Trumps Policy Of Being Unpredictable


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Can you imagine what the left would do if Trump is a successful president, oh my the horror...

April 16, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's hard to think of anyone at The Atlantic who likes President Trump less than Julia Ioffe. We are talking about a reporter fired from Politico for an anti-Trump tweet. That's what makes this summary all the more entertaining.


But President Trump hates being predictable. He has no real ideological coloration. He shifts with circumstances. And that makes him dangerously unpredictable. Russia did know the strike was coming at least a week ahead. The Wikileaks propaganda about Trump's poll numbers makes it clear that they were already looking for a way to spin what was going to happen. But they don't understand the thinking.

And the real goal of serious intel is not just to predict what your enemy will do, but why he will do it. And there Trump has them stumped. If they can't predict why he will do something, they can't predict what he will do next. And that's a terrifying situation for a world power to be in.

Russian Reaction Shows Trump's Policy of Being Unpredictable is Working
Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.
Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.
BULLSHIT, every time you you post I see you like this...
Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.
BULLSHIT, every time you you post I see you like this...

Oddly, I really don't much care what RWNJs like you might think, or if you are even able to think at all.
Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.

Quite true. The sad part is that if he did list 1-10 what his next moves would be...he would not follow through on 9 of them and the sad folks who still believe in the man (I don't think there are any who believe what he says) will cheer whatever the reasoning is for not following through
Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.

Quite true. The sad part is that if he did list 1-10 what his next moves would be...he would not follow through on 9 of them and the sad folks who still believe in the man (I don't think there are any who believe what he says) will cheer whatever the reasoning is for not following through
CandyAss, long time no see, were ya been in an institution...
UNPREDICTABLE .. nobody if he'll ever tell the truth.
Can you imagine what the left would do if Trump is a successful president, oh my the horror...

April 16, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's hard to think of anyone at The Atlantic who likes President Trump less than Julia Ioffe. We are talking about a reporter fired from Politico for an anti-Trump tweet. That's what makes this summary all the more entertaining.


But President Trump hates being predictable. He has no real ideological coloration. He shifts with circumstances. And that makes him dangerously unpredictable. Russia did know the strike was coming at least a week ahead. The Wikileaks propaganda about Trump's poll numbers makes it clear that they were already looking for a way to spin what was going to happen. But they don't understand the thinking.

And the real goal of serious intel is not just to predict what your enemy will do, but why he will do it. And there Trump has them stumped. If they can't predict why he will do something, they can't predict what he will do next. And that's a terrifying situation for a world power to be in.

Russian Reaction Shows Trump's Policy of Being Unpredictable is Working

He's in good company.

If I thought that my hair knew what my brain was thinking about I would shave it off and wear a wig.

Duke of Wellington.

Biographical memoranda of Arthur duke of Wellington

Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.
BULLSHIT, every time you you post I see you like this...

Oddly, I really don't much care what RWNJs like you might think, or if you are even able to think at all.

So you really enjoy losing!! lol

Trump is incompetent period, anyone who reads his business history knows that. The right only loves him as he is not the other, years of brain washing has created right wingers who follow along like Pavlovian puppets. Money plays the righties, you must wonder will they ever wake up? Now they pay his travel and support his family LOL.

Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

"I found much that was alarming about being a citizen during the tenures of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. But, whatever I may have seen as their limitations of character or intellect, neither was anything like as humanly impoverished as Trump is: ignorant of government, of history, of science, of philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance, destitute of all decency, and wielding a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.” Philip Roth
Can you imagine what the left would do if Trump is a successful president, oh my the horror...

April 16, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's hard to think of anyone at The Atlantic who likes President Trump less than Julia Ioffe. We are talking about a reporter fired from Politico for an anti-Trump tweet. That's what makes this summary all the more entertaining.


But President Trump hates being predictable. He has no real ideological coloration. He shifts with circumstances. And that makes him dangerously unpredictable. Russia did know the strike was coming at least a week ahead. The Wikileaks propaganda about Trump's poll numbers makes it clear that they were already looking for a way to spin what was going to happen. But they don't understand the thinking.

And the real goal of serious intel is not just to predict what your enemy will do, but why he will do it. And there Trump has them stumped. If they can't predict why he will do something, they can't predict what he will do next. And that's a terrifying situation for a world power to be in.

Russian Reaction Shows Trump's Policy of Being Unpredictable is Working

Unpredictable is exactly what we need. We've experienced what the utter disaster of having a completely predictable traitor in the White house and corrupt Secretaries of State have been , and we're already seeing a massive improvement under Trump's watch, and he's only been in office a few months. The slimy vermin pandered to and fawned over by Obama and Hillary and Kerry are already nervous and reigning themselves in, and a certain Mad Midget is going to be history soon, likely done in by his own 'mentors'. Best President since Andrew Jackson already, and he's in for eight years.
Unpredictable? Sure, I guess you could almost call it that, but a more accurate description would be "so confused till he has no idea what to do next" Unpredictable implies he has some sort of plan. With Trump, nothing could be further from the truth.
BULLSHIT, every time you you post I see you like this...

Oddly, I really don't much care what RWNJs like you might think, or if you are even able to think at all.

So you really enjoy losing!! lol


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