Trump's patriotism vs. the new anti-Americanism

Clinton and Biden both dodged the draft. Wait. I thought all you Libs thought it was great that people went to Canada and burned their draft cards? What happened? Oh, yeah, a real President was elected and your Progressive asses, and Hillary LOST.

Oh, but she won the popular vote. LOL! Where is she now?
So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
Many or most blacks slaves are, or were previously sold by other Blacks.

Do you whine about Black slaveowners? Ever?
Clinton and Biden both dodged the draft. Wait. I thought all you Libs thought it was great that people went to Canada and burned their draft cards? What happened? Oh, yeah, a real President was elected and your Progressive asses, and Hillary LOST.

Oh, but she won the popular vote. LOL! Where is she now?

He is many things. But most of all he is a douche. And a scumbag. You can have the low-life piece of shit. And if you want to spruik him as a 'real' president then that is on you.

Where is she now? Probably glad she is no longer part of the circus that has become the US Presidency. It is the laughing stock of the world thanks to the Orange Buffoon...
It is easy to see who Trump's friends are on the world's stage.

And his enemies.

Referring to the communist dictator of North Korea, “I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. "And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

At Helsinki Trump met another friend, his patron, the communist dictator of Russia. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference.

At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, Trump joked with his friend. He lifted a finger, pointed it at Putin while smirking and joked, “Don’t meddle in the election.”

Speaking of the communist dictator of China, Trump tweeted, "President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade."

Speaking of the British ambassador to the U.S., "I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US. We will no longer deal with him," Trump tweeted.

Speaking of the British prime minister, "I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent State Visit last month, it was the Queen who I was most impressed with!" Trump said.

For over a hundred years, Britain has been our longest, most powerful, and most reliable ally.

Putin to Trump, "You are doing a hell of a job, Donnie."
Oh now you want to change the game, chump. Tell us about the FREE handouts that candidates are promising black folks that they aren't promising whites.
I already posted what the Democrats are running on.
Are you retarded or suffering from dementia?

You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
I guess you missed the part where every sentence began with the keyword “minorities”.
Oh now you want to change the game, chump. Tell us about the FREE handouts that candidates are promising black folks that they aren't promising whites.
I already posted what the Democrats are running on.
Are you retarded or suffering from dementia?

You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.
Oh now you want to change the game, chump. Tell us about the FREE handouts that candidates are promising black folks that they aren't promising whites.
I already posted what the Democrats are running on.
Are you retarded or suffering from dementia?

You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.

Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
Ok, so tell me all this FREE stuff that black folks are voting for that whites aten't.
What is FREE about reparations? Was it FREE when Japanese-Americans received it? Was it FREE when Jewish folks received it?
You’re comparing slaves who were sold by their parents to people who had their businesses and assets confiscated and then were murdered or starved?
Why not concentrate on education?

How about the ones who were stripped of property, denied access to land, businesses destroyed, etc. I really don't need to put the laundry list of injustices that were done.
Sue the African Ancestors in Africa who did that injustice to them. The whites didn't do any of that, they just purchased them after it was done to them.

So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
So you think it was ok for parents to fucking sell their kids?

Who said they sold them?
Ok, so tell me all this FREE stuff that black folks are voting for that whites aten't.
What is FREE about reparations? Was it FREE when Japanese-Americans received it? Was it FREE when Jewish folks received it?
You’re comparing slaves who were sold by their parents to people who had their businesses and assets confiscated and then were murdered or starved?
Why not concentrate on education?

How about the ones who were stripped of property, denied access to land, businesses destroyed, etc. I really don't need to put the laundry list of injustices that were done.
Sue the African Ancestors in Africa who did that injustice to them. The whites didn't do any of that, they just purchased them after it was done to them.

So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
Dude today, there are more slaves owned by blacks than by any other race. Slavery still exists. And you are ignoring the folks suffering today by the hands of slavers over something that happened in ancient history.

Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
It's not one or the other.

There are clearly people who don't care much for this country and working to change it significantly.

There are clearly people on the other end of that spectrum.

Then there is Trump, whose "patriotism" is a cynical act to keep his "base" happy.

He plays the game because knows where his bread is buttered.

No it is not a cynical act. You just can't stand him as he doesn't apologize for his support of our military, police, and our history.

He actually doesn't hide his patriotism as expected by the libtarded left. He actually believes in American exceptionalism which the left hates.

And apparently you hate the idea of American exceptionalism too.
Patriotic? Trump? A committed, resolute, stand up draft dodger? Get real. Wake up and smell his bull shit.

Someone who shows up and gets evaluated by a military doctor isn’t a draft dodger.
Lol you must be joking. Wow you are truly out to lunch.
I already posted what the Democrats are running on.
Are you retarded or suffering from dementia?

You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
I guess you missed the part where every sentence began with the keyword “minorities”.
I already posted what the Democrats are running on.
Are you retarded or suffering from dementia?

You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.
I already posted what the Democrats are running on.
Are you retarded or suffering from dementia?

You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.

Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
I gave you the list, StupidAssSista.
Trump’s base was played down by the media and both parties until the moment he won.

So what planet were you residing on during the 2016 election season?

How did you manage miss the non-stop media coverage concerning what the salt-of-the-earth-only-true-American-patriot Trump voter was thinking?

Needless to say, there was no equivalent coverage of what Democratic voters thought. The media standard was that Democratic opinions don't count, as they weren't real Americans like the Republicans.

And this year is looking the same. The media is still tripping over themselves trying to report on how awesome Trump voters are, while ignoring the Democrats.
Trump’s base was played down by the media and both parties until the moment he won.

So what planet were you residing on during the 2016 election season?

How did you manage miss the non-stop media coverage concerning what the salt-of-the-earth-only-true-American-patriot Trump voter was thinking?

Needless to say, there was no equivalent coverage of what Democratic voters thought. The media standard was that Democratic opinions don't count, as they weren't real Americans like the Republicans.

And this year is looking the same. The media is still tripping over themselves trying to report on how awesome Trump voters are, while ignoring the Democrats.
Where were you?
With the exception of Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Steve Hilton, the media was hating on Trump 24/7 x 365.
Are you trying to revise history or suffering from dementia?
You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
I guess you missed the part where every sentence began with the keyword “minorities”.
You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.
You are full of shit, you have yet to show us the candidate that is giving black folks FREE handouts that white folks wouldn't vote for or cannot get. Your whole premise is a lie.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.

Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
I gave you the list, StupidAssSista.

No you gave me some bullshit, Indeepdumbass.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
I guess you missed the part where every sentence began with the keyword “minorities”.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.
Booker, Beto, Warren, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, and all the other human waste that took part in the Dem debates.

Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.

Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
I gave you the list, StupidAssSista.

No you gave me some bullshit, Indeepdumbass.
Notice how few people pay attention to you.
Soon I will not be one of them.
Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
I guess you missed the part where every sentence began with the keyword “minorities”.
Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.
Ok, now give us the list of FREE shit they told black folks they were going to give to us and not white folks.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.

Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
I gave you the list, StupidAssSista.

No you gave me some bullshit, Indeepdumbass.
Notice how few people pay attention to you.
Soon I will not be one of them.

Hopefully that is today.
I guess you missed the part where every sentence began with the keyword “minorities”.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.
You have exceeded today’s “Bullshit” quota.

Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
I gave you the list, StupidAssSista.

No you gave me some bullshit, Indeepdumbass.
Notice how few people pay attention to you.
Soon I will not be one of them.

Hopefully that is today.
You make IM2 seem somewhat intelligent.
Give us the list Jackass, we are waiting.
I gave you the list, StupidAssSista.

No you gave me some bullshit, Indeepdumbass.
Notice how few people pay attention to you.
Soon I will not be one of them.

Hopefully that is today.
You make IM2 seem somewhat intelligent.

That's a compliment coming from an idiot like you.
Where were you?

In this reality, watching the media kiss up to Trump over and over.

With the exception of Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Steve Hilton, the media was hating on Trump 24/7 x 365.

I'm sure that's what FOX told you, so you believe it. "The media is liberal" is part of the our nutty conservative MSM propaganda spin.

Are you trying to revise history or suffering from dementia?

As an example of your delusion -- delusion based on what I would guess is FOX News brainwashing combined with senility -- we know the NYT deliberately turfed the story of Trump's Russian connections, while simultaneously front-paging the non-story of Clinton's emails. Even the supposed "liberal" NYT was busting its butt to put Trump in office.

You've been lied to. The media adored Trump, and still adores him. Look at it now. The media can't even bring itself to criticize child concentration camps, that's how much in Trump's pocket they are.
Where were you?

In this reality, watching the media kiss up to Trump over and over.

With the exception of Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Steve Hilton, the media was hating on Trump 24/7 x 365.

I'm sure that's what FOX told you, so you believe it. "The media is liberal" is part of the our nutty conservative MSM propaganda spin.

Are you trying to revise history or suffering from dementia?

As an example of your delusion -- delusion based on what I would guess is FOX News brainwashing combined with senility -- we know the NYT deliberately turfed the story of Trump's Russian connections, while simultaneously front-paging the non-story of Clinton's emails. Even the supposed "liberal" NYT was busting its butt to put Trump in office.

You've been lied to. The media adored Trump, and still adores him. Look at it now. The media can't even bring itself to criticize child concentration camps, that's how much in Trump's pocket they are.
Name the people who kissed up to Trump so I can trash your ass.
The only other person I can possibly add to the above is Tucker Carlson.
Other than that you can’t backup your lies.

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