entity that controls the military industrial complex and all these incorporated alphabet agencies. Personally, I think Trump is on a fool's errand trying to rein in these globalist sacks of shit that control all but a few countries monetary system. Ever since the deep state killed Kennedy, it has only gotten worse.

So... you are stating their are two versions of government so that you can conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe, and when something happens that fits your narrative but you don't like, you can just blame it on this other invisible group?

Got it. That's what you conspiracy theorist always do. You make outrageous statements hoping that you can get one right and then brag you knew it all along and you are smarter than everyone else. But then when you are wrong 99% of the time you just blame it on some fantasy group of people, as a safety net.

Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."
Trump raises a thoughtful and legitimate question. The airwaves belong to the public and there are FCC rules regarding their use. And some licensees such as CNN and MSNBC consistently broadcast hoaxes or "fake news" as Trump has labeled them.

Here is the relevant law regarding broadcast hoaxes.

§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

(a) The licensee knows this information is false;

(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and

(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.

So what it basically comes down to is whether or not any of their multitude of broadcast hoaxes have ever directly caused substantial public harm. I agree with Trump that this needs to be looked into. For instance, they could investigate the possibility that any of these Milwaukee riots or the unprecedented terrorist attacks at the inauguration were incited by their fake news stories.
How do you know this?

How do I know "what", exactly? Be specific..........are you referring to the shadow government or the murder of JFK???

The mysterious shadow government. JFK doesn't concern me. The past is the past.

It became a reality with the Federal Reserve Act of Amschel Rothschild claimed (and I am paraphrasing) "Give me control over a country's monetary system and I care not whom makes their laws". Did you know that when President Eisenhower inquired to the goings on in the desert of Nevada known as Area 51 that he was told that he had no jurisdiction? Why are there 30 plus security levels higher than that of the POTUS? Who elected these people and where is the oversight? Have you stopped to ponder those very salient points? The "government" is a corporate entity and our labor was pledged as surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC on March 8th, 1933. We are debt slaves that have never been compensated for our labor in real money......something of an intrinsic value.

The murder of JFK has no bearing on what we are facing now? You couldn't be more wrong.........

Not related to this thread, but JFK was killed by Oswald who was working with a group of Cubans. The Cubans were part of a program that was created by JFK to train them for the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro. Problem was JFK pulled military support for them in the midst of the fighting, that caused many of them to die and the coup to fail. These Cubans were then pissed and vowed to take revenge on JFK. Castro was able to get a mole in the group to help push the assassination agenda for his own revenge as well.

Now, what has Trump lied about? Well how about a recent lie where he says that the U.S. is the most taxed country in the world. That's not true at all.

What is tax freedom day now? May 5th? That means once all the taxes and all other fees are figured in that the Average American works until May 5th for this corporate entity that you worship at the feet of. If us serfs are not the most taxed population? I would hate to have to live some place else that steals even more of what our labor produces.

And as far as the JFK murder goes? You are 100 percent WRONG. Oswald was a patsy and worked in military intelligence. The cover-up of the murder of JFK goes to incredibly great lengths to hide the truth. The Warren commission findings were a total joke. JFK took on the bankers that finance the military industrial complex and the CIA and lost......bottom line.

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Trump's statement about the U.S. being the highest taxed country in the world is wrong. It's been proven. Not only are we NOT the highest taxed country in the world, we are below the average of the 35 countries included in the study.

"This statement is completely false. According to 2015 data from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), taxation accounted for 26.4 percent of the United States’ gross domestic product (GDP). This was lower than the average for the 35 nations in the OECD (34.3 percent) and in some cases far lower than comparable countries (45.5 percent in France, for instance)."

Trump returns to false tax claim as he pushes for reform

Oswald worked with a group of Cuban revolutionaries named Alpha 66. ;)

But again, that is off topic.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."
Trump raises a thoughtful and legitimate question. The airwaves belong to the public and there are FCC rules regarding their use. And some licensees such as CNN and MSNBC consistently broadcast hoaxes or "fake news" as Trump has labeled them.

Here is the relevant law regarding broadcast hoaxes.

§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

(a) The licensee knows this information is false;

(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and

(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.
§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

(a) The licensee knows this information is false;

(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and

(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.

So what it basically comes down to is whether or not any of their multitude of broadcast hoaxes have ever directly caused substantial public harm. I agree with Trump that this needs to be looked into. For instance, they could investigate the possibility that any of these Milwaukee riots or the unprecedented terrorist attacks at the inauguration were incited by their fake news stories.

Again, and this has been said several times throughout this thread. He must PROVE what they are saying is false. Fox News has also ran plenty of fake news stories but they were not included in his rant.
So... you are stating their are two versions of government so that you can conveniently pick and choose what you want to believe, and when something happens that fits your narrative but you don't like, you can just blame it on this other invisible group?

Got it. That's what you conspiracy theorist always do. You make outrageous statements hoping that you can get one right and then brag you knew it all along and you are smarter than everyone else. But then when you are wrong 99% of the time you just blame it on some fantasy group of people, as a safety net.

Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.

You went off topic long before anyone else did when you started attacking another poster about their views of climate change.
Being that Trump is an outsider that is being attacked by the very same entity that provided cover for the Barrypuppet? Yeah, I can say with confidence that this psy-op that was the Vegas shooting ( to push gun control) and all these weather modified storms are being done to undermine Trump's administration. Don't you find it even slightly strange that outside of Hurricane Sandy, a Cat 1 storm that there hadn't been one catastrophic hurricane that had made landfall on America's soil since Katrina in 2005?

When Trump starts toeing the line of the banking oligarchs that believe that they "own" this country? I will be the first one to speak out but until then, yeah, I am going to defend him. You don't have the slightest fucking clue with that lame comment that I am "99 percent wrong" because if I was wrong? You and your fellow leftard pals would keep hammering on it. I know exactly of what I speak because I read and I's fucking quest to me.

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.

You went off topic long before anyone else did when you started attacking another poster about their views of climate change.

But YOU created this thread, dumb ass.........get it now? As far as JFK's murder goes? How could the Warren commission have missed this "Cuban connection"? Claiming that there was no conspiracy? Why did the secret service whisk JFK's body away at gunpoint when their jurisdiction was challenged? Why did witnesses to the shooting that countered the official narrative start dropping like flies afterwards? MUST have been Cuban assassins and!

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