Trump's post mortem


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Done by Trump's chief pollster, the analysis gives us a very accurate picture of how and why Trump's monumental, landslide 2020 election defeat happened, and it weren't "voter fraud."

Key sentences from this in-house report:
"he wasn't honest or trustworthy and was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic" and,

"And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

Personally, I was heavily critical of Trump's handling of the pandemic, especially his repeated calls to "re-open the economy." In the end, his strategy to ensure defeat by President Biden was perfectly executed. So, I apologize to Trump for being so critical, and say to him, "Sir, I'm glad you did it the way you did! Bigly!!!
This is what I said all year long was going to nail him. It was evident to anyone without Trumpeteer blinders on. There was no stolen election. They didn't need to steal it. Trump was the architect of his own demise.

All Trump had to do is keep his mouth shut ( which is impossible with Trump ) and run the damn country and he would have beaten Biden easily...

Everyone want to blame the Lincoln Project, stolen election and so on but who they should blame is Trump because the buck stopped with him and he failed to do something so simple as just shut the hell up!

Done by Trump's chief pollster, the analysis gives us a very accurate picture of how and why Trump's monumental, landslide 2020 election defeat happened, and it weren't "voter fraud."

Key sentences from this in-house report:
"he wasn't honest or trustworthy and was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic" and,

"And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

Personally, I was heavily critical of Trump's handling of the pandemic, especially his repeated calls to "re-open the economy." In the end, his strategy to ensure defeat by President Biden was perfectly executed. So, I apologize to Trump for being so critical, and say to him, "Sir, I'm glad you did it the way you did! Bigly!!!
There was massive fraud. Your article is simply lying bullshit. Next.
His unpresidential, and extremely haphazard handling of the pandemic, did turn more in suburbia against him, especially with women.
This is what I said all year long was going to nail him. It was evident to anyone without Trumpeteer blinders on. There was no stolen election. They didn't need to steal it. Trump was the architect of his own demise.
spin on.
More than enough documented illegal votes in at least six states to flip the election, and these assholes still screech CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!

Done by Trump's chief pollster, the analysis gives us a very accurate picture of how and why Trump's monumental, landslide 2020 election defeat happened, and it weren't "voter fraud."

Key sentences from this in-house report:
"he wasn't honest or trustworthy and was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic" and,

"And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

Personally, I was heavily critical of Trump's handling of the pandemic, especially his repeated calls to "re-open the economy." In the end, his strategy to ensure defeat by President Biden was perfectly executed. So, I apologize to Trump for being so critical, and say to him, "Sir, I'm glad you did it the way you did! Bigly!!!
This wasn't a landslide defeat, dumbass.
Taking the stolen election aside....Democrats barely got that Demented Old fart across the finish line. It took alot of hard work by corrupt public officials to make it happen.
Done by Trump's chief pollster

TOO FUNNY. Who is this, another disgruntled ex-employee? Now you have Trump dead and buried, meantime he is more popular than ever with more votes than 2016 more than any other sitting president!

Do you people EVER get tired of lying to yourself to hear what you think you want to know?

Conservatives: individuals facing life as it is.

Progressives: individuals building a bubble around themselves of how they hope life would be.
Trump didn't lose because of the big city votes, big cities voted for Hillary in a higher percentage in 2016 than they voted for Biden in 2020.

Biden won more votes in rural and suburban counties...that were heavily republican in 2016.

Biden did not win those counties, but he chipped away at those votes in each of those red counties, and got a higher percentage of the votes cast in 2020 than Hillary did in 2020.

Done by Trump's chief pollster, the analysis gives us a very accurate picture of how and why Trump's monumental, landslide 2020 election defeat happened, and it weren't "voter fraud."

Key sentences from this in-house report:
"he wasn't honest or trustworthy and was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic" and,

"And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

Personally, I was heavily critical of Trump's handling of the pandemic, especially his repeated calls to "re-open the economy." In the end, his strategy to ensure defeat by President Biden was perfectly executed. So, I apologize to Trump for being so critical, and say to him, "Sir, I'm glad you did it the way you did! Bigly!!!
Don't TEASE me. (-:
Done by Trump's chief pollster

TOO FUNNY. Who is this, another disgruntled ex-employee? Now you have Trump dead and buried, meantime he is more popular than ever with more votes than 2016 more than any other sitting president!

Do you people EVER get tired of lying to yourself to hear what you think you want to know?

Conservatives: individuals facing life as it is.

Progressives: individuals building a bubble around themselves of how they hope life would be.
Stop the Spiel.
Done by Trump's chief pollster

TOO FUNNY. Who is this, another disgruntled ex-employee? Now you have Trump dead and buried, meantime he is more popular than ever with more votes than 2016 more than any other sitting president!

Do you people EVER get tired of lying to yourself to hear what you think you want to know?

Conservatives: individuals facing life as it is.

Progressives: individuals building a bubble around themselves of how they hope life would be.
Stop the Spiel.

JOE BIDEN: The Cartoon Cut-out president no one likes, no one voted for, ran no campaign, had no shows at rallies, no message, third in his own party, disliked VP, didn't go to his inauguration, can't walk or speak straight, who needs 25,000 troops around him to protect him while not even trusting the troops neither! :laughing0301:
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Done by Trump's chief pollster, the analysis gives us a very accurate picture of how and why Trump's monumental, landslide 2020 election defeat happened, and it weren't "voter fraud."

Key sentences from this in-house report:
"he wasn't honest or trustworthy and was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic" and,

"And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

Personally, I was heavily critical of Trump's handling of the pandemic, especially his repeated calls to "re-open the economy." In the end, his strategy to ensure defeat by President Biden was perfectly executed. So, I apologize to Trump for being so critical, and say to him, "Sir, I'm glad you did it the way you did! Bigly!!!
This wasn't a landslide defeat, dumbass.
Taking the stolen election aside....Democrats barely got that Demented Old fart across the finish line. It took alot of hard work by corrupt public officials to make it happen.
Trump said he won by a landslide in 2016 with electors voting 306 to 232,

And he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

Biden won the electoral vote by the same in 2020, 306 to 232.

AND he won the popular vote by over 7 million people.
Trump has been planning this for over 30 years. He knows how slow the wheels of justice turn. Even if nothing of relevance is substantiated, Trump knows how to game the system. When Trump entered his first term he didnt just knock over the apple cart, he broke it nearly beyond repair. If he would have remained in office the establishment would continued its resistance. Now he steps back and lets them eat their own from within. He will return stronger than ever.
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Trump didn't lose because of the big city votes, big cities voted for Hillary in a higher percentage in 2016 than they voted for Biden in 2020.

Biden won more votes in rural and suburban counties...that were heavily republican in 2016.

Biden did not win those counties, but he chipped away at those votes in each of those red counties, and got a higher percentage of the votes cast in 2020 than Hillary did in 2020.

Biden outperformed Hillary and Obama in only seven places: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee, Vegas, and Phoenix....The exact places where all the open fraud took place.


Done by Trump's chief pollster, the analysis gives us a very accurate picture of how and why Trump's monumental, landslide 2020 election defeat happened, and it weren't "voter fraud."

Key sentences from this in-house report:
"he wasn't honest or trustworthy and was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic" and,

"And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters."

Personally, I was heavily critical of Trump's handling of the pandemic, especially his repeated calls to "re-open the economy." In the end, his strategy to ensure defeat by President Biden was perfectly executed. So, I apologize to Trump for being so critical, and say to him, "Sir, I'm glad you did it the way you did! Bigly!!!
Politico is not a credible news source
Trump didn't lose because of the big city votes, big cities voted for Hillary in a higher percentage in 2016 than they voted for Biden in 2020.

Biden won more votes in rural and suburban counties...that were heavily republican in 2016.

Biden did not win those counties, but he chipped away at those votes in each of those red counties, and got a higher percentage of the votes cast in 2020 than Hillary did in 2020.

Biden outperformed Hillary and Obama in only seven places: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee, Vegas, and Phoenix....The exact places where all the open fraud took place.

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But that's fake news. AS a percentage of the vote, take Phillie and Detroit, Biden got less of a percentage of their voters to vote for him, than Hillary got in 2016.

Also, Biden got a higher percentage of the red county voters in 2020 than Hillary got in 2016 in both Pennsylvania and Michigan, the two big battleground states that were a MUST WIN for Trump in order for him to win the electoral college.

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