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Trump's Plan to Steal Iraq's Oil

"Isn't that what they call plunder? Wouldn't we in fact be doing just what ISIS is doing?

It's just what GWB did, Trump is advocating for another illegal war in Iraq.

We would be taking it from ISIS, not Iraq. If they want their oil wells, they can take them.
Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.

You are in gross error!

You can find a PDF copy of the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA here: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/122074.pdf

In that document on page 20 under Article 24, "Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq" one can clearly read at #1. "All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011." [Emphasis Added]

Obama attempted to alter that agreement in the fall of 2011 with another SOFA, but the Iraqi's refused to grant the customary immunity from tribal Sharia and Iraqi Law to US Forces in October 2011. So all US forces, save those left in the sovereign Green Zone, departed, with the last leaving on Dec 16, 2011!

Bush wasn't going to leave 10,000 troops behind as you claim. The forces left there are on sovereign soil within the embassy complex and Obama attempted to secure a SOFA to protect US troops from trumped up Iraqi charges, here and there, while they kept the lid on Bush's failed pogrom of "Nation Building" and the still smoldering civil war it spawned, but the Iraqi's didn't want us there so we left 15 days before the Bush 2008 SOFA expired! Your distortions and misrepresentations notwithstanding!

"When Obama took office in January 2009, he inherited a plan that President George W. Bush forged in 2008 with then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. That Status of Forces Agreement called for the withdrawal of all American troops by the end of 2011.

It was widely assumed a new plan would be negotiated after the 2008 version expired in 2011. There were no stipulations about a specific number of American military personnel to be left behind.

When it came time to renegotiate a new agreement, there was little consensus on whether a residual force should stay in the country. Military leaders in Baghdad and the Pentagon pushed for as many as 24,000, but the White House rejected that amount.

Obama reportedly did consider leaving up to 10,000 troops in strategic locations after the exit, but that plan faced opposition both in the United States and in Iraq. Obama ruled out a force that size during an August 2011 conference call.

Remember that the country was considered relatively stable in 2011; ISIS elements existed prior to that, but largely formed into the force it is today after American troops left -- and mostly in Syria at first.

Good Grief! Did you bother to read the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA I cited? That NON-REFERENCED, PLAGIARIZED copy and paste job from the Tampa Bay Times is full of slanted, biased Bull Shit that only tangentially regard the topics at hand AT BEST! The BUSH SOFA is a binding legal document. An OPED from a partisan Florida rag is NOT!

Your post to, which I originally responded was;

"Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out." [Emphasis Added]

I debunked each item you raised. You responded to that with a PLAGIARIZED copy and paste that makes no mention at all of the detailed terms of that official US document that put the LIE to your entire initial post, to which I originally responded. You can redeem yourself by admitting your error, or you can continue to ignore the truth. It's your credibility on the line, not mine!
Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

"Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday."

" And ISIS is taking over a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth. You go and knock the hell out of the oil. Take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place.""

Really? Go back into Iraq, the country we supposedly 'liberated', and steal their oil to pay our war debt?

Isn't that what they call plunder? Wouldn't we in fact be doing just what ISIS is doing?

Trump Take Iraq s Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

It gets worse. His solution to defeating ISIS has no chance of success and his estimates of the number of troops needed are pure fantasy only the suckers who support him will believe. The stolen oil would not pay for the deployment of military forces needed to attempt his stupid idea. They certainly wouldn't pay for the new flood of killed and maimed troops his plan would create when the cost of his nit wit idea is added up. This to say nothing about the fact he would have to invade Syria where most of the ISIS controlled oil wells are.
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


So he thought:uhoh3:
Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

"Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday."

" And ISIS is taking over a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth. You go and knock the hell out of the oil. Take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place.""

Really? Go back into Iraq, the country we supposedly 'liberated', and steal their oil to pay our war debt?

Isn't that what they call plunder? Wouldn't we in fact be doing just what ISIS is doing?

Trump Take Iraq s Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

It gets worse. His solution to defeating ISIS has no chance of success and his estimates of the number of troops needed are pure fantasy only the suckers who support him will believe. The stolen oil would not pay for the deployment of military forces needed to attempt his stupid idea. They certainly wouldn't pay for the new flood of killed and maimed troops his plan would create when the cost of his nit wit idea is added up. This to say nothing about the fact he would have to invade Syria where most of the ISIS controlled oil wells are.
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

You don't know what I was for or against. You just don't know how to defend Trump's foolishness so you are deflecting to blaming Obama for the situation that exist. It does not matter who did what in the past. It is all up for historical debate. What counts now is how to defeat ISIS and Trump's answer and ideas will not defeat ISIS. Instead it will get us into a bigger war then we had under W.

Obama is defeating ISIS?..Who knew? :dunno:
Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

"Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday."

" And ISIS is taking over a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth. You go and knock the hell out of the oil. Take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place.""

Really? Go back into Iraq, the country we supposedly 'liberated', and steal their oil to pay our war debt?

Isn't that what they call plunder? Wouldn't we in fact be doing just what ISIS is doing?

Trump Take Iraq s Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

It gets worse. His solution to defeating ISIS has no chance of success and his estimates of the number of troops needed are pure fantasy only the suckers who support him will believe. The stolen oil would not pay for the deployment of military forces needed to attempt his stupid idea. They certainly wouldn't pay for the new flood of killed and maimed troops his plan would create when the cost of his nit wit idea is added up. This to say nothing about the fact he would have to invade Syria where most of the ISIS controlled oil wells are.
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

Bush's invasion of Iraq led to the ISIS takeover. Obama had nothing to do with it.

There was no ISIS before Obama. They started out as his the "JV team" driving pick ups, and riding horse back ..Now they have expanded and theyhave advanced military hardware. Thanks to Obama our great leader..He sent them brand new Humvee's ..What a guy:uhoh3:

ISIS Secures US-Made Weapons, Ships Tanks to Syria Front

Creating and equipping a brand new Iraqi military whole cloth was no problem for the US. It was a win-win, a chance to train up a new “ally” and ship massive amounts of US arms-makers equipment abroad.

It’s looking less wise now, as the Iraqi soldiers drop their US gear and run, and the advancing Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the same group that used to be al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) during the US occupation, is finding itself in possession of a lot of shiny new US military exports.
Indeed, ISIS has secured so many US-made vehicles that they don’t even need them all on the Iraq side of their new Islamic state, and reports say they are sending a number of US-made tanks, trucks and Humvees into Syria, to be used by ISIS fighters on the Syrian front.

Perhaps even more dangerous, US officials say it is “probable” that US-made anti-aircraft missiles are now in ISIS hands, meaning all air traffic in the region is in serious danger

ISIS Secures US-Made Weapons Ships Tanks to Syria Front -- News from Antiwar.com
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office

Poor Obama, smartest president, ever, and he couldn't use his massive intellect to come up with a new agreement. Poor, weak, helpless Obama.
An agreement can not be made with a party that insist they do not want an agreement. In order to please America with an agreement meant displeasing their most immediate threat, Shiite Iran, next door and with control over the Shiite Iraq government. The Iraqi government publicly stated in no uncertain terms that they want US troops out of Iraq. The elected officials insisted they would not approve an agreement that allowed US ground forces to operate in Iraq. They insisted on holding America to the agreement Bush signed a month before leaving office.

Bullshit Obama wanted out and he took credit for it..

"great achievements of this administration"
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.
No one could have gotten a SOFA. It would have been suicide, literally, for any Shiites in the government to allow a SOFA agreement. The Shiite militia's or Iran would have suicide bombed any official who allowed or voted for a SOFA agreement.
You are worried about nothing in regards to troops in Iraq not being protected by a SOFA. Iraq agreed to give them the same status as the Marines assigned to the Embassy. All troops are covered under an agreement of diplomatic immunity. Better than any SOFA.
BTW, there are over 15,000 troops in our Kuwait bases only an hours flight by helicopter assault from the International Zone. The armored combat units can be in Bagdhad in a days drive.
Obama the great negotiator.:rolleyes-41: He wanted out you idiot, there was nothing to negotiate:slap:
Apparently VOTERS TRUST Trump overwhelmingly on the economy...who can argue with a guy worth $10 BILLION???

Trump towers above rivals on policy issues as Republican voters say they trust him most on economy!!!!!!!!

Daily Mail ^ | 8/18/15 | DAVID MARTOSKO
Trump towers above rivals on policy issues as Republican voters say they trust him most on economy, immigration and ISIS. New CNN/ORC poll: 45 per cent of GOP voters say Trump is the Republican candidate they trust most to handle the economy. That number is up an astonishing 25 points since June and no other GOP candidate is in double-digits. Trump gets top marks from 44 per cent of Republicans on illegal immigration, his signature issue – up 30 points in the last two months. Overall Trump scores 24 per cent support among registered Republicans, nearly twice the number posted...
Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

"Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday."

" And ISIS is taking over a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth. You go and knock the hell out of the oil. Take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place.""

Really? Go back into Iraq, the country we supposedly 'liberated', and steal their oil to pay our war debt?

Isn't that what they call plunder? Wouldn't we in fact be doing just what ISIS is doing?

Trump Take Iraq s Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

It gets worse. His solution to defeating ISIS has no chance of success and his estimates of the number of troops needed are pure fantasy only the suckers who support him will believe. The stolen oil would not pay for the deployment of military forces needed to attempt his stupid idea. They certainly wouldn't pay for the new flood of killed and maimed troops his plan would create when the cost of his nit wit idea is added up. This to say nothing about the fact he would have to invade Syria where most of the ISIS controlled oil wells are.
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

You don't know what I was for or against. You just don't know how to defend Trump's foolishness so you are deflecting to blaming Obama for the situation that exist. It does not matter who did what in the past. It is all up for historical debate. What counts now is how to defeat ISIS and Trump's answer and ideas will not defeat ISIS. Instead it will get us into a bigger war then we had under W.

Obama is defeating ISIS?..Who knew? :dunno:
Nothing has been said about Obama defeating ISIS you dope. Pay attention. Trump having a stupid idea that will not defeat ISIS does not equate to Obama defeating ISIS at the present time. Check yourself on your Obama derangement. It really screws up your ability to think.
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.
No one could have gotten a SOFA. It would have been suicide, literally, for any Shiites in the government to allow a SOFA agreement. The Shiite militia's or Iran would have suicide bombed any official who allowed or voted for a SOFA agreement.
You are worried about nothing in regards to troops in Iraq not being protected by a SOFA. Iraq agreed to give them the same status as the Marines assigned to the Embassy. All troops are covered under an agreement of diplomatic immunity. Better than any SOFA.
BTW, there are over 15,000 troops in our Kuwait bases only an hours flight by helicopter assault from the International Zone. The armored combat units can be in Bagdhad in a days drive.

Talk about spin.

Good gawd.

Obama could of left troops behind on the same assurances we have now with Iraq.
I leave it to you to say the most stupid thing imaginable and call it a "better plan."

What's better about it? Is Saudi Arabia murdering thousands of innocent people on a daily basis? Is it turning young girls into sex slaves?

I'll bet you don't dare to utter your moronic ideas anywhere people know who you are.

It's well known that the Saudis are the main sponsors of the psychotic jihadis and are totally insane. They even execute people for witchcraft over there, you know. And if you don't believe me, there's something called google.

But somehow you cultists are conviced they are your best friends

Oh, and you would lose that bet. I've got friends who think my ideas are quite moderate, unfortunately they've other hobbies than making fun of rightwing loons so they don't post here.


and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.

You are in gross error!

You can find a PDF copy of the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA here: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/122074.pdf

In that document on page 20 under Article 24, "Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq" one can clearly read at #1. "All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011." [Emphasis Added]

Obama attempted to alter that agreement in the fall of 2011 with another SOFA, but the Iraqi's refused to grant the customary immunity from tribal Sharia and Iraqi Law to US Forces in October 2011. So all US forces, save those left in the sovereign Green Zone, departed, with the last leaving on Dec 16, 2011!

Bush wasn't going to leave 10,000 troops behind as you claim. The forces left there are on sovereign soil within the embassy complex and Obama attempted to secure a SOFA to protect US troops from trumped up Iraqi charges, here and there, while they kept the lid on Bush's failed pogrom of "Nation Building" and the still smoldering civil war it spawned, but the Iraqi's didn't want us there so we left 15 days before the Bush 2008 SOFA expired! Your distortions and misrepresentations notwithstanding!

Talk about misinformed... Those troops are not just at the embassy grounds

U.S. troops and Shiite militiamen share Iraq base
Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

"Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday."

" And ISIS is taking over a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth. You go and knock the hell out of the oil. Take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place.""

Really? Go back into Iraq, the country we supposedly 'liberated', and steal their oil to pay our war debt?

Isn't that what they call plunder? Wouldn't we in fact be doing just what ISIS is doing?

Trump Take Iraq s Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

It gets worse. His solution to defeating ISIS has no chance of success and his estimates of the number of troops needed are pure fantasy only the suckers who support him will believe. The stolen oil would not pay for the deployment of military forces needed to attempt his stupid idea. They certainly wouldn't pay for the new flood of killed and maimed troops his plan would create when the cost of his nit wit idea is added up. This to say nothing about the fact he would have to invade Syria where most of the ISIS controlled oil wells are.
and you were all for the Obama's complete pull out of Iraq, which lead to the islamonazi take over ..You're a genius:slap:

You don't know what I was for or against. You just don't know how to defend Trump's foolishness so you are deflecting to blaming Obama for the situation that exist. It does not matter who did what in the past. It is all up for historical debate. What counts now is how to defeat ISIS and Trump's answer and ideas will not defeat ISIS. Instead it will get us into a bigger war then we had under W.

Obama is defeating ISIS?..Who knew? :dunno:
Nothing has been said about Obama defeating ISIS you dope. Pay attention. Trump having a stupid idea that will not defeat ISIS does not equate to Obama defeating ISIS at the present time. Check yourself on your Obama derangement. It really screws up your ability to think.

So he's not defeating ISIS?:wtf:Where'd that 24 billion go?
Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.

You are in gross error!

You can find a PDF copy of the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA here: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/122074.pdf

In that document on page 20 under Article 24, "Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq" one can clearly read at #1. "All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011." [Emphasis Added]

Obama attempted to alter that agreement in the fall of 2011 with another SOFA, but the Iraqi's refused to grant the customary immunity from tribal Sharia and Iraqi Law to US Forces in October 2011. So all US forces, save those left in the sovereign Green Zone, departed, with the last leaving on Dec 16, 2011!

Bush wasn't going to leave 10,000 troops behind as you claim. The forces left there are on sovereign soil within the embassy complex and Obama attempted to secure a SOFA to protect US troops from trumped up Iraqi charges, here and there, while they kept the lid on Bush's failed pogrom of "Nation Building" and the still smoldering civil war it spawned, but the Iraqi's didn't want us there so we left 15 days before the Bush 2008 SOFA expired! Your distortions and misrepresentations notwithstanding!

"When Obama took office in January 2009, he inherited a plan that President George W. Bush forged in 2008 with then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. That Status of Forces Agreement called for the withdrawal of all American troops by the end of 2011.

It was widely assumed a new plan would be negotiated after the 2008 version expired in 2011. There were no stipulations about a specific number of American military personnel to be left behind.

When it came time to renegotiate a new agreement, there was little consensus on whether a residual force should stay in the country. Military leaders in Baghdad and the Pentagon pushed for as many as 24,000, but the White House rejected that amount.

Obama reportedly did consider leaving up to 10,000 troops in strategic locations after the exit, but that plan faced opposition both in the United States and in Iraq. Obama ruled out a force that size during an August 2011 conference call.

Remember that the country was considered relatively stable in 2011; ISIS elements existed prior to that, but largely formed into the force it is today after American troops left -- and mostly in Syria at first.

Good Grief! Did you bother to read the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA I cited? That NON-REFERENCED, PLAGIARIZED copy and paste job from the Tampa Bay Times is full of slanted, biased Bull Shit that only tangentially regard the topics at hand AT BEST! The BUSH SOFA is a binding legal document. An OPED from a partisan Florida rag is NOT!

Your post to, which I originally responded was;

"Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out." [Emphasis Added]

I debunked each item you raised. You responded to that with a PLAGIARIZED copy and paste that makes no mention at all of the detailed terms of that official US document that put the LIE to your entire initial post, to which I originally responded. You can redeem yourself by admitting your error, or you can continue to ignore the truth. It's your credibility on the line, not mine!

You didn't debunk anything, merely attacked the source. I noticed you didn't figure out why we have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA.
Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

It wasn't Obama who made the agreement to leave Iraq and it was Reagan/Bush who gave birth to what is now ISIL.


Yeah, cuz there were no terrorists until Obama was elected.

Obama was so cool, he was gonna get the terrorists to lay down their weapons just by talking.
What happened? Does his teleprompter not speak terrorist?
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.
No one could have gotten a SOFA. It would have been suicide, literally, for any Shiites in the government to allow a SOFA agreement. The Shiite militia's or Iran would have suicide bombed any official who allowed or voted for a SOFA agreement.
You are worried about nothing in regards to troops in Iraq not being protected by a SOFA. Iraq agreed to give them the same status as the Marines assigned to the Embassy. All troops are covered under an agreement of diplomatic immunity. Better than any SOFA.
BTW, there are over 15,000 troops in our Kuwait bases only an hours flight by helicopter assault from the International Zone. The armored combat units can be in Bagdhad in a days drive.

Talk about spin.

Good gawd.

Obama could of left troops behind on the same assurances we have now with Iraq.
The agreement to protect US forces from Iraqi courts wasn't reached until ISIS caused a crisis and a deal was struck at the end of June 2014 for the first 300 advisers deployed outside of the International Zone. That agreement was later expanded to cover additional troops in December of the same year.


Your Obama derangement seems to make you and some others desperate to deflect away form the topic of the thread. The topic happens to be about Trump's embarrassing ideas about how he will easily destroy Isis. No one can defend his foolish ideas. Not even you and other Trump defenders. Your only option is to change the subject.
Obama was stuck to a schedule and agreement Bush signed a month before he left office and turned his mess over to the new guy. There was no reason for Bush to make that agreement other than the ending of the UN Resolution that supported troops in Iraq to start with. He could not get a renewed UN Resolution and he could not get an extended SOFA so he dumped the mess on the incoming administration. Bush had all those years to finish that war. More years than it took to defeat both Germany and Japan in WWll.
Obama concentrated on going after the real terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. That was something Bush also failed to do.

Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out.

You are in gross error!

You can find a PDF copy of the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA here: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/122074.pdf

In that document on page 20 under Article 24, "Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq" one can clearly read at #1. "All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011." [Emphasis Added]

Obama attempted to alter that agreement in the fall of 2011 with another SOFA, but the Iraqi's refused to grant the customary immunity from tribal Sharia and Iraqi Law to US Forces in October 2011. So all US forces, save those left in the sovereign Green Zone, departed, with the last leaving on Dec 16, 2011!

Bush wasn't going to leave 10,000 troops behind as you claim. The forces left there are on sovereign soil within the embassy complex and Obama attempted to secure a SOFA to protect US troops from trumped up Iraqi charges, here and there, while they kept the lid on Bush's failed pogrom of "Nation Building" and the still smoldering civil war it spawned, but the Iraqi's didn't want us there so we left 15 days before the Bush 2008 SOFA expired! Your distortions and misrepresentations notwithstanding!

"When Obama took office in January 2009, he inherited a plan that President George W. Bush forged in 2008 with then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. That Status of Forces Agreement called for the withdrawal of all American troops by the end of 2011.

It was widely assumed a new plan would be negotiated after the 2008 version expired in 2011. There were no stipulations about a specific number of American military personnel to be left behind.

When it came time to renegotiate a new agreement, there was little consensus on whether a residual force should stay in the country. Military leaders in Baghdad and the Pentagon pushed for as many as 24,000, but the White House rejected that amount.

Obama reportedly did consider leaving up to 10,000 troops in strategic locations after the exit, but that plan faced opposition both in the United States and in Iraq. Obama ruled out a force that size during an August 2011 conference call.

Remember that the country was considered relatively stable in 2011; ISIS elements existed prior to that, but largely formed into the force it is today after American troops left -- and mostly in Syria at first.

Good Grief! Did you bother to read the Bush and Company 2008 SOFA I cited? That NON-REFERENCED, PLAGIARIZED copy and paste job from the Tampa Bay Times is full of slanted, biased Bull Shit that only tangentially regard the topics at hand AT BEST! The BUSH SOFA is a binding legal document. An OPED from a partisan Florida rag is NOT!

Your post to, which I originally responded was;

"Obama was incapable of getting a SOFA because he didn't want one. Bush's plan was to leave at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the advice of the Pentagon. We now have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA. Figure that one out." [Emphasis Added]

I debunked each item you raised. You responded to that with a PLAGIARIZED copy and paste that makes no mention at all of the detailed terms of that official US document that put the LIE to your entire initial post, to which I originally responded. You can redeem yourself by admitting your error, or you can continue to ignore the truth. It's your credibility on the line, not mine!

You didn't debunk anything, merely attacked the source. I noticed you didn't figure out why we have 3,000 troops in Iraq with no SOFA.

If you are referring to you as "the source" that is fairly obvious and it's self-evident that your non-defense is tacit admission of your PLAGIARISM. If you are referring to the Tampa Bay Times as "the source" that also is obvious along with the fact that partisan rag slanted the truth as proven previously by presentation of the FACTS within the Bush & Company SOFA of 2008.

The 104 Acre US Embassy in Bagdad is the largest embassy complex in the world, nearly the size of the Vatican, with about 15,000 working within its walls. I have no idea how large the security force inside the Embassy is and it's irrelevant in any case; they are not combat troops, but a security force.

I know for certain that inside those walls is SOVEREIGN US TERRITORY! Given the security force is on sovereign ground, AGAIN, there is no need for a SOFA. If you cannot get that through your head, then God Bless You! I think it's time you stopped displaying your ignorance.
Is the left going to whine about poor Iraq's freaking oil now? Nobody on the left whined about Russia taking over not only the oil but the whole freaking independent nation of Ukraine but they are afraid of a unspecified plan by a popular republican? Surely you jest.
Is the left going to whine about poor Iraq's freaking oil now? Nobody on the left whined about Russia taking over not only the oil but the whole freaking independent nation of Ukraine but they are afraid of a unspecified plan by a popular republican? Surely you jest.
When did that happen? What are you talking about? When did Russia take over the whole nation of Ukraine? Are you talking about WWII?
Why do you call Trump's war plans unspecific? He was very specific. The insanity and foolishness of those specifics is what has his critics speaking out. When a guy running for President talks about engaging in a war that will put troops into combat there should be some concern.

It was a big mistake for Jeb's brother to invade Iraq and fight those guys. (Applause)


We should invade Iraq and fight those guys some more. (Applause)

Bush got us into this mess, obama made it worse, I'll CLEAN IT UP.

...or I may bankrupt us in the process. It won't be the first time I've done that.
Your little boi king already has the economy at the brink of collapse, since he more than DOUBLED the DEBT in 7 years by spending more than all the prior presidents in history combined. He and Soros are the ones that are working overtime to ruin our nations economy.

And stop lying, bubble head, Trump has never filed bankruptcy.
Four times. Trump has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. The US would be his fifth bankruptcy.

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