Trump’s poll numbers soar as Joe spreads fake news

You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

Sorry, but Trump's reputation for lying and insulting people plays a big part in this. I wouldn't believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

Sorry, but Trump's reputation for lying and insulting people plays a big part in this. I wouldn't believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
Yet you would likely believe Adam Schiff if he claimed he still had undeniable proof of Trump collusion...or any other claim he makes.
You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

Sorry, but Trump's reputation for lying and insulting people plays a big part in this. I wouldn't believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
Yet you would likely believe Adam Schiff if he claimed he still had undeniable proof of Trump collusion...or any other claim he makes.

Schiff never said he had investigators in Hawaii that had uncovered amazing evidence, or that that silly inauguration was the biggest ever.
You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

Sorry, but Trump's reputation for lying and insulting people plays a big part in this. I wouldn't believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
Yet you would likely believe Adam Schiff if he claimed he still had undeniable proof of Trump collusion...or any other claim he makes.

Schiff never said he had investigators in Hawaii that had uncovered amazing evidence, or that that silly inauguration was the biggest ever.
No he just lied about knowing something and having proof of something bad for the President and used to to start an investigation and an action against a sitting President and it was ALL a lie designed to cause damage to the President illegally. HE lied got caught and you still believe his KNOWN lie. He attempted a Coup against a US President failed and you still support him.
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.
Coming from an unknown bias fake news media? Absolutely. These kinds of medias are known as fake news. They are unreliable, unverifiable, untrustworthy.

You are not being honest.
1. Biden condemned the violence on both sides the left and the right. He condemned the looting and burning. . He challenged Trump to do the same. Trump remained quiet because he is not capable.
2. Biden condemned Russian for interfering with the 2020 election. Trump remain quiet and scared because he is weak.
3. Biden condemned the bounty head against US soldiers in Afghanistan. Trump proved himself a puppet.

Trump did not condemned the violence on both sides. He threatened them.

Qanon is a movement it’s not a just an online chat. Dedicated of spreading conspiracies mainly to influence the weakest American.

I’m following Biden just wondering what lies are you talking about. Maybe I missed something. Can you name some of Biden lies?
In the RCP averages, Biden is leading by 7.1%. On Sept 8/16, Hillary was up by 2.8%.

Today, 7.3% of the electorate is undecided. At this time in 2016, 11.6% of the electorate was undecided.

You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

Sorry, but Trump's reputation for lying and insulting people plays a big part in this. I wouldn't believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
Yet you would likely believe Adam Schiff if he claimed he still had undeniable proof of Trump collusion...or any other claim he makes.

Schiff never said he had investigators in Hawaii that had uncovered amazing evidence, or that that silly inauguration was the biggest ever.
No he just lied about knowing something and having proof of something bad for the President and used to to start an investigation and an action against a sitting President and it was ALL a lie designed to cause damage to the President illegally. HE lied got caught and you still believe his KNOWN lie. He attempted a Coup against a US President failed and you still support him.

That is what Barr said, but there was lots of proof in that report.
I’m following Biden just wondering what lies are you talking about. Maybe I missed something. Can you name some of Biden lies?
I think you're missing a whole lot. Maybe you should back off of the liberal Kool-Aid.

Read the article.

Biden lied about Trump being the cause of the violence.
Biden lied about Trump wanting to defund the police.
Biden lied about his want to increase police funding.
Biden lied about saying that he did not want to eliminate fracking.

You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

Sorry, but Trump's reputation for lying and insulting people plays a big part in this. I wouldn't believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
Yet you would likely believe Adam Schiff if he claimed he still had undeniable proof of Trump collusion...or any other claim he makes.

Schiff never said he had investigators in Hawaii that had uncovered amazing evidence, or that that silly inauguration was the biggest ever.
No he just lied about knowing something and having proof of something bad for the President and used to to start an investigation and an action against a sitting President and it was ALL a lie designed to cause damage to the President illegally. HE lied got caught and you still believe his KNOWN lie. He attempted a Coup against a US President failed and you still support him.

That is what Barr said, but there was lots of proof in that report.
Funny then that the impeachment charges didn't include collusion. Schiff claimed multiple times that he had ironclad proof. He lied!
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.
Good fucking God!! Fer real??

View attachment 384493

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
Right Bias - Media Bias/Fact Check
All media sources are biased. The majority of them are biased against anything Trump. Though Independent Sentinel is indeed a right leaning source, it is not a deceptive, lying piece of shit source like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and others proven themselves to be.

If you doubt that his approval rating is going up, post a credible link that says otherwise.

You purposely eliminate Fox News. Maybe you are missing something?

1. Fox News just blasted Trump with the suckers and losers comments.

2. Media Bias/Fact Check can get sued by labeling these unknown media such as independent sentinel (untrustworthy, misleading reports) fake news.

4. Just because you don’t like what CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC are saying about Trump doesn’t mean it’s fake. Maybe I’m missing something? Can you give us an example?
Biden spreads fake news and Biden riots as Trump spreads Americanism.
In the RCP averages, Biden is leading by 7.1%. On Sept 8/16, Hillary was up by 2.8%.

Today, 7.3% of the electorate is undecided. At this time in 2016, 11.6% of the electorate was undecided.

I read where Nate Silver indicated that Biden would need to win by 5 million in the popular vote to beat Trump in the E.C. Keep in mind that someone could get close to just 34% of the popular vote and win the election.

Not saying it will happen.

Not making excuses.

Just sayin'
I’m following Biden just wondering what lies are you talking about. Maybe I missed something. Can you name some of Biden lies?
I think you're missing a whole lot. Maybe you should back off of the liberal Kool-Aid.

Read the article.

Biden lied about Trump being the cause of the violence.
Biden lied about Trump wanting to defund the police.
Biden lied about his want to increase police funding.
Biden lied about saying that he did not want to eliminate fracking.

This is the problem when you used these kinds of unknown media as your source of information. Are those supposed to be credible?
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.
Good fucking God!! Fer real??

View attachment 384493

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
Right Bias - Media Bias/Fact Check
All media sources are biased. The majority of them are biased against anything Trump. Though Independent Sentinel is indeed a right leaning source, it is not a deceptive, lying piece of shit source like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and others proven themselves to be.

If you doubt that his approval rating is going up, post a credible link that says otherwise.
On topic, I haven't seen anything showing his numbers are "soaring." Just holding steady, which given the political climate of today, is amazing in itself.
How about the claim that his approval rating is back to its pre-COVID level? How about the claims increases in approval among blacks and Hispanics? Do you have any data on these numbers?

No I don't, but I didnt make the claims, so I am under no obligation to back them up.

You have the obligation to back them up. Otherwise you are lying.
and it takes just a few minutes of google searches to see the military has nothing to do with this site.
Regent - ultimate parent company.

swing and a miss.
View attachment 384508
View attachment 384514

Who cares what a bunch of washed up old grunts think of Trump? Most military are blacks, so no surprise there.

They denounce trump for quelling violent riots while Biden says Trump is doing nothing.

Can you lefties make up your minds?

Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.
Trump has no disdain for the military. He is too politically correct to mention that John "Songbird" McCain was a fucking traitor during his confinement as a POW. That is why he had the records of his confinement sealed forever.

Oh Lordy!
You may want to watch this video from CNN Trump attacking military and their families. This not a lie.
Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.

I don't have disdain for the military but being in the military doesn't give you immunity to political criticism if you decide to jump into that boat.

Got it. You just disrespect those who have honorably run our military, but have now retired and passed those duties to younger men. . I don't see that as much of a difference.

No, if someone wants to attack Trump lying about him not trying to quell the violence when he's been told he can't do a fucking thing unless one of these fucking dipshit fucking governors asks him to, I don't give a fuck if you were in the military or not. You're a stupid fucking liberal and I'll call you a stupid fucking dipshit liberal.

I understand. The laws just don't matter to you. You want what you want, no matter what. You're more like Trump by the day.

No you fucking retard, I want fucking dipshit liberals like you to be fair to Trump. We know you hate him, we know that, we got that, it's clear. But we're sick and fucking tired of the lies. Just today the lie about Trump calling dead soldiers losers. We've already had 4 people in that meeting state that was never said, and proof with a document that it was cancelled due to weather.

Did dipship liberals like you admit they were wrong? Fuck no, you fucking double down on it like the stupid fucking asshole you are.

BULLSHIT. We are just telling you what that moron are telling us. Now you are upset?
FAIR? Trump said and did lots of stupid things that are not acceptable. Like a 10 yo kid always saying stupid things. So let me give you just few examples.
He blasted Biden for wearing mask, he said only 9,000 deaths of Coronavirus, LIBERATE LIBERATE inciting violence, Covid 19 deaths infections are all lies created by democrats , promoted a lunatic doctor. He lie like hell and no principles . Even his sister confirmed that.

Calling dead soldiers suckers and losers. Based from his records unhinged just blasted people without impunity. Why is that even a questionable? The information came from John Kelly.

What is there to like Trump? He proved himself unfit, incompetent, ignorant, amateur and bully. Degrading his own fellow Americans attacking Americans democrats. A laughing stock around the world. He literally destroyed this country almost on purpose. Look at what is happening to this country? He downplayed the severity of the crisis at the beginning we are now 9 months and he still downplaying the severity of the pandemic. That’s dumb.

Just yesterday September 7. Trump blasted pentagon people he hired as warmongers. Now you tell me. Is that supposed to be what a president should be saying to his military leaders?

Critics were flabbergasted Monday when President Donald Trump slammed his own Pentagon leadership as warmongers.
Speaking at a White House press conference, Trump claimed that U.S. soldiers are “in love with me,” but top Pentagon officials “probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
Your disdain for the military matches Trump's disdain of the military. I really miss the old GOP from when they had integrity.

I don't have disdain for the military but being in the military doesn't give you immunity to political criticism if you decide to jump into that boat.

Got it. You just disrespect those who have honorably run our military, but have now retired and passed those duties to younger men. . I don't see that as much of a difference.

No, if someone wants to attack Trump lying about him not trying to quell the violence when he's been told he can't do a fucking thing unless one of these fucking dipshit fucking governors asks him to, I don't give a fuck if you were in the military or not. You're a stupid fucking liberal and I'll call you a stupid fucking dipshit liberal.

I understand. The laws just don't matter to you. You want what you want, no matter what. You're more like Trump by the day.

No you fucking retard, I want fucking dipshit liberals like you to be fair to Trump. We know you hate him, we know that, we got that, it's clear. But we're sick and fucking tired of the lies. Just today the lie about Trump calling dead soldiers losers. We've already had 4 people in that meeting state that was never said, and proof with a document that it was cancelled due to weather.

Did dipship liberals like you admit they were wrong? Fuck no, you fucking double down on it like the stupid fucking asshole you are.

BULLSHIT. We are just telling you what that moron are telling us. Now you are upset?
FAIR? Trump said and did lots of stupid things that are not acceptable. Like a 10 yo kid always saying stupid things. So let me give you just few examples.
He blasted Biden for wearing mask, he said only 9,000 deaths of Coronavirus, LIBERATE LIBERATE inciting violence, Covid 19 deaths infections are all lies created by democrats , promoted a lunatic doctor. He lie like hell and no principles . Even his sister confirmed that.

Calling dead soldiers suckers and losers. Based from his records unhinged just blasted people without impunity. Why is that even a questionable? The information came from John Kelly.

What is there to like Trump? He proved himself unfit, incompetent, ignorant, amateur and bully. Degrading his own fellow Americans attacking Americans democrats. A laughing stock around the world. He literally destroyed this country almost on purpose. Look at what is happening to this country? He downplayed the severity of the crisis at the beginning we are now 9 months and he still downplaying the severity of the pandemic. That’s dumb.

Just yesterday September 7. Trump blasted pentagon people he hired as warmongers. Now you tell me. Is that supposed to be what a president should be saying to his military leaders?

Critics were flabbergasted Monday when President Donald Trump slammed his own Pentagon leadership as warmongers.
Speaking at a White House press conference, Trump claimed that U.S. soldiers are “in love with me,” but top Pentagon officials “probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
17 MDs in Congress and not one of them uttered a peep about COVID.
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.
What is ""?
I've never heard of that website. Very afraid of catching a virus.
These are unknown fake news media designed to confuse the weaklings. I’m really surprised that an old timers of this site will used these kinds of media.
You believe that poll you are stupider then you already look. Trump beat Hillary with veterans by 27 percent. You think this obvious lie is believed by that many people and it changed their vote? If anything Trump going to beat Hiden Biden by over 30 percent with veterens.
Are you not paying attention to what Trump has been caught saying about soldiers?
No one with any brains at all believes that. I mean there are 4 anonymous sources supposedly saying he said it. There are over 15 named sources that say that he did not including ones that do not even like Trump. All that lie is doing is showing how desperate Democrats are. There is no one that believes it. And the only ones that say they do are lying because of bias.

You are bery bery panny.
4 anonymous? Anonymous?
15 named sources? Who??

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