Trump's patriotism vs. the new anti-Americanism

It is easy to see who Trump's friends are on the world's stage.

And his enemies.

Referring to the communist dictator of North Korea, “I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. "And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

At Helsinki Trump met another friend, his patron, the communist dictator of Russia. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference.

At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, Trump joked with his friend. He lifted a finger, pointed it at Putin while smirking and joked, “Don’t meddle in the election.”

Speaking of the communist dictator of China, Trump tweeted, "President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade."

Speaking of the British ambassador to the U.S., "I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US. We will no longer deal with him," Trump tweeted.

Speaking of the British prime minister, "I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent State Visit last month, it was the Queen who I was most impressed with!" Trump said.

For over a hundred years, Britain has been our longest, most powerful, and most reliable ally.

Putin to Trump, "You are doing a hell of a job, Donnie."

As time goes on Trump is getting worse.

Trump continued his fight with America's strongest, longest, and most reliable ally. "The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!. I don't know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool," Trump tweeted.

Trump wants to deny 20 million Americans of health coverage, including those with preexisting conditions. A panel of federal appeals court judges on Tuesday sounded likely to uphold a lower-court ruling that a central provision of the Affordable Care Act — the requirement that most people have health insurance — is unconstitutional.

Neither Trump nor the Republican Party have a plan to replace the ACA, or Obamacare.

Trump has placed his DOJ in an impossible position. First of all, the DOJ and the current Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, had already signed off on the citizenship question on the census and began printing the forms without the question pursuant to a Supreme Court decision on the issue. This changed with a Trump tweet, then Trump decided he wanted to change lawyers within the Justice Department.

The courts shot Trump down again. A federal judge in New York has denied a request by the Trump administration to replace its legal team in a lawsuit challenging the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman called "patently deficient" the Department of Justice's effort to change out the lawyers, who have been working on the case for more than a year.

The DOJ legal team is forced to say that everything they have said so far is in error -- including the July 1st deadline -- and they still must come up with a legitimate reason, not a political reason, for the question to be included on the census.

Judges don't like it when lawyers change their tune after the dance is over.

And the dance is over. Trump just doesn't know it.
You’re comparing slaves who were sold by their parents to people who had their businesses and assets confiscated and then were murdered or starved?
Why not concentrate on education?

How about the ones who were stripped of property, denied access to land, businesses destroyed, etc. I really don't need to put the laundry list of injustices that were done.
Sue the African Ancestors in Africa who did that injustice to them. The whites didn't do any of that, they just purchased them after it was done to them.

So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
Dude today, there are more slaves owned by blacks than by any other race. Slavery still exists. And you are ignoring the folks suffering today by the hands of slavers over something that happened in ancient history.

Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.
It is easy to see who Trump's friends are on the world's stage.

And his enemies.

Referring to the communist dictator of North Korea, “I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. "And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

At Helsinki Trump met another friend, his patron, the communist dictator of Russia. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference.

At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, Trump joked with his friend. He lifted a finger, pointed it at Putin while smirking and joked, “Don’t meddle in the election.”

Speaking of the communist dictator of China, Trump tweeted, "President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade."

Speaking of the British ambassador to the U.S., "I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US. We will no longer deal with him," Trump tweeted.

Speaking of the British prime minister, "I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent State Visit last month, it was the Queen who I was most impressed with!" Trump said.

For over a hundred years, Britain has been our longest, most powerful, and most reliable ally.

Putin to Trump, "You are doing a hell of a job, Donnie."

As time goes on Trump is getting worse.

Trump continued his fight with America's strongest, longest, and most reliable ally. "The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!. I don't know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool," Trump tweeted.

Trump wants to deny 20 million Americans of health coverage, including those with preexisting conditions. A panel of federal appeals court judges on Tuesday sounded likely to uphold a lower-court ruling that a central provision of the Affordable Care Act — the requirement that most people have health insurance — is unconstitutional.

Neither Trump nor the Republican Party have a plan to replace the ACA, or Obamacare.

Trump has placed his DOJ in an impossible position. First of all, the DOJ and the current Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, had already signed off on the citizenship question on the census and began printing the forms without the question pursuant to a Supreme Court decision on the issue. This changed with a Trump tweet, then Trump decided he wanted to change lawyers within the Justice Department.

The courts shot Trump down again. A federal judge in New York has denied a request by the Trump administration to replace its legal team in a lawsuit challenging the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman called "patently deficient" the Department of Justice's effort to change out the lawyers, who have been working on the case for more than a year.

The DOJ legal team is forced to say that everything they have said so far is in error -- including the July 1st deadline -- and they still must come up with a legitimate reason, not a political reason, for the question to be included on the census.

Judges don't like it when lawyers change their tune after the dance is over.

And the dance is over. Trump just doesn't know it.

Yes I agree kind of.

Yes, I agree.
The UK is being alienated by Trump.

I agree the UK is among the most long, reliable & most important allies.

However...France is probably the earliest US Ally.

Poland & Australia have been just as reliable if not more so.

Of course Poland & France have also been alienated by Trump.
It is easy to see who Trump's friends are on the world's stage.

And his enemies.

Referring to the communist dictator of North Korea, “I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. "And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

At Helsinki Trump met another friend, his patron, the communist dictator of Russia. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference.

At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, Trump joked with his friend. He lifted a finger, pointed it at Putin while smirking and joked, “Don’t meddle in the election.”

Speaking of the communist dictator of China, Trump tweeted, "President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade."

Speaking of the British ambassador to the U.S., "I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US. We will no longer deal with him," Trump tweeted.

Speaking of the British prime minister, "I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent State Visit last month, it was the Queen who I was most impressed with!" Trump said.

For over a hundred years, Britain has been our longest, most powerful, and most reliable ally.

Putin to Trump, "You are doing a hell of a job, Donnie."

As time goes on Trump is getting worse.

Trump continued his fight with America's strongest, longest, and most reliable ally. "The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!. I don't know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool," Trump tweeted.

Trump wants to deny 20 million Americans of health coverage, including those with preexisting conditions. A panel of federal appeals court judges on Tuesday sounded likely to uphold a lower-court ruling that a central provision of the Affordable Care Act — the requirement that most people have health insurance — is unconstitutional.

Neither Trump nor the Republican Party have a plan to replace the ACA, or Obamacare.

Trump has placed his DOJ in an impossible position. First of all, the DOJ and the current Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, had already signed off on the citizenship question on the census and began printing the forms without the question pursuant to a Supreme Court decision on the issue. This changed with a Trump tweet, then Trump decided he wanted to change lawyers within the Justice Department.

The courts shot Trump down again. A federal judge in New York has denied a request by the Trump administration to replace its legal team in a lawsuit challenging the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman called "patently deficient" the Department of Justice's effort to change out the lawyers, who have been working on the case for more than a year.

The DOJ legal team is forced to say that everything they have said so far is in error -- including the July 1st deadline -- and they still must come up with a legitimate reason, not a political reason, for the question to be included on the census.

Judges don't like it when lawyers change their tune after the dance is over.

And the dance is over. Trump just doesn't know it.

Yes I agree kind of.

Yes, I agree.
The UK is being alienated by Trump.

I agree the UK is among the most long, reliable & most important allies.

However...France is probably the earliest US Ally.

Poland & Australia have been just as reliable if not more so.

Of course Poland & France have also been alienated by Trump.

Bay Area critics decry Fed’s plan to use banned rodent poison on Farallon Islands

So what? Nobody lives there full time. They’re overrun with rats because of people and the bird population is dying off because the predators are eating their eggs and young, along with them.

In spite of the eco-freaks whining, here’s what the fed say:

The Fish and Wildlife Service argues otherwise regarding the effectiveness of the poison baiting, stating that brodifacoum-pellet drops have proved successful in 28 of the 30 similar eradication projects that have been undertaken across the globe since 2007.

They can use all the safety steps possible but some creatures will die. Better than the entire population being wiped out by the rats.

Bay Area critics decry Fed's plan to use banned rodent poison on Farallon Islands

1 in 4 Americans say they never plan to retire despite realities of aging

Some people work because they enjoy it and it keeps them from getting stale and bored. Others just don’t to accept that they’re getting old.

According to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs

Research, 23% of workers, including nearly 2 in 10 of those over 50, don't expect to stop working. Roughly another quarter of Americans say they will continue working beyond their 65th birthday.

According to government data, about 1 in 5 people 65 and older was working or actively looking for a job in June.

For many, money has a lot to do with the decision to keep working.

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans say they never plan to retire despite realities of aging

FBI, ICE use driver license photos without owners’ knowledge or consent

This is news?

Police at all levels have been using driver license data bases for decades. And anyone who gets one – or a state ID – knows the information isn’t going to be kept from the cops or feds.

Thousands of facial-recognition requests, internal documents, and e-mails over the past five years, obtained through public-records requests by Georgetown University researchers and provided to The Washington Post, reveal that federal investigators have turned state Department of Motor Vehicles databases into the bedrock of an unprecedented surveillance infrastructure.

Police have long had access to fingerprints, DNA, and other ‘‘biometric data’’ taken from criminal suspects. But the DMV records contain the photos of the majority of a state’s residents, most of whom have never been charged with a crime.

FBI, ICE use driver license photos without owners’ knowledge or consent - The Boston Globe

State driver's license databases prove valuable for FBI, ICE for facial-recognition searches @ State driver's license databases prove valuable for FBI, ICE for facial-recognition searches: report

Mexico disrupts human-smuggling rings along Guatemala border

The Mexican president is living up to his agreement with President Trump. He’s making major changes to the security forces and it’s beginning to show improvement.

Mexico steps up raids on migrant-smuggling trucks, uses giant X-ray @ Mexico steps up raids on migrant-smuggling trucks, uses giant X-ray - Reuters

The Woz says people should leave Facebook


Steve Wozniak, the guy who co-founded Apple. The guy responsible for putting PCs in your home. A leading figure in the computer world.

There are many different kinds of people, and some [of] the benefits of Facebook are worth the loss of privacy,” Wozniak told TMZ, which spoke with the tech mogul at Reagan National Airport in D.C. “But to many like myself, my recommendation is – to most people – you should figure out a way to get off Facebook.”

Wozniak deleted his Facebook account back in March 2018, shortly after news broke about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which revealed that the private data of millions of Facebook users was being harnessed by the firm that worked for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The United Kingdom's top data watchdog group concluded that Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook's data was illegal under British law.

More @ Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says most people should leave Facebook

Five best smartphone buys for summer 2019

I don’t know squat about them so this is all a matter of the author’s beliefs. Judge for yourselves.

Google Pixel 3a

Motorola Moto G7]

IPhone XR

Iphone XS

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

All of the reasons @ Five best smartphone buys for summer 2019

Supplements barely do anything for your health

I quit take them a couple of years ago, realizing they were just a waste of my $$$.

Some 34% of adults take supplements every day - driving a market that has grown 6% in five years is now worth an annual $37 billion globally

But a new US study found their benefits to be limited

I’m no expert but would dare to guess that a good diet would do as much, if not more, for one’s health.

Much more @ Supplements do barely anything to protect you from heart disease or early death, study finds | Daily Mail Online

Shirts and shade my not stop you from getting sunburned

I saw this on TV yesterday and had to grin.

Here are some myths about it:

Myth 1: Swim in a T-shirt to stay safe

Myth 2: I don’t need cream if it’s cloudy

Myth 3: A ‘base tan’ will protect my skin

Myth 4: Contacts will protect my eyes

Myth 5: Hats give great protection

Myth 6: I’m safe if I stay in the shade

Myth 7: Waterproof sunscreen lasts

Myth 8: Once-a-day cream keeps you covered.

After more skin cancer surgeries than I can possibly count, I can tell you that the only way to protect you if you’re light skinned is to stay indoors.

There are people with a lot of melanin in their skins that don’t have to worry so much. But, no matter how dark your skin, Ole King Sol will getcha if you’re not careful.

More @ Expert reveals you can still get burnt through a T-shirt and even in the shade while out in the sun | Daily Mail Online

Trump's Deregulatory Successes

I don’t pretend to understand a lot of this. It seems the thrust is that deregulation frees up business which allows it to expand and hire more people. Something very good for the economy.

And that President Trump is directly behind the effort to deregulate.

In its conclusion, the CEA sums up the issue nicely:

Since 2017, consumers and small businesses have been able to live and work with more choice and less Federal government interference [DRH note: in the areas the CEA analyzed.] They can purchase health insurance in groups or as individuals without paying for categories of coverage that they do not want or need. Small businesses can design compensation packages that meet the needs of their employees, enter into a genuine franchise relationship with a larger corporation, or seek confidential professional advice on the organization of their workplaces. Consumers have a variety of choices as to less expensive wireless and wired Internet access. Small banks are no longer treated as “too big to fail” (they never were) and be subject to the costly regulatory scrutiny that goes with that designation.

As President Obama said three days after taking office in 2009, “Elections have consequences.” One consequence of President Trump’s election, which came as a welcome surprise to those of us who saw nothing in his past to suggest he was a deregulator, is a series of deregulatory measures and a slowing of regulation.

Just as the power to regulate is the power to destroy, the power to engage in judicious deregulation is the power to allow creation.

More @ Trump's Deregulatory Successes

We’re killing our natural gas supplies with failing infrastructure and protests

In many ways, this goes along with the previous article on deregulation. Many of the examples are not just based on federal rules and regulations but those of states and counties.

We’re killing ourselves with bureaucratic stupidity.

America is awash in natural gas. In parts of the country there’s hardly a drop to burn.

Earlier this year, two utilities that service the New York City area stopped accepting new natural-gas customers in two boroughs and several suburbs. Citing jammed supply lines running into the city on the coldest winter days, they said they couldn’t guarantee they’d be able to deliver gas to additional furnaces. Never mind that the country’s most prolific gas field, the Marcellus Shale, is only a three-hour drive away.

Meanwhile, in West Texas, drillers have so much excess natural gas they are simply burning it off, roughly enough each day to fuel every home in the state.

And this close hits the nail on the head:

So we’re left with both feast and famine in terms of energy. New construction in parts of New York City can’t be put into use because they can’t get natural gas to heat the buildings. And those buildings sit literally less than a three-hour drive from one of the largest natural gas formations in the world. This problem can be fixed, but it’s going to require elected officials who are able to swallow a healthy dose of reality before it happens.

More @ We're killing our natural gas supplies with failing infrastructure and protests

Trump slaps Fox (again): Don’t forget who got you where you are

He went on a Twitter storm slamming some of the talking heads on FoxNews on Saturday and Sunday.

I don’t blame him. Some of them are so anti-Trump you’d think they’d just come out and endorse a Dimocrap candidate.

Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate…… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2019
There are more after that in the same vein.

He’s absolutely right.

More @ Trump slaps Fox (again): Don't forget who got you where you are

Bay Area critics decry Fed’s plan to use banned rodent poison on Farallon Islands

So what? Nobody lives there full time. They’re overrun with rats because of people and the bird population is dying off because the predators are eating their eggs and young, along with them.

In spite of the eco-freaks whining, here’s what the fed say:

The Fish and Wildlife Service argues otherwise regarding the effectiveness of the poison baiting, stating that brodifacoum-pellet drops have proved successful in 28 of the 30 similar eradication projects that have been undertaken across the globe since 2007.

They can use all the safety steps possible but some creatures will die. Better than the entire population being wiped out by the rats.

Bay Area critics decry Fed's plan to use banned rodent poison on Farallon Islands

1 in 4 Americans say they never plan to retire despite realities of aging

Some people work because they enjoy it and it keeps them from getting stale and bored. Others just don’t to accept that they’re getting old.

According to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs

Research, 23% of workers, including nearly 2 in 10 of those over 50, don't expect to stop working. Roughly another quarter of Americans say they will continue working beyond their 65th birthday.

According to government data, about 1 in 5 people 65 and older was working or actively looking for a job in June.

For many, money has a lot to do with the decision to keep working.

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans say they never plan to retire despite realities of aging

FBI, ICE use driver license photos without owners’ knowledge or consent

This is news?

Police at all levels have been using driver license data bases for decades. And anyone who gets one – or a state ID – knows the information isn’t going to be kept from the cops or feds.

Thousands of facial-recognition requests, internal documents, and e-mails over the past five years, obtained through public-records requests by Georgetown University researchers and provided to The Washington Post, reveal that federal investigators have turned state Department of Motor Vehicles databases into the bedrock of an unprecedented surveillance infrastructure.

Police have long had access to fingerprints, DNA, and other ‘‘biometric data’’ taken from criminal suspects. But the DMV records contain the photos of the majority of a state’s residents, most of whom have never been charged with a crime.

FBI, ICE use driver license photos without owners’ knowledge or consent - The Boston Globe

State driver's license databases prove valuable for FBI, ICE for facial-recognition searches @ State driver's license databases prove valuable for FBI, ICE for facial-recognition searches: report

Mexico disrupts human-smuggling rings along Guatemala border

The Mexican president is living up to his agreement with President Trump. He’s making major changes to the security forces and it’s beginning to show improvement.

Mexico steps up raids on migrant-smuggling trucks, uses giant X-ray @ Mexico steps up raids on migrant-smuggling trucks, uses giant X-ray - Reuters

The Woz says people should leave Facebook


Steve Wozniak, the guy who co-founded Apple. The guy responsible for putting PCs in your home. A leading figure in the computer world.

There are many different kinds of people, and some [of] the benefits of Facebook are worth the loss of privacy,” Wozniak told TMZ, which spoke with the tech mogul at Reagan National Airport in D.C. “But to many like myself, my recommendation is – to most people – you should figure out a way to get off Facebook.”

Wozniak deleted his Facebook account back in March 2018, shortly after news broke about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which revealed that the private data of millions of Facebook users was being harnessed by the firm that worked for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The United Kingdom's top data watchdog group concluded that Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook's data was illegal under British law.

More @

Five best smartphone buys for summer 2019

I don’t know squat about them so this is all a matter of the author’s beliefs. Judge for yourselves.

Google Pixel 3a

Motorola Moto G7]

IPhone XR

Iphone XS

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

All of the reasons @

Supplements barely do anything for your health

I quit take them a couple of years ago, realizing they were just a waste of my $$$.

Some 34% of adults take supplements every day - driving a market that has grown 6% in five years is now worth an annual $37 billion globally

But a new US study found their benefits to be limited

I’m no expert but would dare to guess that a good diet would do as much, if not more, for one’s health.

Much more @

Shirts and shade my not stop you from getting sunburned

I saw this on TV yesterday and had to grin.

Here are some myths about it:

Myth 1: Swim in a T-shirt to stay safe

Myth 2: I don’t need cream if it’s cloudy

Myth 3: A ‘base tan’ will protect my skin

Myth 4: Contacts will protect my eyes

Myth 5: Hats give great protection

Myth 6: I’m safe if I stay in the shade

Myth 7: Waterproof sunscreen lasts

Myth 8: Once-a-day cream keeps you covered.

After more skin cancer surgeries than I can possibly count, I can tell you that the only way to protect you if you’re light skinned is to stay indoors.

There are people with a lot of melanin in their skins that don’t have to worry so much. But, no matter how dark your skin, Ole King Sol will getcha if you’re not careful.

More @

Trump's Deregulatory Successes

I don’t pretend to understand a lot of this. It seems the thrust is that deregulation frees up business which allows it to expand and hire more people. Something very good for the economy.

And that President Trump is directly behind the effort to deregulate.

In its conclusion, the CEA sums up the issue nicely:

Since 2017, consumers and small businesses have been able to live and work with more choice and less Federal government interference [DRH note: in the areas the CEA analyzed.] They can purchase health insurance in groups or as individuals without paying for categories of coverage that they do not want or need. Small businesses can design compensation packages that meet the needs of their employees, enter into a genuine franchise relationship with a larger corporation, or seek confidential professional advice on the organization of their workplaces. Consumers have a variety of choices as to less expensive wireless and wired Internet access. Small banks are no longer treated as “too big to fail” (they never were) and be subject to the costly regulatory scrutiny that goes with that designation.

As President Obama said three days after taking office in 2009, “Elections have consequences.” One consequence of President Trump’s election, which came as a welcome surprise to those of us who saw nothing in his past to suggest he was a deregulator, is a series of deregulatory measures and a slowing of regulation.

Just as the power to regulate is the power to destroy, the power to engage in judicious deregulation is the power to allow creation.

More @

We’re killing our natural gas supplies with failing infrastructure and protests

In many ways, this goes along with the previous article on deregulation. Many of the examples are not just based on federal rules and regulations but those of states and counties.

We’re killing ourselves with bureaucratic stupidity.

America is awash in natural gas. In parts of the country there’s hardly a drop to burn.

Earlier this year, two utilities that service the New York City area stopped accepting new natural-gas customers in two boroughs and several suburbs. Citing jammed supply lines running into the city on the coldest winter days, they said they couldn’t guarantee they’d be able to deliver gas to additional furnaces. Never mind that the country’s most prolific gas field, the Marcellus Shale, is only a three-hour drive away.

Meanwhile, in West Texas, drillers have so much excess natural gas they are simply burning it off, roughly enough each day to fuel every home in the state.

And this close hits the nail on the head:

So we’re left with both feast and famine in terms of energy. New construction in parts of New York City can’t be put into use because they can’t get natural gas to heat the buildings. And those buildings sit literally less than a three-hour drive from one of the largest natural gas formations in the world. This problem can be fixed, but it’s going to require elected officials who are able to swallow a healthy dose of reality before it happens.

More @

Trump slaps Fox (again): Don’t forget who got you where you are

He went on a Twitter storm slamming some of the talking heads on FoxNews on Saturday and Sunday.

I don’t blame him. Some of them are so anti-Trump you’d think they’d just come out and endorse a Dimocrap candidate.

Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate…… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2019
There are more after that in the same vein.

He’s absolutely right.

More @

Bay Area critics decry Fed’s plan to use banned rodent poison on Farallon Islands

So what? Nobody lives there full time. They’re overrun with rats because of people and the bird population is dying off because the predators are eating their eggs and young, along with them.

In spite of the eco-freaks whining, here’s what the fed say:

The Fish and Wildlife Service argues otherwise regarding the effectiveness of the poison baiting, stating that brodifacoum-pellet drops have proved successful in 28 of the 30 similar eradication projects that have been undertaken across the globe since 2007.

They can use all the safety steps possible but some creatures will die. Better than the entire population being wiped out by the rats.

1 in 4 Americans say they never plan to retire despite realities of aging

Some people work because they enjoy it and it keeps them from getting stale and bored. Others just don’t to accept that they’re getting old.

According to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs

Research, 23% of workers, including nearly 2 in 10 of those over 50, don't expect to stop working. Roughly another quarter of Americans say they will continue working beyond their 65th birthday.

According to government data, about 1 in 5 people 65 and older was working or actively looking for a job in June.

For many, money has a lot to do with the decision to keep working.

FBI, ICE use driver license photos without owners’ knowledge or consent

This is news?

Police at all levels have been using driver license data bases for decades. And anyone who gets one – or a state ID – knows the information isn’t going to be kept from the cops or feds.

Thousands of facial-recognition requests, internal documents, and e-mails over the past five years, obtained through public-records requests by Georgetown University researchers and provided to The Washington Post, reveal that federal investigators have turned state Department of Motor Vehicles databases into the bedrock of an unprecedented surveillance infrastructure.

Police have long had access to fingerprints, DNA, and other ‘‘biometric data’’ taken from criminal suspects. But the DMV records contain the photos of the majority of a state’s residents, most of whom have never been charged with a crime.

State driver's license databases prove valuable for FBI, ICE for facial-recognition searches @

Mexico disrupts human-smuggling rings along Guatemala border

The Mexican president is living up to his agreement with President Trump. He’s making major changes to the security forces and it’s beginning to show improvement.

Mexico steps up raids on migrant-smuggling trucks, uses giant X-ray @

The Woz says people should leave Facebook


Steve Wozniak, the guy who co-founded Apple. The guy responsible for putting PCs in your home. A leading figure in the computer world.

There are many different kinds of people, and some [of] the benefits of Facebook are worth the loss of privacy,” Wozniak told TMZ, which spoke with the tech mogul at Reagan National Airport in D.C. “But to many like myself, my recommendation is – to most people – you should figure out a way to get off Facebook.”

Wozniak deleted his Facebook account back in March 2018, shortly after news broke about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which revealed that the private data of millions of Facebook users was being harnessed by the firm that worked for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The United Kingdom's top data watchdog group concluded that Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook's data was illegal under British law.

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Five best smartphone buys for summer 2019

I don’t know squat about them so this is all a matter of the author’s beliefs. Judge for yourselves.

Google Pixel 3a

Motorola Moto G7]

IPhone XR

Iphone XS

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

All of the reasons @

Supplements barely do anything for your health

I quit take them a couple of years ago, realizing they were just a waste of my $$$.

Some 34% of adults take supplements every day - driving a market that has grown 6% in five years is now worth an annual $37 billion globally

But a new US study found their benefits to be limited

I’m no expert but would dare to guess that a good diet would do as much, if not more, for one’s health.

Much more @

Shirts and shade my not stop you from getting sunburned

I saw this on TV yesterday and had to grin.

Here are some myths about it:

Myth 1: Swim in a T-shirt to stay safe

Myth 2: I don’t need cream if it’s cloudy

Myth 3: A ‘base tan’ will protect my skin

Myth 4: Contacts will protect my eyes

Myth 5: Hats give great protection

Myth 6: I’m safe if I stay in the shade

Myth 7: Waterproof sunscreen lasts

Myth 8: Once-a-day cream keeps you covered.

After more skin cancer surgeries than I can possibly count, I can tell you that the only way to protect you if you’re light skinned is to stay indoors.

There are people with a lot of melanin in their skins that don’t have to worry so much. But, no matter how dark your skin, Ole King Sol will getcha if you’re not careful.

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Trump's Deregulatory Successes

I don’t pretend to understand a lot of this. It seems the thrust is that deregulation frees up business which allows it to expand and hire more people. Something very good for the economy.

And that President Trump is directly behind the effort to deregulate.

In its conclusion, the CEA sums up the issue nicely:

Since 2017, consumers and small businesses have been able to live and work with more choice and less Federal government interference [DRH note: in the areas the CEA analyzed.] They can purchase health insurance in groups or as individuals without paying for categories of coverage that they do not want or need. Small businesses can design compensation packages that meet the needs of their employees, enter into a genuine franchise relationship with a larger corporation, or seek confidential professional advice on the organization of their workplaces. Consumers have a variety of choices as to less expensive wireless and wired Internet access. Small banks are no longer treated as “too big to fail” (they never were) and be subject to the costly regulatory scrutiny that goes with that designation.

As President Obama said three days after taking office in 2009, “Elections have consequences.” One consequence of President Trump’s election, which came as a welcome surprise to those of us who saw nothing in his past to suggest he was a deregulator, is a series of deregulatory measures and a slowing of regulation.

Just as the power to regulate is the power to destroy, the power to engage in judicious deregulation is the power to allow creation.

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We’re killing our natural gas supplies with failing infrastructure and protests

In many ways, this goes along with the previous article on deregulation. Many of the examples are not just based on federal rules and regulations but those of states and counties.

We’re killing ourselves with bureaucratic stupidity.

America is awash in natural gas. In parts of the country there’s hardly a drop to burn.

Earlier this year, two utilities that service the New York City area stopped accepting new natural-gas customers in two boroughs and several suburbs. Citing jammed supply lines running into the city on the coldest winter days, they said they couldn’t guarantee they’d be able to deliver gas to additional furnaces. Never mind that the country’s most prolific gas field, the Marcellus Shale, is only a three-hour drive away.

Meanwhile, in West Texas, drillers have so much excess natural gas they are simply burning it off, roughly enough each day to fuel every home in the state.

And this close hits the nail on the head:

So we’re left with both feast and famine in terms of energy. New construction in parts of New York City can’t be put into use because they can’t get natural gas to heat the buildings. And those buildings sit literally less than a three-hour drive from one of the largest natural gas formations in the world. This problem can be fixed, but it’s going to require elected officials who are able to swallow a healthy dose of reality before it happens.

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Trump slaps Fox (again): Don’t forget who got you where you are

He went on a Twitter storm slamming some of the talking heads on FoxNews on Saturday and Sunday.

I don’t blame him. Some of them are so anti-Trump you’d think they’d just come out and endorse a Dimocrap candidate.

Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate…… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2019
There are more after that in the same vein.

He’s absolutely right.

More @
It is easy to see who Trump's friends are on the world's stage.

And his enemies.

Referring to the communist dictator of North Korea, “I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. "And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

At Helsinki Trump met another friend, his patron, the communist dictator of Russia. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference.

At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, Trump joked with his friend. He lifted a finger, pointed it at Putin while smirking and joked, “Don’t meddle in the election.”

Speaking of the communist dictator of China, Trump tweeted, "President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade."

Speaking of the British ambassador to the U.S., "I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US. We will no longer deal with him," Trump tweeted.

Speaking of the British prime minister, "I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent State Visit last month, it was the Queen who I was most impressed with!" Trump said.

For over a hundred years, Britain has been our longest, most powerful, and most reliable ally.

Putin to Trump, "You are doing a hell of a job, Donnie."

As time goes on Trump is getting worse.

Trump continued his fight with America's strongest, longest, and most reliable ally. "The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!. I don't know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool," Trump tweeted.

Trump wants to deny 20 million Americans of health coverage, including those with preexisting conditions. A panel of federal appeals court judges on Tuesday sounded likely to uphold a lower-court ruling that a central provision of the Affordable Care Act — the requirement that most people have health insurance — is unconstitutional.

Neither Trump nor the Republican Party have a plan to replace the ACA, or Obamacare.

Trump has placed his DOJ in an impossible position. First of all, the DOJ and the current Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, had already signed off on the citizenship question on the census and began printing the forms without the question pursuant to a Supreme Court decision on the issue. This changed with a Trump tweet, then Trump decided he wanted to change lawyers within the Justice Department.

The courts shot Trump down again. A federal judge in New York has denied a request by the Trump administration to replace its legal team in a lawsuit challenging the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman called "patently deficient" the Department of Justice's effort to change out the lawyers, who have been working on the case for more than a year.

The DOJ legal team is forced to say that everything they have said so far is in error -- including the July 1st deadline -- and they still must come up with a legitimate reason, not a political reason, for the question to be included on the census.

Judges don't like it when lawyers change their tune after the dance is over.

And the dance is over. Trump just doesn't know it.

Yes I agree kind of.

Yes, I agree.
The UK is being alienated by Trump.

I agree the UK is among the most long, reliable & most important allies.

However...France is probably the earliest US Ally.

Poland & Australia have been just as reliable if not more so.

Of course Poland & France have also been alienated by Trump.

If Poland has been aliented by Trump, wh are the paing us to keep our forces there and naming a street after the president?
How about the ones who were stripped of property, denied access to land, businesses destroyed, etc. I really don't need to put the laundry list of injustices that were done.
Sue the African Ancestors in Africa who did that injustice to them. The whites didn't do any of that, they just purchased them after it was done to them.

So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
Dude today, there are more slaves owned by blacks than by any other race. Slavery still exists. And you are ignoring the folks suffering today by the hands of slavers over something that happened in ancient history.

Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.

Shame on you for even blabbering that stupid shit. You right wing clowns keep telling us you aren't concerned about what is happening in other countries. I am talking about the restitution that America owes her citizens of color, dumb ass like you are trying to change the focus to something else because you don't want to deal with the truth of what was done to black folks in AMERICA.
Sue the African Ancestors in Africa who did that injustice to them. The whites didn't do any of that, they just purchased them after it was done to them.

So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
Dude today, there are more slaves owned by blacks than by any other race. Slavery still exists. And you are ignoring the folks suffering today by the hands of slavers over something that happened in ancient history.

Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.

Shame on you for even blabbering that stupid shit. You right wing clowns keep telling us you aren't concerned about what is happening in other countries. I am talking about the restitution that America owes her citizens of color, dumb ass like you are trying to change the focus to something else because you don't want to deal with the truth of what was done to black folks in AMERICA.
We don't owe you restitution. Because you have to look at what life would be like for you if we hadn't enslaved your ancestors. To do that you need to look to where you came from and see how they are living there. How you would be living if you weren't so damn lucky to be born here.

Talking about luck, you know Planned Parenthood has killed 33% of your black brother and sisters? That is how many would be alive today had their parents not gotten abortions. You should go after them for restitution.
It is easy to see who Trump's friends are on the world's stage.

And his enemies.

Referring to the communist dictator of North Korea, “I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. "And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

At Helsinki Trump met another friend, his patron, the communist dictator of Russia. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference.

At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, Trump joked with his friend. He lifted a finger, pointed it at Putin while smirking and joked, “Don’t meddle in the election.”

Speaking of the communist dictator of China, Trump tweeted, "President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade."

Speaking of the British ambassador to the U.S., "I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US. We will no longer deal with him," Trump tweeted.

Speaking of the British prime minister, "I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent State Visit last month, it was the Queen who I was most impressed with!" Trump said.

For over a hundred years, Britain has been our longest, most powerful, and most reliable ally.

Putin to Trump, "You are doing a hell of a job, Donnie."

As time goes on Trump is getting worse.

Trump continued his fight with America's strongest, longest, and most reliable ally. "The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!. I don't know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool," Trump tweeted.

Trump wants to deny 20 million Americans of health coverage, including those with preexisting conditions. A panel of federal appeals court judges on Tuesday sounded likely to uphold a lower-court ruling that a central provision of the Affordable Care Act — the requirement that most people have health insurance — is unconstitutional.

Neither Trump nor the Republican Party have a plan to replace the ACA, or Obamacare.

Trump has placed his DOJ in an impossible position. First of all, the DOJ and the current Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, had already signed off on the citizenship question on the census and began printing the forms without the question pursuant to a Supreme Court decision on the issue. This changed with a Trump tweet, then Trump decided he wanted to change lawyers within the Justice Department.

The courts shot Trump down again. A federal judge in New York has denied a request by the Trump administration to replace its legal team in a lawsuit challenging the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman called "patently deficient" the Department of Justice's effort to change out the lawyers, who have been working on the case for more than a year.

The DOJ legal team is forced to say that everything they have said so far is in error -- including the July 1st deadline -- and they still must come up with a legitimate reason, not a political reason, for the question to be included on the census.

Judges don't like it when lawyers change their tune after the dance is over.

And the dance is over. Trump just doesn't know it.

Yes I agree kind of.

Yes, I agree.
The UK is being alienated by Trump.

I agree the UK is among the most long, reliable & most important allies.

However...France is probably the earliest US Ally.

Poland & Australia have been just as reliable if not more so.

Of course Poland & France have also been alienated by Trump.
You wish.
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.
America can't declare war on every Progressive Slave Nation and overthrow their government.

Perhaps you should look to the useless UN.
So you think it was ok to purchase another fucking human being and we are talking about the treatment that was done to us in America dumbass. That was done by white folks.
Dude today, there are more slaves owned by blacks than by any other race. Slavery still exists. And you are ignoring the folks suffering today by the hands of slavers over something that happened in ancient history.

Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.

Shame on you for even blabbering that stupid shit. You right wing clowns keep telling us you aren't concerned about what is happening in other countries. I am talking about the restitution that America owes her citizens of color, dumb ass like you are trying to change the focus to something else because you don't want to deal with the truth of what was done to black folks in AMERICA.
We don't owe you restitution.

America owes her black citizens restitution.

Because you have to look at what life would be like for you if we hadn't enslaved your ancestors.

No I don't have to look at that.

To do that you need to look to where you came from and see how they are living there. How you would be living if you weren't so damn lucky to be born here.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. I don't need to look at hypotheticals I am looking at what was actually done.

Talking about luck, you know Planned Parenthood has killed 33% of your black brother and sisters? That is how many would be alive today had their parents not gotten abortions. You should go after them for restitution.

Has nothing to do with what was done to black folks the first 400yrs in this country.
Dude today, there are more slaves owned by blacks than by any other race. Slavery still exists. And you are ignoring the folks suffering today by the hands of slavers over something that happened in ancient history.

Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.

Shame on you for even blabbering that stupid shit. You right wing clowns keep telling us you aren't concerned about what is happening in other countries. I am talking about the restitution that America owes her citizens of color, dumb ass like you are trying to change the focus to something else because you don't want to deal with the truth of what was done to black folks in AMERICA.
We don't owe you restitution.

America owes her black citizens restitution.

Because you have to look at what life would be like for you if we hadn't enslaved your ancestors.

No I don't have to look at that.

To do that you need to look to where you came from and see how they are living there. How you would be living if you weren't so damn lucky to be born here.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. I don't need to look at hypotheticals I am looking at what was actually done.

Talking about luck, you know Planned Parenthood has killed 33% of your black brother and sisters? That is how many would be alive today had their parents not gotten abortions. You should go after them for restitution.

Has nothing to do with what was done to black folks the first 400yrs in this country.
Dude your better off than you would've been if we hadn't of purchased your ancestors. That is all the restitution you are going to get.

Whites aren't the ones who enslaved you. Your own kind enslaved you and then sold you to us. Blame them.
Dude your better off than you would've been if we hadn't of purchased your ancestors. That is all the restitution you are going to get.

Whites aren't the ones who enslaved you. Your own kind enslaved you and then sold you to us. Blame them.
Losers always need someone to blame. In this they need to blame Whitey because they've failed at life.
Dude show me the black folks in America who own slaves today. What are you doing about the folks who are suffering from slavery today?
So you are saying the ones in America are the only ones that matter. That those suffering indentured servitude in other countries don't matter. What kind of Human being are you to be so heartless to their suffering. Shame on you.

Shame on you for even blabbering that stupid shit. You right wing clowns keep telling us you aren't concerned about what is happening in other countries. I am talking about the restitution that America owes her citizens of color, dumb ass like you are trying to change the focus to something else because you don't want to deal with the truth of what was done to black folks in AMERICA.
We don't owe you restitution.

America owes her black citizens restitution.

Because you have to look at what life would be like for you if we hadn't enslaved your ancestors.

No I don't have to look at that.

To do that you need to look to where you came from and see how they are living there. How you would be living if you weren't so damn lucky to be born here.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. I don't need to look at hypotheticals I am looking at what was actually done.

Talking about luck, you know Planned Parenthood has killed 33% of your black brother and sisters? That is how many would be alive today had their parents not gotten abortions. You should go after them for restitution.

Has nothing to do with what was done to black folks the first 400yrs in this country.
Dude your better off than you would've been if we hadn't of purchased your ancestors. That is all the restitution you are going to get.

I sure am because of the sacrifices and hell that my parents, grandparents, etc. endured. It damn sure ain't because of yours.

Whites aren't the ones who enslaved you. Your own kind enslaved you and then sold you to us. Blame them.

More stupid ass babble.
Dude your better off than you would've been if we hadn't of purchased your ancestors. That is all the restitution you are going to get.

Whites aren't the ones who enslaved you. Your own kind enslaved you and then sold you to us. Blame them.
Losers always need someone to blame. In this they need to blame Whitey because they've failed at life.

Stupid ass racist are always in denial. MAWA.

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