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Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things

Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. Trump and his supporters are about as far from the truth as you can get.

Aren't you one of the regular Godwin Losers? Sooo, you talking about being far from the truth is pretty silly.
Have no idea what you are talking about. Do you?
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.

Yes, insult those who didn't support your agenda. That is the way to win friends.

Keep it up.
I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.

Yes, insult those who didn't support your agenda. That is the way to win friends.

Keep it up.
I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. Trump and his supporters are about as far from the truth as you can get.

Aren't you one of the regular Godwin Losers? Sooo, you talking about being far from the truth is pretty silly.
Have no idea what you are talking about. Do you?

I do. Keep the faith! :badgrin:
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.

Yes, insult those who didn't support your agenda. That is the way to win friends.

Keep it up.
I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Any proof of that? :D
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.

Yes, insult those who didn't support your agenda. That is the way to win friends.

Keep it up.
I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Any proof of that? :D
If you opened your eyes and ears you would discover a lot.
Yes, insult those who didn't support your agenda. That is the way to win friends.

Keep it up.
I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Any proof of that? :D

If you opened your eyes and ears you would discover a lot.

Law! Some people's children.

I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Any proof of that? :D

If you opened your eyes and ears you would discover a lot.

Law! Some people's children.

That makes no sense. I hope that you thought it did for your sake.
How did Trump win:

1. By appealing to highly opinionated, ignorant, nasty Americans
2. By having the GOP engage in a monstrous campaign of character assassination against Clinton
3. By running against a bunch of lackluster corporate GOP stooges in the primaries.
4. By Clinton running a terrible 'ho-hum' campaign that failed to appeal to the emotions of the American people
5. Due to 2 & 4 above, by millions of American who would have voted for Clinton not voting at all.
6. By having millions of fanatically partisan conservatives vote for Trump just because he was the GOP candidate despite the fact that they did not like him or want him to be President at all.

That still leaves out Russian interference, but at this point we do not know how extensive that was, or if that did or did not influence the election to any meaningful degree.
How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Any proof of that? :D

If you opened your eyes and ears you would discover a lot.

Law! Some people's children.

That makes no sense. I hope that you thought it did for your sake.

Don't worry cupcake, it'll make sense to somebody. You should probably should look up the definition of sense.
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Any proof of that? :D

If you opened your eyes and ears you would discover a lot.

Law! Some people's children.

That makes no sense. I hope that you thought it did for your sake.

Don't worry cupcake, it'll make sense to somebody. You should probably should look up the definition of sense.
Just as I thought, you have no idea why you posted it either.
Any proof of that? :D

If you opened your eyes and ears you would discover a lot.

Law! Some people's children.

That makes no sense. I hope that you thought it did for your sake.

Don't worry cupcake, it'll make sense to somebody. You should probably should look up the definition of sense.
Just as I thought, you have no idea why you posted it either.

Oh but I do. What else is it your supposedly clairvoyant mind tells you I'm thinking?
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things

In my view, Trump's political "rise" (if any) is only a matter of perception. If we could calculate the amount of fatigue and disgust about Hitlary, Obummer, the DNC and all things liberal that caused voters to adopt an "anyone but Hitlary" mindset. . . and balance those votes against those who were actually "excited" about Trump as a nominee? I think Trumps actual momentum is nominal at best.

That said, he has a long way to fall before things will start to swing the other way. (IMHO)
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.

Yes, insult those who didn't support your agenda. That is the way to win friends.

Keep it up.
I do not want to make friends with people so stupid that they cannot see how they have made the world a worse place.

How is the world a worse place?
A lying mental case is President of the United States and he has a cult following.

Correct, but he left the White House last month so no need to worry about him anymore.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
Comments like that from the left should also be on the list of how Trump won. When you guys made comments like that you were not just insulting Trump supporters you were insulting anyone who was leaning or just considering voting for Trump you should really think about this when you look at how close the margins of victory was for Trump in, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Your own arrogance and condescending attitude towards people who didn't see things as you did helped Trump a great deal it seems this is a lesson the left still has not learned.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. Trump and his supporters are about as far from the truth as you can get.

Aren't you one of the regular Godwin Losers? Sooo, you talking about being far from the truth is pretty silly.
Have no idea what you are talking about. Do you?

Someone who who demonstrates Godwin's Law about Hitler, thus losing the debate.

Only the most dishonest propagandist or delusional whack job would make such a comparison, so, for you to talk about being "far from the truth" is completely silly.
Then why did Hillary write Chelsea and tell HER it was a terrorist attack at the time?

Why are those two things mutually exclusive.

Are you arguing that it couldn't be a terrorist attack and a reaction to an offensive video?

Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?

No, I'm arguing it was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with some stupid video that nobody seen before. The problem is Hil-Liar nor Obama really gave a shit. In fact, DumBama went to bed so he could wake up for a fund raiser the next day in Vegas. That's how concerned he was.

The video was a scapegoat for them not being able to lead in a time of crisis. But that's typical for the Democrat party; always find somebody else to blame.
Yes, I understand that that is the hope.

I also understand that "hope" is all you have to go on at the moment.

Damned shame, really, and entirely avoidable, had the more pragmatic amongst you managed to pull their heads out of their asses in 2015-2016.

No, I go on scientific principle. Of the last 3 Midterms, the president's party lost seats and at least one house of congress. In fact, the party in the White house has lost seats in Congress in every midterm since 1970 except for 2002 (when we were all terrified there was an Arab hiding under our beds) and 1998 (when Congress foolishly insisted on an impeachment no one wanted, and we thought voting some of them out might get the point across).

You see, what you guys don't get is that you didn't win the election, you won the electoral college. People didn't want your guy.
You DO understand that the only reason why Dems-Libs-Progs EVER win is because the White Vote is always split, don't you?

In years where the White Vote begins to look a bit more Monolithic, the Pubs almost always benefit from that.

You DO understand that you made enough White Folk feel like the Democratic Party has turned into the Party of Minorities and Sexual Deviants, to cause your loss, don't you?

Vast numbers of White Americans no longer feel as though the Democratic Party represents THEIR best interests.

You've had the White Blue Collar Vote since FDR's time, and you just phukked that up, as well.

There is now a Populist (operating under the GOP umbrella) running things., and he/they are going to press that perception and fuel it, subtly, to their advantage.

You simply cannot rely upon historical trends any longer.

The 'old norms' no longer apply.. witness the 'old norms' failing you-and-yours on November 8, 2016.

I would not lean too heavily upon those 'old norms' (historical patterns of recent decades) in 2018 if I were you.

You've had your turn for a while.. it seems unlikely that you're going to recover anytime soon.

For example, choosing a Hispanic DNC Chair and a Muslim Deputy Chair?

Not exactly brightest-crayon-in-the-box thinking, given your recent ass-kicking.

Goes to show that you have not yet absorbed the requisite macro-level lessons that November 8, 2016 has in store for you.

When you get a few more (metaphorical) teeth broken in the Democratic collective jaw in November 2018, perhaps you'll believe it then.

Meanwhile, feel free to continue deluding yourselves.

The Republic needs a sane, competent, pragmatic and effective Opposition Party now more than ever.

As things stand now, "you ain't it" .
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They will be back in a couple of years. The Republican party is for the well off, not the working class. People such as yourself are either well off Republicans, or badly brainwashed.


So then why are you liberal fucking idiots supporting corporate republican core positions like open borders, which destroys the wage base of the working and middle classes of the US?
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things

You forgot (4) Russian misinformation from trolls and (5) an 18th-century, outdated electoral device that was an assist to slaveowners.

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