Trump’s poll numbers soar as Joe spreads fake news

Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.

I don't have disdain for the military but being in the military doesn't give you immunity to political criticism if you decide to jump into that boat.

Got it. You just disrespect those who have honorably run our military, but have now retired and passed those duties to younger men. . I don't see that as much of a difference.

No, if someone wants to attack Trump lying about him not trying to quell the violence when he's been told he can't do a fucking thing unless one of these fucking dipshit fucking governors asks him to, I don't give a fuck if you were in the military or not. You're a stupid fucking liberal and I'll call you a stupid fucking dipshit liberal.

I understand. The laws just don't matter to you. You want what you want, no matter what. You're more like Trump by the day.

No you fucking retard, I want fucking dipshit liberals like you to be fair to Trump. We know you hate him, we know that, we got that, it's clear. But we're sick and fucking tired of the lies. Just today the lie about Trump calling dead soldiers losers. We've already had 4 people in that meeting state that was never said, and proof with a document that it was cancelled due to weather.

Did dipship liberals like you admit they were wrong? Fuck no, you fucking double down on it like the stupid fucking asshole you are.

BULLSHIT. We are just telling you what that moron are telling us. Now you are upset?
FAIR? Trump said and did lots of stupid things that are not acceptable. Like a 10 yo kid always saying stupid things. So let me give you just few examples.
He blasted Biden for wearing mask, he said only 9,000 deaths of Coronavirus, LIBERATE LIBERATE inciting violence, Covid 19 deaths infections are all lies created by democrats , promoted a lunatic doctor. He lie like hell and no principles . Even his sister confirmed that.

Calling dead soldiers suckers and losers. Based from his records unhinged just blasted people without impunity. Why is that even a questionable? The information came from John Kelly.

What is there to like Trump? He proved himself unfit, incompetent, ignorant, amateur and bully. Degrading his own fellow Americans attacking Americans democrats. A laughing stock around the world. He literally destroyed this country almost on purpose. Look at what is happening to this country? He downplayed the severity of the crisis at the beginning we are now 9 months and he still downplaying the severity of the pandemic. That’s dumb.

Just yesterday September 7. Trump blasted pentagon people he hired as warmongers. Now you tell me. Is that supposed to be what a president should be saying to his military leaders?

Critics were flabbergasted Monday when President Donald Trump slammed his own Pentagon leadership as warmongers.
Speaking at a White House press conference, Trump claimed that U.S. soldiers are “in love with me,” but top Pentagon officials “probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
17 MDs in Congress and not one of them uttered a peep about COVID.
You lost me there. Can you be more specific?
and it takes just a few minutes of google searches to see the military has nothing to do with this site.
Regent - ultimate parent company.

swing and a miss.
View attachment 384508
View attachment 384514

Who cares what a bunch of washed up old grunts think of Trump? Most military are blacks, so no surprise there.

They denounce trump for quelling violent riots while Biden says Trump is doing nothing.

Can you lefties make up your minds?

Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.
Trump has no disdain for the military. He is too politically correct to mention that John "Songbird" McCain was a fucking traitor during his confinement as a POW. That is why he had the records of his confinement sealed forever.

Oh Lordy!
You may want to watch this video from CNN Trump attacking military and their families. This not a lie.

Here is the tape from CNN. Trump attacking military and their families.

and it takes just a few minutes of google searches to see the military has nothing to do with this site.
Regent - ultimate parent company.

swing and a miss.
View attachment 384508
View attachment 384514

Who cares what a bunch of washed up old grunts think of Trump? Most military are blacks, so no surprise there.

They denounce trump for quelling violent riots while Biden says Trump is doing nothing.

Can you lefties make up your minds?

Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.
Trump has no disdain for the military. He is too politically correct to mention that John "Songbird" McCain was a fucking traitor during his confinement as a POW. That is why he had the records of his confinement sealed forever.

Oh Lordy!
You may want to watch this video from CNN Trump attacking military and their families. This not a lie.

Here is the tape from CNN. Trump attacking military and their families.

She's just regurgitating Jeffrey Goldberg's bullshit story....just like the stupid bitch, Jennifer Griffin did on Fox News.

She repeatedly says. "He (Goldberg) also said..." That's nothing but hearsay. Parroting. Gossip.

Her video confirms what Trump actually said about McCain regarding his being a hero:

"He was a hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

However, I don't call McCain a hero! McCain was a fucking traitor when he was a POW in North Vietnam.
and it takes just a few minutes of google searches to see the military has nothing to do with this site.
Regent - ultimate parent company.

swing and a miss.
View attachment 384508
View attachment 384514

Who cares what a bunch of washed up old grunts think of Trump? Most military are blacks, so no surprise there.

They denounce trump for quelling violent riots while Biden says Trump is doing nothing.

Can you lefties make up your minds?

Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.
Trump has no disdain for the military. He is too politically correct to mention that John "Songbird" McCain was a fucking traitor during his confinement as a POW. That is why he had the records of his confinement sealed forever.

Oh Lordy!
You may want to watch this video from CNN Trump attacking military and their families. This not a lie.

Here is the tape from CNN. Trump attacking military and their families.

She's just regurgitating Jeffrey Goldberg's bullshit story....just like the stupid bitch, Jennifer Griffin did on Fox News.

She repeatedly says. "He (Goldberg) also said..." That's nothing but hearsay. Parroting. Gossip.

Her video confirms what Trump actually said about McCain regarding his being a hero:

"He was a hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

However, I don't call McCain a hero! McCain was a fucking traitor when he was a POW in North Vietnam.
McCain is a hero hailed by militaries. Except Trump and gullibles like you.
Here’s another one attacking military leaders he hired at the pentagon accusing them as warmongers. Trump is a MORON.

Critics were flabbergasted Monday when President Donald Trump slammed his own Pentagon leadership as warmongers.

As a result. Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville came out blasted Trump.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville pushed back Tuesday on the assertion — most recently voiced by President Trump — that the military’s senior leaders are eager to fight wars because doing so benefits defense contractors.
and it takes just a few minutes of google searches to see the military has nothing to do with this site.
Regent - ultimate parent company.

swing and a miss.
View attachment 384508
View attachment 384514

Who cares what a bunch of washed up old grunts think of Trump? Most military are blacks, so no surprise there.

They denounce trump for quelling violent riots while Biden says Trump is doing nothing.

Can you lefties make up your minds?

Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.
Trump has no disdain for the military. He is too politically correct to mention that John "Songbird" McCain was a fucking traitor during his confinement as a POW. That is why he had the records of his confinement sealed forever.

Oh Lordy!
You may want to watch this video from CNN Trump attacking military and their families. This not a lie.

Here is the tape from CNN. Trump attacking military and their families.

She's just regurgitating Jeffrey Goldberg's bullshit story....just like the stupid bitch, Jennifer Griffin did on Fox News.

She repeatedly says. "He (Goldberg) also said..." That's nothing but hearsay. Parroting. Gossip.

Her video confirms what Trump actually said about McCain regarding his being a hero:

"He was a hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

However, I don't call McCain a hero! McCain was a fucking traitor when he was a POW in North Vietnam.
McCain is a hero hailed by militaries. Except Trump and gullibles like you.
You know McCains career? You know how much of his wrong doings were covered up by his daddy and granddaddy while he was in the military? You know how many times he crashed his plane because he was an idiot? You know how he ripped off the American people in the senate(keating 5 look it up). Mccain was no hero soldier he was a glorified daddy's boy that was given an extraordinary opportunity that he squandered up till taking advantage of his fame for being a PoW. He was far from a hero and the Democrats said the same damn thing about him and even called him a racist during the 2008 election.
What Trump said about Mccain was a personal beef and had nothing to do with the military. Kamala Harris said much worse about Biden in the primary and of course in true democrat fashion called him a racist.
Here’s another one attacking military leaders he hired at the pentagon accusing them as warmongers. Trump is a MORON.

Critics were flabbergasted Monday when President Donald Trump slammed his own Pentagon leadership as warmongers.

As a result. Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville came out blasted Trump.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville pushed back Tuesday on the assertion — most recently voiced by President Trump — that the military’s senior leaders are eager to fight wars because doing so benefits defense contractors.
OF course they mad. Trump is taking their extra pay check from the warmongering corporations. Same reason the Democrats are mad because he disrupts "business as normal" in Washington. I mean he tried to rip off their advantage in the House by asking a question so bold and controversial as "are you an American Citizen" in fucking America for gods sake. I mean Hillary lied cheated and stole the primary from both the voters and Bernie sanders and got nothing out of it because the national election system is not as corrupt as theirs so mad. And god this morning I hear Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for achieving peace. how is that Fair Obama had that high hurdle of just being black to get his.

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