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Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things

Last year I should have stuck with my initial thought that was the simplest: after 8 years of one party the citizens would do as they normally do and move the country back towards center by putting the other guys in. In the end I could not see Hillary or Trump getting elected, but figured the Democrats were more unified.
I thought all the ladies would impose Hillary upon us, lies or no lies.

But then both of my sisters plus millions of other women surprised me by going for Pence instead. DJT is just the current figurehead.

I think that women (as bad as they wanted to see a female President) decided to let this one get away. After all, the first female President should be the icon for all others behind her. She should have honesty, dignity, a record of success. You don't want your first female President to be as corrupt and full of scandal as Hillary was. You don't want your first female President stepping into the White House fresh from being investigated by the FBI.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. Trump and his supporters are about as far from the truth as you can get.

Another butthurt Leftard response
You know, maybe they want to fix things because they see a severe lack of opportunity these days for people to realize the dreams
that the "billionaires" enjoyed the freedom of having in the past.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself these guys are billionaires because of "Freedom".

"Freedom" is a magic word to Wingnuts who want to lock up people because of their skin color or religion.
She was in charge of the State Department that didn't provide the necessary security for the ambassador or the CIA station despite many request to do so including during the attack.

Okay, except that the Ambassador is the one who refused an offer from the military for more security and he's the one who chose to go to Benghazi because he believed he was personally safe.

So, um, no.

We have the indisputable email where she told her daughter that the attack was terrorism but then shortly after told the American people and the families that the attack was "spontaneous demonstration in response to an internet video".

No, both explanations can be true. Or her initial impression was that it was a terror attack and then the CIA said it was about a video. Here's the thing, you CAN have spontaneous terrorist attacks. How much planning do you think a terror attack requires, anyway?
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. Trump and his supporters are about as far from the truth as you can get.

Another butthurt Leftard response
If the truth is a butthurt leftard response, yes. You are a Trump supporter we no relationship with the truth.

No, both explanations can be true.

This is the type of denial and convoluted stupidity we get out of you Moon Bats to cover up the failures of Obama and Crooked Hillary.. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for being such turdbrains.

There is only one explanation Moon Bat.

It was a well planned out attacked on the anniversary of 911 by Muslim terrorists.

Crooked Hillary knew that the minute it happen and told her family. We have the emails to prove it. We also have the correspondence on the lead up to the attack that voiced a security concern by the people on the ground that was ignored by Obama and Crooked Hillary. The Brits even closed down their diplomatic mission because of the pending threat of terrorism.

There was absolutely no "spontaneous demonstration as the result of anti Muslim internet video".. The video was only viewed by a couple of hundred people and was only an excuse to cover up Obama's failure to deal with Muslim terrorism.

That piece of lying shit Obama was running for reelection and was running on a platform that he had terrorism under control.

Crooked Hillary and Obama concocted the lie about the video to cover up the fact that they had failed. You Moon Bats were idiots believing that lie weren't you?

There were many reasons that Crooked Hillary lost the election. One of the main reason was that the American people knew she was dishonest as hell. Lying to the American people and to the families of the victims about Benghazi was a very despicable lie and she got caught at it when the emails were released. Aren't you glad that the lying bitch is not President nowadays? Who, except for you asshole Libtards who don't care about honesty, would want that lying piece of shit as President of this country?
Delusion LibTard thinking.

The Dems-Libs-Progs lost because they fielded a shitty agenda.

The Dems-Libs-Progs lost because they fielded a shitty candidate.

The Dems-Libs-Progs lost because they fielded a shitty campaign.

The Dems-Libs-Progs lost because they were so busy trying to sucker-in Blacks and Hispanics and Gays, that they forgot all about Straight Whites; the biggest part of their base...

And they got bitch-slapped... HARD... for ALL of the above.

But, it is the fate of Man --- and snowflake Dems-Libs-Progs in particular --- that they will claim credit for victories, and blame others for defeats...

If the Dems-Libs-Progs don't get their heads out of their asses, and begin admitting to themselves the REAL reasons why they lost, and start ACTING on those reasons...

They're gonna remain on the sidelines, throwing husks and shells from the peanut gallery, for a very long time to come...

Which is a damned shame, seeing as how the Republic needs a sane, pragmatic, competent, effective Opposition Party, now, more than ever...

They're gonna remain on the sidelines, throwing husks and shells from the peanut gallery, for a very long time to come...

actually, they'll probably retake Congress in 2018.

Trump will be so massively unpopular by then, an R behind your name will be a death warrant.
Yes, I understand that that is the hope.

I also understand that "hope" is all you have to go on at the moment.

Damned shame, really, and entirely avoidable, had the more pragmatic amongst you managed to pull their heads out of their asses in 2015-2016.
Yes, I understand that that is the hope.

I also understand that "hope" is all you have to go on at the moment.

Damned shame, really, and entirely avoidable, had the more pragmatic amongst you managed to pull their heads out of their asses in 2015-2016.

No, I go on scientific principle. Of the last 3 Midterms, the president's party lost seats and at least one house of congress. In fact, the party in the White house has lost seats in Congress in every midterm since 1970 except for 2002 (when we were all terrified there was an Arab hiding under our beds) and 1998 (when Congress foolishly insisted on an impeachment no one wanted, and we thought voting some of them out might get the point across).

You see, what you guys don't get is that you didn't win the election, you won the electoral college. People didn't want your guy.
No, I go on scientific principle. Of the last 3 Midterms, the president's party lost seats and at least one house of congress. In fact, the party in the White house has lost seats in Congress in every midterm since 1970 except for 2002 (when we were all terrified there was an Arab hiding under our beds) and 1998 (when Congress foolishly insisted on an impeachment no one wanted, and we thought voting some of them out might get the point across).

You see, what you guys don't get is that you didn't win the election, you won the electoral college. People didn't want your guy.

There is nothing "scientific" about your principle. It is purely anecdotal coincidence. You don't speak for the entire voting base in America, I don't give a shit how important you think you are. Individuals vote for a variety of reasons and there are a variety of reasons for why they vote as they do. To pretend you know THE reason is evidence you are a closed-minded bigot who has made his mind up about why and what people think.

The electoral college is how presidents are elected in the United States. Until you change the Constitution and create a different form of government, that is going to be the case and all the ranting and whining in the world about popular votes make no difference. We don't have a national election for President, we have state elections.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. Trump and his supporters are about as far from the truth as you can get.

Aren't you one of the regular Godwin Losers? Sooo, you talking about being far from the truth is pretty silly.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
If the spineless GOP Congress appoints a special prosecutor as Darrell Issa recommended and they find out what the country already suspects...
that Trump is up to his eyeballs with Putin and was involved with Putin tampering in our election... Trump is done and you'll always deny you supported that criminal.
The country has the right to know if their president is a crook.
They will somehow try to blame the whole affair on the liberals.

Of course. In the modern world people aren't taking responsibility for their actions, but always blaming others. Trump is doing it, Nationalism is all about blaming others.

Nationalism is not about blaming others.

In this context it is about having American policy crafted to serve Americans.

Crazy talk to a lefty. Common sense for everyone else.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
If the spineless GOP Congress appoints a special prosecutor as Darrell Issa recommended and they find out what the country already suspects...
that Trump is up to his eyeballs with Putin and was involved with Putin tampering in our election... Trump is done and you'll always deny you supported that criminal.
The country has the right to know if their president is a crook.
They will somehow try to blame the whole affair on the liberals.

Of course. In the modern world people aren't taking responsibility for their actions, but always blaming others. Trump is doing it, Nationalism is all about blaming others.

Nationalism is not about blaming others.

In this context it is about having American policy crafted to serve Americans.

Crazy talk to a lefty. Common sense for everyone else.
Nationalism is about extremism. An extremist view that we are superior to others and more deserving of whatever we need or want. And it's about bigotry
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Hillary and even then it took Comey
Trump and Bannon Are the 'Corporatists' | RealClearPolitics

When Bannon listed the administration's central purposes, the first two were unsurprising: "national security and sovereignty" and "economic nationalism." But then came the third: the "deconstruction of the administrative state." Bannon explained that officials who seem to hate what their agencies do -- one thinks especially of Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency who has sued it repeatedly to the benefit of oil and gas companies -- were "selected for a reason, and that is deconstruction."

Thus did Bannon invoke the trendy lefty term "deconstruct" as a synonym for "destroy."
Arnn calls Trump a conservative at CPAC speech

National Harbor, Md. — Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn ended his speech Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference by claiming President Donald Trump’s actions prove he is a conservative.

“Even if he talks about himself too much, if he’s fearless in saying that he’s going to cut back that vast hedge that has overcome so much of our country and if he does that fearlessly and is not afraid of political correctness, I think that guy’s a conservative,” Arnn said.

Arnn spoke about the first principles that define conservatism, namely that all men are created equal and that governments are instituted to secure the liberties of all individuals. Arnn argued the administrative state is the greatest threat to this equality and liberty, but he said he believes that Trump will fight against it.

“What I’m trying to conserve and also restore is those original arrangements — the best in human history,” Arnn said on the Constitution and separation of powers.

Aryssa Damron, 21, from New Haven, Connecticut, said Arnn sounded like an “old-school” conservative fighting against change for its own sake. She said his first-principles approach may be problematic outside of conservative circles.

“It will be effective for people here, but people who don’t go here won’t be receptive to his arguments from first principles,” Damron said.

Although Arnn said he sees hope in Trump for the conservative movement, he noted he doesn’t always demonstrate the principles espoused in Hillsdale’s Honor Code.

“The Trump campaign has presented special challenges, because there are obviously a lot of great things about that guy, but we don’t teach our students at Hillsdale College to act the way he does on all occasions,” Arnn said to a chuckling audience.

Hillsdale students expressed similar reservations about Trump as a man but said they were optimistic about him as president.

“I think that you have to take the good with the bad, but, in the end, he will uphold conservative values,” junior Mark Englert said.

Freshman Doyle Wang said he had some of his fears relieved about Trump, when he heard that he reads Hillsdale’s publication Imprimis.

“I was highly skeptical he would govern as a conservative,” Wang said. “But he made some great Cabinet appointments, he is the best person to repeal Obamacare, and he has the guts like no other Republican since Reagan to seriously implement conservative policies.”

Cy Sineath, an Imprimis subscriber from Georgia, said he was happy to hear Arnn defend Trump against criticisms only rooted in his personal character. Sineath said that will not affect his decisions as president.

“I really enjoyed hearing Dr. Arnn, who is a true patriot and defender of the Constitution,” Sineath said. “The fact that Trump isn’t beholden to anyone will allow him to govern like a conservative. He is a true citizen president.”

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