Trump's proposals estimated to add 11.5 Trillion to the National Debt

I get so tired of educating some of you idiots about the Federal Reserve central bank that is foriegn owned and how it controls the biggest banking entities and their fractional reserve lending. Idiots like you actually believe that this fiat/debt slavery system can continue into perpetuity while the bankers are able to accumulate hard assets from extending credit from thin air. Seriously, I have gotten to the point that I simply wish to make fun of idiots like you that believe that your beloved "gubermint" (that is bought and paid for by these banking oligarchs) is going to come to your rescue and that we are just one election cycle from changing things for the better and nothing could be further from the truth. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that is owned by the International Monetary Fund which is owned by the same oligarchs that own the Federal Reserve, the Bank For International Settlements and the Global Bank. They are designed to keep us all in perpetual debt. I know more than you. I have spent thousands of hours educating myself on how things really work. You watch the corporate news and believe that you are "informed" and you have this childlike faith in politicians. The reason I am here is to share what I know and I don't even ask people to take me at face value but rather to hope spark some intellectual curiosity so that they might do their own due diligence. Bad shit is on the horizon because they are about nto collapse the whoile fucking financial system because it's all about to fall under it's own weight. Why do you think precious metals have remained so low at a time when more and more fiat currency (with no intrinsic value) keeps being pumped into the system???? Because they are buying it up while the price is low. I know of what I speak and you don't have a fucking clue.


The Federal Reserve doesn't have anything to do with FISCAL policy.....

This is why I call you an imbecile, Dale..........

You really have no fucking clue and you don't "get it"..........and it is too exhausting to keep going over and rehashing the same shit. The interest paid to the Fed that created this fiat currency out of nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer screen is over 500 BILLION dollars a year which is what our income tax goes to pay for. USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and they are sitting on an ungodly amount of wealth that the IMF claims to be theirs while giving us their corporate credit cards to pay. Do some research into the CAFR...learn how America became "incorporated" and all that entails....spend the thousands of hours that I have into learning how this illusion really works and then get back to me.Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate "for profit entity" that was taken into receivership by the IMF when USA.INC declared bankruptcy YET again in 1950. They are nothing but contractors providing the 19 essential enummerated services per their corporate charter via the restructured U.S constitution via the Act of 1871 and they provide it for a profit using a fiat currency that has no intrinsic value. You were made surety against the debt via your labor with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and the birth certificate (printed on bond paper) created a "trust" that they made themselves the trustee of. You are nothing but chattel to these people that you have such allegiance to and they don't give a flying fuck about your well being...can you handle these very salient facts? I kinda doubt it.....I doubt that you have the intellect to digest the fact that you are nothiung but a debt slave...a resource with a declining value.

FISCAL POLICY, you moron!

damn, Dale......everything looks like a nail to you, doesn't it?

Hey, dumb can you evcer "pay off the debt" when debt is attached to every fucking piece of fiat cuurency created byu a Fed bank that extends credit from nothing??? PLEASE explain how that works. Explain to me how stealing the labor of the people to pay interst on monmey that was created fdrom noting is a "boon" to the people?

This I have just GOT to hear......because none of your income tax goes towards funding this corporate entity....a corporate entity that you refuse to acknowledge even exists...,....wasssamatter, punkinpuss?


You're a fucking difficult as it is to believe given where you began, you are actually devolving into a "higher" level of incoherence....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have kicked your ass up and down this thread and that's the best that you got???? You can't refute ANYTHING that I have posted here and all you have is typical leftard purse swinging? I know more than you.......infinitely more about how the real system works that totally blows away your childhood you lamely "flail away".......very amusing to me. (snicker)
Gosh trumps Proposals MIGHT cost 11 trillion, Obamas HAVE cost 10 trillion. You all never worried about it before, why are you worried about it now?


The Federal Reserve doesn't have anything to do with FISCAL policy.....

This is why I call you an imbecile, Dale..........

You really have no fucking clue and you don't "get it"..........and it is too exhausting to keep going over and rehashing the same shit. The interest paid to the Fed that created this fiat currency out of nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer screen is over 500 BILLION dollars a year which is what our income tax goes to pay for. USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and they are sitting on an ungodly amount of wealth that the IMF claims to be theirs while giving us their corporate credit cards to pay. Do some research into the CAFR...learn how America became "incorporated" and all that entails....spend the thousands of hours that I have into learning how this illusion really works and then get back to me.Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate "for profit entity" that was taken into receivership by the IMF when USA.INC declared bankruptcy YET again in 1950. They are nothing but contractors providing the 19 essential enummerated services per their corporate charter via the restructured U.S constitution via the Act of 1871 and they provide it for a profit using a fiat currency that has no intrinsic value. You were made surety against the debt via your labor with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and the birth certificate (printed on bond paper) created a "trust" that they made themselves the trustee of. You are nothing but chattel to these people that you have such allegiance to and they don't give a flying fuck about your well being...can you handle these very salient facts? I kinda doubt it.....I doubt that you have the intellect to digest the fact that you are nothiung but a debt slave...a resource with a declining value.

FISCAL POLICY, you moron!

damn, Dale......everything looks like a nail to you, doesn't it?

Hey, dumb can you evcer "pay off the debt" when debt is attached to every fucking piece of fiat cuurency created byu a Fed bank that extends credit from nothing??? PLEASE explain how that works. Explain to me how stealing the labor of the people to pay interst on monmey that was created fdrom noting is a "boon" to the people?

This I have just GOT to hear......because none of your income tax goes towards funding this corporate entity....a corporate entity that you refuse to acknowledge even exists...,....wasssamatter, punkinpuss?


You're a fucking difficult as it is to believe given where you began, you are actually devolving into a "higher" level of incoherence....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have kicked your ass up and down this thread and that's the best that you got???? You can't refute ANYTHING that I have posted here and all you have is typical leftard purse swinging? I know more than you.......infinitely more about how the real system works that totally blows away your childhood you lamely "flail away".......very amusing to me. (snicker)


You can't distinguish between FISCAL and MONETARY policy..........whatever paranoid crap been crammed into your feeding funnel about the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds and Bilderbergers can't compensate for your abysmal ignorance of the basics....
IcebergSlim has taken SUCH an asskicking and he rises off the cyber canvas to lamely flail away while never connecting only to take an uppercut to the jaw that leaves him sprawled out on the cyber canvas YET again...."Stay down, Slim...stay down!!!!"......(snicker)
You really have no fucking clue and you don't "get it"..........and it is too exhausting to keep going over and rehashing the same shit. The interest paid to the Fed that created this fiat currency out of nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer screen is over 500 BILLION dollars a year which is what our income tax goes to pay for. USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and they are sitting on an ungodly amount of wealth that the IMF claims to be theirs while giving us their corporate credit cards to pay. Do some research into the CAFR...learn how America became "incorporated" and all that entails....spend the thousands of hours that I have into learning how this illusion really works and then get back to me.Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate "for profit entity" that was taken into receivership by the IMF when USA.INC declared bankruptcy YET again in 1950. They are nothing but contractors providing the 19 essential enummerated services per their corporate charter via the restructured U.S constitution via the Act of 1871 and they provide it for a profit using a fiat currency that has no intrinsic value. You were made surety against the debt via your labor with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and the birth certificate (printed on bond paper) created a "trust" that they made themselves the trustee of. You are nothing but chattel to these people that you have such allegiance to and they don't give a flying fuck about your well being...can you handle these very salient facts? I kinda doubt it.....I doubt that you have the intellect to digest the fact that you are nothiung but a debt slave...a resource with a declining value.

FISCAL POLICY, you moron!

damn, Dale......everything looks like a nail to you, doesn't it?

Hey, dumb can you evcer "pay off the debt" when debt is attached to every fucking piece of fiat cuurency created byu a Fed bank that extends credit from nothing??? PLEASE explain how that works. Explain to me how stealing the labor of the people to pay interst on monmey that was created fdrom noting is a "boon" to the people?

This I have just GOT to hear......because none of your income tax goes towards funding this corporate entity....a corporate entity that you refuse to acknowledge even exists...,....wasssamatter, punkinpuss?


You're a fucking difficult as it is to believe given where you began, you are actually devolving into a "higher" level of incoherence....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have kicked your ass up and down this thread and that's the best that you got???? You can't refute ANYTHING that I have posted here and all you have is typical leftard purse swinging? I know more than you.......infinitely more about how the real system works that totally blows away your childhood you lamely "flail away".......very amusing to me. (snicker)


You can't distinguish between FISCAL and MONETARY policy..........whatever paranoid crap been crammed into your feeding funnel about the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds and Bilderbergers can't compensate for your abysmal ignorance of the basics....

Hey, IDIOT...when this corporate "gubermint" borrows money, they go to the Fed bankers or sell federal interest bearing bonds to any country stupid enough to invest in the debt of you even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity? Do you even acknowledge that???? Because I have I proved it may times over using the Dun and Bradstreet just keep rising off the cyber canvas on wobbly knees just BEGGING for another uppercut......(snicker)
IcebergSlim has taken SUCH an asskicking and he rises off the cyber canvas to lamely flail away while never connecting only to take an uppercut to the jaw that leaves him sprawled out on the cyber canvas YET again...."Stay down, Slim...stay down!!!!"......(snicker)


Your tantrum began shortly after I asked you a simple you were incapable of answering it, you veered spastically into the rubber room of your own making....

The Federal Reserve has NOTHING to do with the fiscal policies which influence the deficit and debt........

It is just another illustration of your abysmal ignorance....
FISCAL POLICY, you moron!

damn, Dale......everything looks like a nail to you, doesn't it?

Hey, dumb can you evcer "pay off the debt" when debt is attached to every fucking piece of fiat cuurency created byu a Fed bank that extends credit from nothing??? PLEASE explain how that works. Explain to me how stealing the labor of the people to pay interst on monmey that was created fdrom noting is a "boon" to the people?

This I have just GOT to hear......because none of your income tax goes towards funding this corporate entity....a corporate entity that you refuse to acknowledge even exists...,....wasssamatter, punkinpuss?


You're a fucking difficult as it is to believe given where you began, you are actually devolving into a "higher" level of incoherence....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have kicked your ass up and down this thread and that's the best that you got???? You can't refute ANYTHING that I have posted here and all you have is typical leftard purse swinging? I know more than you.......infinitely more about how the real system works that totally blows away your childhood you lamely "flail away".......very amusing to me. (snicker)


You can't distinguish between FISCAL and MONETARY policy..........whatever paranoid crap been crammed into your feeding funnel about the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds and Bilderbergers can't compensate for your abysmal ignorance of the basics....

Hey, IDIOT...when this corporate "gubermint" borrows money, they go to the Fed bankers or sell federal interest bearing bonds to any country stupid enough to invest in the debt of you even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity? Do you even acknowledge that???? Because I have I proved it may times over using the Dun and Bradstreet just keep rising off the cyber canvas on wobbly knees just BEGGING for another uppercut......(snicker)


Have you ever heard the term "risk free rate"?

Do you understand the pivotal role it plays in finance?

In the absence of fractional reserve banking, how large do you think the US economy would be?
IcebergSlim has taken SUCH an asskicking and he rises off the cyber canvas to lamely flail away while never connecting only to take an uppercut to the jaw that leaves him sprawled out on the cyber canvas YET again...."Stay down, Slim...stay down!!!!"......(snicker)


Your tantrum began shortly after I asked you a simple you were incapable of answering it, you veered spastically into the rubber room of your own making....

The Federal Reserve has NOTHING to do with the fiscal policies which influence the deficit and debt........

It is just another illustration of your abysmal ignorance....

HOLY FUCK???? Seriously? Fiscal policy IS monetary policy because they go "hand in hand" and borrow from the same foreign owned banking oligarchs that extend credit from nothing that WE pay interest on. You have ignored multiple facts that are EASILY proven if you had even the slightest bit of intellectual curiosity. The debt owed is NOT our responsibilty because we never asked this corporate entity to put itself in this kind of debt and then give us their credit card to pay for. If I contracted with someone to do my lawn and they went "bankrupt" I responsible for their debt? You see, you don't know the things that I do....we are not even in the same universe when it comes to the things I know and you cannot refute a single thing which is why you avoid addressing them.....stop being a pussy and debate me.
FISCAL POLICY, you moron!

damn, Dale......everything looks like a nail to you, doesn't it?

Hey, dumb can you evcer "pay off the debt" when debt is attached to every fucking piece of fiat cuurency created byu a Fed bank that extends credit from nothing??? PLEASE explain how that works. Explain to me how stealing the labor of the people to pay interst on monmey that was created fdrom noting is a "boon" to the people?

This I have just GOT to hear......because none of your income tax goes towards funding this corporate entity....a corporate entity that you refuse to acknowledge even exists...,....wasssamatter, punkinpuss?


You're a fucking difficult as it is to believe given where you began, you are actually devolving into a "higher" level of incoherence....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have kicked your ass up and down this thread and that's the best that you got???? You can't refute ANYTHING that I have posted here and all you have is typical leftard purse swinging? I know more than you.......infinitely more about how the real system works that totally blows away your childhood you lamely "flail away".......very amusing to me. (snicker)


You can't distinguish between FISCAL and MONETARY policy..........whatever paranoid crap been crammed into your feeding funnel about the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds and Bilderbergers can't compensate for your abysmal ignorance of the basics....

Hey, IDIOT...when this corporate "gubermint" borrows money, they go to the Fed bankers or sell federal interest bearing bonds to any country stupid enough to invest in the debt of you even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity? Do you even acknowledge that???? Because I have I proved it may times over using the Dun and Bradstreet just keep rising off the cyber canvas on wobbly knees just BEGGING for another uppercut......(snicker)

I was wondering who would salute this inchoate prattle........and it turns out to be Vag..........who actually knows less than you do...
IcebergSlim has taken SUCH an asskicking and he rises off the cyber canvas to lamely flail away while never connecting only to take an uppercut to the jaw that leaves him sprawled out on the cyber canvas YET again...."Stay down, Slim...stay down!!!!"......(snicker)


Your tantrum began shortly after I asked you a simple you were incapable of answering it, you veered spastically into the rubber room of your own making....

The Federal Reserve has NOTHING to do with the fiscal policies which influence the deficit and debt........

It is just another illustration of your abysmal ignorance....

HOLY FUCK???? Seriously? Fiscal policy IS monetary policy because they go "hand in hand" and borrow from the same foreign owned banking oligarchs that extend credit from nothing that WE pay interest on. You have ignored multiple facts that are EASILY proven if you had even the slightest bit of intellectual curiosity. The debt owed is NOT our responsibilty because we never asked this corporate entity to put itself in this kind of debt and then give us their credit card to pay for. If I contracted with someone to do my lawn and they went "bankrupt" I responsible for their debt? You see, you don't know the things that I do....we are not even in the same universe when it comes to the things I know and you cannot refute a single thing which is why you avoid addressing them.....stop being a pussy and debate me.


Please........I really don't care what some idiot has sold you.......I understand that this is a cottage industry.........but it is targeted at imbeciles......

Did you ever actually study MacroEconomics? I don't mean in your garage, I'm talking about under supervision....
Hey, dumb can you evcer "pay off the debt" when debt is attached to every fucking piece of fiat cuurency created byu a Fed bank that extends credit from nothing??? PLEASE explain how that works. Explain to me how stealing the labor of the people to pay interst on monmey that was created fdrom noting is a "boon" to the people?

This I have just GOT to hear......because none of your income tax goes towards funding this corporate entity....a corporate entity that you refuse to acknowledge even exists...,....wasssamatter, punkinpuss?


You're a fucking difficult as it is to believe given where you began, you are actually devolving into a "higher" level of incoherence....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have kicked your ass up and down this thread and that's the best that you got???? You can't refute ANYTHING that I have posted here and all you have is typical leftard purse swinging? I know more than you.......infinitely more about how the real system works that totally blows away your childhood you lamely "flail away".......very amusing to me. (snicker)


You can't distinguish between FISCAL and MONETARY policy..........whatever paranoid crap been crammed into your feeding funnel about the Federal Reserve, Rothschilds and Bilderbergers can't compensate for your abysmal ignorance of the basics....

Hey, IDIOT...when this corporate "gubermint" borrows money, they go to the Fed bankers or sell federal interest bearing bonds to any country stupid enough to invest in the debt of you even understand that your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity? Do you even acknowledge that???? Because I have I proved it may times over using the Dun and Bradstreet just keep rising off the cyber canvas on wobbly knees just BEGGING for another uppercut......(snicker)


Have you ever heard the term "risk free rate"?

Do you understand the pivotal role it plays in finance?

In the absence of fractional reserve banking, how large do you think the US economy would be?

Hey, dumb fuck, there cannot be any "absence" of "fractional reserve banking" because that is how 99 percent of all member banks roll.... so your argument has no merit. Bankruptcies and foreclosures are built right into the system because the banks get hard assets from a worthless piece of paper that created credit from nothing when someone cannot repay. The Promissory note one signs is what gives that Promissory note value and it's as if the Fed bankers commissioned the Treasury to print money and it is paid back by our labor WITH interest on money that never existed. Like I said, you don't have as fucking clue. America did pretty fucking well even during the times it was being attacked by foreign banking interests but the Fed Act of 1913 was the start of a long downward trend towards poverty.
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IcebergSlim has taken SUCH an asskicking and he rises off the cyber canvas to lamely flail away while never connecting only to take an uppercut to the jaw that leaves him sprawled out on the cyber canvas YET again...."Stay down, Slim...stay down!!!!"......(snicker)


Your tantrum began shortly after I asked you a simple you were incapable of answering it, you veered spastically into the rubber room of your own making....

The Federal Reserve has NOTHING to do with the fiscal policies which influence the deficit and debt........

It is just another illustration of your abysmal ignorance....

HOLY FUCK???? Seriously? Fiscal policy IS monetary policy because they go "hand in hand" and borrow from the same foreign owned banking oligarchs that extend credit from nothing that WE pay interest on. You have ignored multiple facts that are EASILY proven if you had even the slightest bit of intellectual curiosity. The debt owed is NOT our responsibilty because we never asked this corporate entity to put itself in this kind of debt and then give us their credit card to pay for. If I contracted with someone to do my lawn and they went "bankrupt" I responsible for their debt? You see, you don't know the things that I do....we are not even in the same universe when it comes to the things I know and you cannot refute a single thing which is why you avoid addressing them.....stop being a pussy and debate me.


Please........I really don't care what some idiot has sold you.......I understand that this is a cottage industry.........but it is targeted at imbeciles......

Did you ever actually study MacroEconomics? I don't mean in your garage, I'm talking about under supervision....
And as long as we're talking facts, won't a trump president inherit a structural deficit. The facts are that Obama pushed all his deficit obamacare debt to the end of his term and for the next president to handle. Every financial metric Obama will leave this nation with is a cluster, but he never had any financial education anyway. Trump ar least has the credentials to right th ship.
Describe what you see....

Salaries are down 2% this year vs last year and the economy only created a dismal 38k jobs last month, thanks Obama you FUBAR factory.

Cherry picked stats ! MO of the right . 36,000 striking verizon workers threw off the numbers . But let's just focus on the one bad month.

What part of salaries fell 2% this year vs last year is beyond your comprehension? My salary is through the roof, sucks to be the poor and middle class though. If you libs help them some more maybe they will end up living in tents and spend half their day in a soup line. With friends like liberals who needs despotic dictatorship.
I know, let's cut taxes on the rich. If you want help, vote Dem. The Reaganist pander to the rich policy must end.

If you moochers got a job and paid your own bills, yeah my taxes could go down excellent!
Retired teacher and businessman, fool. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Salaries are down 2% this year vs last year and the economy only created a dismal 38k jobs last month, thanks Obama you FUBAR factory.

Cherry picked stats ! MO of the right . 36,000 striking verizon workers threw off the numbers . But let's just focus on the one bad month.

You'll notice that Blues isn't all that versed in specifics....

You have the reading comprehension of a 1st grader "Salaries are down 2% this year vs last year and the economy only created a dismal 38k jobs last month"
You have the attention span of a squirrel. We still have New BS GOP tax rates KILLING the middle class. Just like the last 30 years. And Trump wants to double down on tax cuts for the rich. Period.

Obama already raised taxes on the rich fool, what went wrong? OHHHHH SNAAAAPPPP!!!
A drop in the bucket, and so many loopholes, dupe. And of course the New BS GOP blocked all solutions the money could have paid for, like lowering your taxes, dupe.
And as long as we're talking facts, won't a trump president inherit a structural deficit. The facts are that Obama pushed all his deficit obamacare debt to the end of his term and for the next president to handle. Every financial metric Obama will leave this nation with is a cluster, but he never had any financial education anyway. Trump ar least has the credentials to right th ship.
I know, a tax cut for the rich! Brainwashed functional
I knew this thread would act as a dog whistle for Trump supporters with A.D.D. This is about Trump, who has been railing about our national debt yet offers proposals that will increase it by 50%. This isn't about Obama or Clinton or Bernie. It's about TRUMP the nominee for the supposedly fiscally responsible GOP. Defend your voting for a man who wants to take our debt to 127% of GDP. You know, your self-proclaimed "King Of Debt".
Salaries are down 2% this year vs last year and the economy only created a dismal 38k jobs last month, thanks Obama you FUBAR factory.

Cherry picked stats ! MO of the right . 36,000 striking verizon workers threw off the numbers . But let's just focus on the one bad month.

What part of salaries fell 2% this year vs last year is beyond your comprehension? My salary is through the roof, sucks to be the poor and middle class though. If you libs help them some more maybe they will end up living in tents and spend half their day in a soup line. With friends like liberals who needs despotic dictatorship.
I know, let's cut taxes on the rich. If you want help, vote Dem. The Reaganist pander to the rich policy must end.

If you moochers got a job and paid your own bills, yeah my taxes could go down excellent!
Retired teacher and businessman, fool. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

I'm sure you will be much happier in communist China, enjoy the boat ride over. Do us a favor and burn your passport after you arrive.
Cherry picked stats ! MO of the right . 36,000 striking verizon workers threw off the numbers . But let's just focus on the one bad month.

You'll notice that Blues isn't all that versed in specifics....

You have the reading comprehension of a 1st grader "Salaries are down 2% this year vs last year and the economy only created a dismal 38k jobs last month"
You have the attention span of a squirrel. We still have New BS GOP tax rates KILLING the middle class. Just like the last 30 years. And Trump wants to double down on tax cuts for the rich. Period.

Obama already raised taxes on the rich fool, what went wrong? OHHHHH SNAAAAPPPP!!!
A drop in the bucket, and so many loopholes, dupe. And of course the New BS GOP blocked all solutions the money could have paid for, like lowering your taxes, dupe.

It sounds like your beef is with Obama. Why didn't Obama and the Democratic congress do something about your beefs when they had complete control and didn't need a single Republican vote in 2009? OH that's gonna leave a mark ouch!

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