Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

Do I think it is odd that the weather is random? No... because it is the weather.

You've been wrong several times, but you then just make excuses or say that the truth is being held from everyone.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.

You went off topic long before anyone else did when you started attacking another poster about their views of climate change.

But YOU created this thread, dumb ass.........get it now? As far as JFK's murder goes? How could the Warren commission have missed this "Cuban connection"? Claiming that there was no conspiracy? Why did the secret service whisk JFK's body away at gunpoint when their jurisdiction was challenged? Why did witnesses to the shooting that countered the official narrative start dropping like flies afterwards? MUST have been Cuban assassins and!

Yes I did start this thread. I know what it is about... and I know YOU went off topic first.

You asked what Trump has lied about, and I provided an example for you. Should the government take away his Twitter account for spreading lies?

FYI: JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."
Trump raises a thoughtful and legitimate question. The airwaves belong to the public and there are FCC rules regarding their use. And some licensees such as CNN and MSNBC consistently broadcast hoaxes or "fake news" as Trump has labeled them.

Here is the relevant law regarding broadcast hoaxes.

§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

(a) The licensee knows this information is false;

(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and

(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.
§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

(a) The licensee knows this information is false;

(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and

(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.

So what it basically comes down to is whether or not any of their multitude of broadcast hoaxes have ever directly caused substantial public harm. I agree with Trump that this needs to be looked into. For instance, they could investigate the possibility that any of these Milwaukee riots or the unprecedented terrorist attacks at the inauguration were incited by their fake news stories.

Again, and this has been said several times throughout this thread. He must PROVE what they are saying is false. Fox News has also ran plenty of fake news stories but they were not included in his rant.
The easy part is proving their falsehood. That isn't a problem at all. What is more difficult is showing that they KNEW it was false when they broadcasted it. And even more difficult is proving that the hoax broadcast caused substantial public harm.

The federal government should certainly dedicate substantial resources and form a team to investigate the effects of these very frequent broadcast hoaxes by major broadcast news syndicates.
The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.

You went off topic long before anyone else did when you started attacking another poster about their views of climate change.

But YOU created this thread, dumb ass.........get it now? As far as JFK's murder goes? How could the Warren commission have missed this "Cuban connection"? Claiming that there was no conspiracy? Why did the secret service whisk JFK's body away at gunpoint when their jurisdiction was challenged? Why did witnesses to the shooting that countered the official narrative start dropping like flies afterwards? MUST have been Cuban assassins and!

Yes I did start this thread. I know what it is about... and I know YOU went off topic first.

You asked what Trump has lied about, and I provided an example for you. Should the government take away his Twitter account for spreading lies?

FYI: JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY

When I went "off topic", I wasn't replying to you, dumb ass. BTW, the fact that Trump was wrong about how socialist ran countries pay even more taxes than us doesn't make him a "liar" means that he is wrong unless you can prove that he knew that these socialist countries tax the ever lovin' shit out of their serfs even more than USA.INC does and purposely misrepresented his point...can you do that? Are you fine with having more of your labor taxed for the greater good? Knock yourself's not like you make that much anyway.

The weather is not random. Google "weather modification". Google "Operation Popeye", Google "Man made snow, winter olympics, China" and then get back to me

Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.

You went off topic long before anyone else did when you started attacking another poster about their views of climate change.

But YOU created this thread, dumb ass.........get it now? As far as JFK's murder goes? How could the Warren commission have missed this "Cuban connection"? Claiming that there was no conspiracy? Why did the secret service whisk JFK's body away at gunpoint when their jurisdiction was challenged? Why did witnesses to the shooting that countered the official narrative start dropping like flies afterwards? MUST have been Cuban assassins and!

Yes I did start this thread. I know what it is about... and I know YOU went off topic first.

You asked what Trump has lied about, and I provided an example for you. Should the government take away his Twitter account for spreading lies?

FYI: JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY

Bob Baer, CIA and Jesuit trained at Georgetown.........sure ya want to go with his assertions?: LOL!!!!!!
Weather isn't random... yep, you are right and I blame these guys.


So how about we get back on topic?

I'm still waiting to see a statement from Obama saying he wanted to take away licenses from networks for criticizing him.

No, dumb ass, the topic that YOU created was that Trump was going to take away the licenses of news networks.............stay on topic, moron....if that is what you want to bitch about.

You went off topic long before anyone else did when you started attacking another poster about their views of climate change.

But YOU created this thread, dumb ass.........get it now? As far as JFK's murder goes? How could the Warren commission have missed this "Cuban connection"? Claiming that there was no conspiracy? Why did the secret service whisk JFK's body away at gunpoint when their jurisdiction was challenged? Why did witnesses to the shooting that countered the official narrative start dropping like flies afterwards? MUST have been Cuban assassins and!

Yes I did start this thread. I know what it is about... and I know YOU went off topic first.

You asked what Trump has lied about, and I provided an example for you. Should the government take away his Twitter account for spreading lies?

FYI: JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY

When I went "off topic", I wasn't replying to you, dumb ass. BTW, the fact that Trump was wrong about how socialist ran countries pay even more taxes than us doesn't make him a "liar" means that he is wrong unless you can prove that he knew that these socialist countries tax the ever lovin' shit out of their serfs even more than USA.INC does and purposely misrepresented his point...can you do that? Are you fine with having more of your labor taxed for the greater good? Knock yourself's not like you make that much anyway.


Going off topic in the thread doesn't matter if you are replying to me or not.

Oh for fuck's sake Trump has made the statement about the U.S. being the highest taxed country in the world at least 18 times. You don't think at some point someone told him he was wrong before he repeated it again... and again... and again... and again... and again..
So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?

Of course he lies, all presidents have lied at some point or another. But that is just a convenient talking point for you. A default response when you have no real arguments to make.
" all presidents have lied at some point or another."

Ugh.... jesus man, so what? Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse. Criticizing his lying is like complaining about not getting a pickle on your burger at a fly-infested truck stop. The problems with Trump run much deeper than his special brand of dishonesty, which appears to also be self-delusion.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about? What has he allegedly lied about that has cost the serfs any money? Now, you may claim he was wrong about things as it pertains to your perception but that's not the same thing as flat out and knowingly lying like Bush 1 and 2 Bill "drop trou" did or like the Barrypuppet did when he said "If you like your plan you can keep your plan...period" ad naseum...........put up or STFU.

Ok here is a list of Trumps lies, I want you to debunk as many as you can please.

1-He said 3 to 5 million illegal votes made him lose the popular vote. No shred of evidence.

2-he said he was against the war in Iraq, although he told Howard Stern he was for it.

3-He lies that the Times apologized to its readers that they apologized for fabricating lies about him, which never happened.

4- He claimed that he was behind the F-35 that saved millions of dollars, which is untrue it was projected before he took office.

5- He claimed he had won the biggest electoral college since Reagan.

6- He made up a terrorist attack on Sweden.

7- He said we are taxes nation.

8- He accused Corker for giving us the Iran deal.

SEP 29 2017
“No, I don't benefit [from his tax reform plan]. I don't benefit.”
Trump falsely claims he would get no benefit from a tax plan that eliminates the alternative minimum tax (AMT). His 2005 tax return showed AMT added $31 million to his tax bill.

There are tons of lies and false claims he make. I honestly think, that he is not all there mentally and he just says what comes to his mind with no fact Check....the guy is mentally ill.
Well, to the cheaters, it's not enough to let it fail. They have to make it fail. But they can't pass a replacement, because they are having a hard time coming up with an idea that is better than the BEST idea they, themselves, could come up with for 20+ years. Well, until President Blackenstein ate their lunch, then they hated their best idea. It's theater of the absurd.

Wrong. There's no shortage of ideas. However, neither the Demcrats nor the RINO douche bags will vote for them.
California wildfires?

Oh, you mean God's Own Cleansing!

Got it!

Is that also what it is when hurricanes and tornadoes decimate Southern towns?
So doing what you're employer asks you to do is the equivalent of slavery?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I think you missed the point.... it is being said that it's "slaver mentality" by the owners. As in, he can take away their rights on a whim. Which I'm sure is just as easy for you to disagree with.

They have no right to take a knee on company time if their employer tells them not to.

They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
Nope, they can't.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
How can you continue to support people who constantly lie to you about the election, conservatives as deplorables and other bullshit. Yeah, please start taking action against the LAMESTREAM MEDIA as We the People don't like PRAVDA and their continuing push of getting the US fundamentally transformed into the United Socialist States of America.

You believe the latest news is a lie? When a man that has been proven to be the biggest lying President in U.S. history?

He lied to you when he repeated over and over and over that the U.S. is the most taxed country in the world. Guess what? That's a lie. Yet he continues to repeat, even recently when trying to push his latest round of tax cuts.

"On Wednesday, President Trump twice said the United States is "the highest taxed nation in the world."
No, it's not.

In fact, Trump has made the very same blanket claim at least 18 times before, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget."

Trump says the U.S. is the highest taxed country in the world. It's not.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was pressed repeatedly on that the other day and of course she refused to admit that he lied.
lol, she closed it by saying that they'd have to agree to disagree. Right. Reporters point out that Trump was caught in an outright lie, and irrefutable fact,

and you disagree. lol
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
The first show on the new and improved conservative TV shows will be Goose Stepping: The Basics...
Trump is a mental case who wants to stop any and all dissent from His Stupid


© Getty Images
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) is questioning whether President Trump's claim that it's "disgusting" that the press can "write whatever it wants" suggests that he is reneging on his Oath of Office.

"Mr. President: Words spoke by the President of the United States matter. Are you tonight recanting of the oath you took on January 20 to preserve, protect, and defend the First Amendment?" Sasse said in a statement. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!

It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?
NBC stood by Dan Rather and his fake memos until the they were shamed into admitted the truth.
Kind of like Fox and their Seth Rich story.
When was that proven to be a fraud?
When they had to retract it...kinda like Dan Rather...
All he has to prove is NBC's malice towards him

It has already been proven.

It's already been proven that Trump didn't ask for the nuclear program to be increased 10 fold?
No, he is saying the malice has already been proven.

Every President has been criticized. That's the purpose of the press. You have to take everything on a case by case basis. Trump's tweet has to do with the reporting of his meeting with his national security council, Tillerson calling him a moron, and Trump asking for the nuclear arsenal to be increased 10 fold.
"very President has been criticized. That's the purpose of the press."

I couldn't agree more. Malice? How about, Trump calling Obama a criminal? No, the only problem here is that Trump and his 30 million mommies have to provide cover for what amounts to a thin-skinned babyman. mean media! All fake news! the leaks are real! But it's all fake!.... complete dissonance...
Criticizing the president is not the purpose of the press...good grief.
It has already been proven.

It's already been proven that Trump didn't ask for the nuclear program to be increased 10 fold?
No, he is saying the malice has already been proven.

Every President has been criticized. That's the purpose of the press. You have to take everything on a case by case basis. Trump's tweet has to do with the reporting of his meeting with his national security council, Tillerson calling him a moron, and Trump asking for the nuclear arsenal to be increased 10 fold.
"very President has been criticized. That's the purpose of the press."

I couldn't agree more. Malice? How about, Trump calling Obama a criminal? No, the only problem here is that Trump and his 30 million mommies have to provide cover for what amounts to a thin-skinned babyman. mean media! All fake news! the leaks are real! But it's all fake!.... complete dissonance...
Criticizing the president is not the purpose of the press...good grief.
It is part of the news. If the purpose was to only report good things we would have Pravda.
You do understand that someone can't just say something is fake? Especially when the child yelling fake continually cries wolf?
Saying something is fake is the easy part.

Proving something is fake is more difficult...

Of course, unless dumbass snowflakes like Cuomo on CNN admits live on the air to the entire world that they have done everything they could do to help Hillary win, to include refusing to report on her scandals...

What does Hillary stuff have to do with what is being said NOW. Why can't you guys stay on track with the issues at hand?

Trump is saying they are lying about Tillerson calling him a moron, and that he asked to increase the nuclear arsenal 10 fold.

He says it is fake, he needs to prove it. And Tillerson saying he doesn't want to talk about that nonsense doesn't mean it isn't true. It means he doesn't want to get in trouble with the man-child.
Guilty until proven innocent again. Geesh.

The accuser is the one who needs to prove their assertion - Prove Tillerson called the President a 'Moron'.

Sorry, I forgot. Snowflakes don't 'do' evidence...
Is that also what it is when hurricanes and tornadoes decimate Southern towns?
So doing what you're employer asks you to do is the equivalent of slavery?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I think you missed the point.... it is being said that it's "slaver mentality" by the owners. As in, he can take away their rights on a whim. Which I'm sure is just as easy for you to disagree with.

They have no right to take a knee on company time if their employer tells them not to.

They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
Nope, they can't.

There actually ARE things your employer can't "make" you do. You know that, right?

And if taken to court and the individual said they were kneeling to pray, guess who would win? :lol:
It's already been proven that Trump didn't ask for the nuclear program to be increased 10 fold?
No, he is saying the malice has already been proven.

Every President has been criticized. That's the purpose of the press. You have to take everything on a case by case basis. Trump's tweet has to do with the reporting of his meeting with his national security council, Tillerson calling him a moron, and Trump asking for the nuclear arsenal to be increased 10 fold.
"very President has been criticized. That's the purpose of the press."

I couldn't agree more. Malice? How about, Trump calling Obama a criminal? No, the only problem here is that Trump and his 30 million mommies have to provide cover for what amounts to a thin-skinned babyman. mean media! All fake news! the leaks are real! But it's all fake!.... complete dissonance...
Criticizing the president is not the purpose of the press...good grief.
It is part of the news. If the purpose was to only report good things we would have Pravda.
Criticizing the President is not news - it's childish partisan BS.

If the news reports FACTUALLY - not opinion - on smething then great, but just criticizing like a 4yo because you didn't get your way is useless, partisan BS...NOT 'NEWS'.
Jones showed the players how they could protest and stand for the flag - they can do both. Ine of those choices is now 'stand or sit' - stand for the anthem or sit the game. They get to choose.

Funny how a bunch of football players got pissed when another player ran to the center of the field and disrespected their star. They were ready to fight over it. So how can these idiots not understand how disrespecting the national anthem is so bad? They will fight to protect an emblem representing a team in the middle of the field but they will not stand to respect this nation's national anthem that reflects, among other things, the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting this country and some who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

It's just stupid...

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