Trump's proposals estimated to add 11.5 Trillion to the National Debt

The guy has no idea what he's doing. I get some of you will always vote Republican, but in doing so you're voting for a man who is absolutely clueless and in WAY over his head.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election[/QUOTE

Have you done ANY background on "Committee For A Responsible Fedral Budget" and who funds it? I suggest that you do just that because you just posted some utter bullshit funded by the very globalist POS that helped to get us in this mess......

Hey, it's Tweedle-dale!

Hey! It's someone that knows more than you!!! Debate me, asswipe......
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?
The guy has no idea what he's doing. I get some of you will always vote Republican, but in doing so you're voting for a man who is absolutely clueless and in WAY over his head.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election

Lets see obozo added more then all the presidents combined before him and now you think it is a big deal????




Didn't ANY of you learn about "structural deficits" in.......uh.....well......Home Ec?

Its always funny with you idiots ... Always saying what trump might do yet ignore what democrats did do..

Concentration camps~ democrats

Refuse sand negros ~ democrats

18 trillion dollars plus to the debt ~ democrats

The guy has no idea what he's doing. I get some of you will always vote Republican, but in doing so you're voting for a man who is absolutely clueless and in WAY over his head.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election[/QUOTE

Have you done ANY background on "Committee For A Responsible Fedral Budget" and who funds it? I suggest that you do just that because you just posted some utter bullshit funded by the very globalist POS that helped to get us in this mess......

Hey, it's Tweedle-dale!

Hey! It's someone that knows more than you!!! Debate me, asswipe......

Sure, Dale....

Name the only POTUS since LBJ to reduce the deficits they inherited over the course of their terms.....
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

Obama has shrunk the fed gov. Not his fault we had two unfunded wars, Medicare D, tax cuts on the rich , and a nose dive recession .
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) is an independent, non-profit, bipartisan public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. that addresses federal budget and fiscal issues. It was founded in 1981 by former United States Representatives Robert Giaimo (D-CT) and Henry Bellmon (R-OK), and its board of directors includes former Members of Congress and directors of the Office of Management and Budget, the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve.

Seems to be filled by CURRENT MEMBERS of THIS ADMINISTRATION, and the DemocRAT party...... NO BIAS THERE! :ahole-1:'s:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The very notion of a "Responsible Federal Budget" must really chafe a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile like you raw, eh, Vag?

So, regale us with how the Barrypuppet has responsibly taken control of the spending and how the mass legal and illegal immigration has actually HELPED the U.S economy and why the deficit is (snicker) "under control".....I gotta hear this. You see, idiots like you don't even have a clue as to why we are in debt and the foreign owned central bank that "loans" us money and charges us interest for credit extended from nothing.....I know so much more than you....I just like toying with idiots like you.
The guy has no idea what he's doing. I get some of you will always vote Republican, but in doing so you're voting for a man who is absolutely clueless and in WAY over his head.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election[/QUOTE

Have you done ANY background on "Committee For A Responsible Fedral Budget" and who funds it? I suggest that you do just that because you just posted some utter bullshit funded by the very globalist POS that helped to get us in this mess......

Hey, it's Tweedle-dale!

Hey! It's someone that knows more than you!!! Debate me, asswipe......
…and the usual blind partisan rightwing nitwits chime in to exhibit their ignorance and stupidity.
The guy has no idea what he's doing. I get some of you will always vote Republican, but in doing so you're voting for a man who is absolutely clueless and in WAY over his head.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election

Lets see obozo added more then all the presidents combined before him and now you think it is a big deal????




Didn't ANY of you learn about "structural deficits" in.......uh.....well......Home Ec?

Its always funny with you idiots ... Always saying what trump might do yet ignore what democrats did do..

Concentration camps~ democrats

Refuse sand negros ~ democrats

18 trillion dollars plus to the debt ~ democrats


18 trillion dollars plus to the debt ~ democrats

In his autobiography, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (Penguin Press), Greenspan, 81, makes clear that his patron Ronald Reagan, who appointed him to head the U.S. central bank board in 1987, was a reckless steward of the nation's finances, eclipsed in economic irresponsibility by current president George W. Bush.

Clinton was in a fiscal bind when he came to power in 1993, and the record deficits of Reagan and George H.W. Bush put him there. "The hard truth was that Reagan had borrowed from Clinton, and Clinton was having to pay it back," Greenspan writes. "I was impressed that he did not seem to be trying to fudge reality to the extent politicians ordinarily do. He was forcing himself to live in the real world."

The 1993 deficit-fighting Clinton budget that kicked off the greatest economic boom in U.S. history, and passed the U.S. House of Representatives without a single G.O.P. vote in favour, was "an act of political courage," says Greenspan, no doubt mindful it wasn't popular with left-wing members of the Democratic Party, either.

Clintonomics, to recap, produced 22 million new jobs (against a 1992 campaign promise of eight million); reduced the federal payroll to Kennedy-era levels; brought about the first narrowing of the income gap between rich and poor since the 1950s; and generated the first surpluses in three decades, totalling $615 billion (U.S.) in Clinton's last four budgets.

Clinton emerges as the hero of Greenspan's 531-page memoir. The Arkansan was a "risk taker" with a "preference for dealing in facts," writes Greenspan of a chief executive he came to regard as a kindred spirit. "We both read books and were curious and thoughtful about the world. ... I never ceased to be surprised by his fascination with economic detail: the effect of Canadian lumber on housing prices and inflation."

Greenspan excoriates Clinton's successor and the spendthrift Republican-controlled Congress of George W. Bush's first six years in office. In the Bush White House, "little value was placed on rigorous economic policy debate or the weighing of long-term consequences," Greenspan writes.

Greenspan is Clinton's unlikely defender
The Toronto Star ^ | September 18, 2007 | David Olive

I suspect Easy Al was a little closer to the action than you were....
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) is an independent, non-profit, bipartisan public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. that addresses federal budget and fiscal issues. It was founded in 1981 by former United States Representatives Robert Giaimo (D-CT) and Henry Bellmon (R-OK), and its board of directors includes former Members of Congress and directors of the Office of Management and Budget, the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve.

Seems to be filled by CURRENT MEMBERS of THIS ADMINISTRATION, and the DemocRAT party...... NO BIAS THERE! :ahole-1:'s:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The very notion of a "Responsible Federal Budget" must really chafe a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile like you raw, eh, Vag?

NeedleDickTheBugFucker, if you can refute what we know is truth, please do so, or go back to fucking your bugs!
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

Obama has shrunk the fed gov. Not his fault we had two unfunded wars, Medicare D, tax cuts on the rich , and a nose dive recession .

Everything that fool touches turns to shit. Good thing he's getting his pink slip soon he has to pack his shit and get the fuck out of the White House. Hell maybe he will get a real job for once in his life.
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) is an independent, non-profit, bipartisan public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. that addresses federal budget and fiscal issues. It was founded in 1981 by former United States Representatives Robert Giaimo (D-CT) and Henry Bellmon (R-OK), and its board of directors includes former Members of Congress and directors of the Office of Management and Budget, the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve.

Seems to be filled by CURRENT MEMBERS of THIS ADMINISTRATION, and the DemocRAT party...... NO BIAS THERE! :ahole-1:'s:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The very notion of a "Responsible Federal Budget" must really chafe a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile like you raw, eh, Vag?

So, regale us with how the Barrypuppet has responsibly taken control of the spending and how the mass legal and illegal immigration has actually HELPED the U.S economy and why the deficit is (snicker) "under control".....I gotta hear this. You see, idiots like you don't even have a clue as to why we are in debt and the foreign owned central bank that "loans" us money and charges us interest for credit extended from nothing.....I know so much more than you....I just like toying with idiots like you.

Sure Dale.....

Why don't you post the FY 2009 deficit and that for FY 2015......just the numbers, we'll figure out which is larger...

Illegal immigration is DOWN from 2007.

The annual rate of growth of Federal Spending is the lowest it has been since the 50s.....

was there anything else on your "mind"?
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) is an independent, non-profit, bipartisan public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. that addresses federal budget and fiscal issues. It was founded in 1981 by former United States Representatives Robert Giaimo (D-CT) and Henry Bellmon (R-OK), and its board of directors includes former Members of Congress and directors of the Office of Management and Budget, the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve.

Seems to be filled by CURRENT MEMBERS of THIS ADMINISTRATION, and the DemocRAT party...... NO BIAS THERE! :ahole-1:'s:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The very notion of a "Responsible Federal Budget" must really chafe a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile like you raw, eh, Vag?

NeedleDickTheBugFucker, if you can refute what we know is truth, please do so, or go back to fucking your bugs!

If you "know" it, you can rest assured that it is bullshit......
The guy has no idea what he's doing. I get some of you will always vote Republican, but in doing so you're voting for a man who is absolutely clueless and in WAY over his head.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election
You might want to read the link, hardly a glowing endorsement of Clintons plan either. When I read something like this I'm left feeling that we are screwed no matter who wins.
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

The deficit numbers are compiled by OMB and CBO........why don't you check them and get back to us........If you need help with the math, let me know....
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

Obama has shrunk the fed gov. Not his fault we had two unfunded wars, Medicare D, tax cuts on the rich , and a nose dive recession .

Everything that fool touches turns to shit. Good thing he's getting his pink slip soon he has to pack his shit and get the fuck out of the White House. Hell maybe he will get a real job for once in his life.

Describe what you see....
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

The deficit numbers are compiled by OMB and CBO........why don't you check them and get back to us........If you need help with the math, let me know....

$20 trillion dollar national debt fool, put your crack pipe down and do the math.
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

Obama has shrunk the fed gov. Not his fault we had two unfunded wars, Medicare D, tax cuts on the rich , and a nose dive recession .

Everything that fool touches turns to shit. Good thing he's getting his pink slip soon he has to pack his shit and get the fuck out of the White House. Hell maybe he will get a real job for once in his life.
You righties just spout shit and back it up with nothing.

We get it, you hate the black guy !
The left is suddenly worried about the national debt? Since freaking when holy shit??????????

Every POTUS for whom I have voted bequeathed a smaller deficit to their successor than the one he inherited..........You?

Your man Obama is a world class liar, should I post the video of him declaring the Bush deficits unpatriotic to remind you what a filth liar he is?

Obama has shrunk the fed gov. Not his fault we had two unfunded wars, Medicare D, tax cuts on the rich , and a nose dive recession .

Everything that fool touches turns to shit. Good thing he's getting his pink slip soon he has to pack his shit and get the fuck out of the White House. Hell maybe he will get a real job for once in his life.

Describe what you see....

Salaries are down 2% this year vs last year and the economy only created a dismal 38k jobs last month, thanks Obama you FUBAR factory.

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