Trump's Running Mate? Rush Limbuagh

Hillary needs somebody on the ticket just like her husband... I suggest....

Another Bill is what she needs!
Another aging pervert is what she needs!
A solid democrat is what she needs!
Rush will never crawl out from behind the mike. He doesn't show well in public and as a vice prez candidate, his record of perversions would surely come out, including that pandering charge in philly, and then of course his drug addictions would be brought out again.

Was it a child he was trying to have sex with this time like in the Domincan Republican when he got caught with illegal Viagara?

Not sure about that one, the pandering was to an undercover cop. Republicans don't seem to mind child molesters and homos if it's their guy that does it.

That is so true but if the non homos and non pedophiles were to kick out all their homos and pedophiles they would run out of candidates. There sure are a lot of pink elephants and baby rapers in the GOP.

Where do you get the idea that the baseloves Trump?

What would rush take a pay cut?

Why would he be the vote for a candidate he doesn't like?

Why do you think this is reasonable analysis?
His observations are not reasonable . It's just the OP's way of taking a shot at Limbaugh.
Tust this.....These libs are absolutely beside themselves that they cannot figure out a way to silence Limbaugh and all other conservative speech.

Limbaugh is Limbaugh that facts about his criminal behavior and the adoration of his moron fan base are unquestionable. Limbaugh is a steaming turd and his listeners are worse.
Hillary needs somebody on the ticket just like her husband... I suggest....

Another Bill is what she needs!
Another aging pervert is what she needs!
A solid democrat is what she needs!

All you have is some shit about Bill Clinton... how pathetic but here are some very good choices that the Republican base will love and I have a lot more where this sick fuckers came from. If you didn't have Bill Clinton getting a BJ from Lewinsky you'd have nothing and you don't have much with that.

1) Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

2) Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was charged with molesting his 9-year old step-daughter after including her in an anti-Gore television commercial. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

3) Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

4) Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the Reagan/Bush White House during the 1980s. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

5) Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

6) Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

7) Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

8) Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

9) Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

10) Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. THE GOP BASE WILL LOVE THIS SICK FREAK!

Look queefspray, this is the story. You either chill the fuck out, or I am going to post 170 names of convicted GOP pedophiles on every thread you start and I will find a way to make it relevant to any bullshit you post. Any discussion of Republicans automatically includes the subject of pedophiles and I know it, you know it and the American people know it.
Rush will never crawl out from behind the mike. He doesn't show well in public and as a vice prez candidate, his record of perversions would surely come out, including that pandering charge in philly, and then of course his drug addictions would be brought out again.

Considering the illegal drug use of the last two democrat presidents, they are in little position to criticize rush for getting hooked on legal drugs.
Rush will never crawl out from behind the mike. He doesn't show well in public and as a vice prez candidate, his record of perversions would surely come out, including that pandering charge in philly, and then of course his drug addictions would be brought out again.

Considering the illegal drug use of the last two democrat presidents, they are in little position to criticize rush for getting hooked on legal drugs.

Just shows they're all hypocrites. All of them feel they are above these laws that they espouse (and often institute).
That would be the equivalent of obama running with arianna huffington as VP. Difference is that democrats would consider obama/huffington to be a serious ticket.

Likewise Republican would consider Trump/Limbaugh a serious ticket.... Obama/Huffington are principled while Trump/Limbaugh are a couple of scoundrels. Obama/Huffington speak from their hearts and minds while Trump and Limbaugh talk out of their asses. Republicans love unprincipled shit talkers.
You just confirmed my post.

The more depraved a Republican candidate is the more the base likes them. Trump is not nearly depraves as Bush or Romney so he needs to find a real scumbag for a running mate. Cheney.... he's a real scum bag and quite a weasel. He's also a draft dodger..... Hey what about Ted Nugent? Nugent is a pedophile, draft dodger, Chicken hawk, total nut case, liar, loudmouth, and he's crazier than a shit house rat. HE'S PERFECT!

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You are seriously trying to claim mitt Romney was depraved?

You need to get a dictionary
That would be the equivalent of obama running with arianna huffington as VP. Difference is that democrats would consider obama/huffington to be a serious ticket.

Likewise Republican would consider Trump/Limbaugh a serious ticket.... Obama/Huffington are principled while Trump/Limbaugh are a couple of scoundrels. Obama/Huffington speak from their hearts and minds while Trump and Limbaugh talk out of their asses. Republicans love unprincipled shit talkers.
You just confirmed my post.

The more depraved a Republican candidate is the more the base likes them. Trump is not nearly depraves as Bush or Romney so he needs to find a real scumbag for a running mate. Cheney.... he's a real scum bag and quite a weasel. He's also a draft dodger..... Hey what about Ted Nugent? Nugent is a pedophile, draft dodger, Chicken hawk, total nut case, liar, loudmouth, and he's crazier than a shit house rat. HE'S PERFECT!

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You are seriously trying to claim mitt Romney was depraved?

You need to get a dictionary

Please not Mitt Romney, he is not a republican, he is more a democrat.
Where do you get the idea that the baseloves Trump?

What would rush take a pay cut?

Why would he be the vote for a candidate he doesn't like?

Why do you think this is reasonable analysis?
His observations are not reasonable . It's just the OP's way of taking a shot at Limbaugh.
Tust this.....These libs are absolutely beside themselves that they cannot figure out a way to silence Limbaugh and all other conservative speech.

Limbaugh is Limbaugh that facts about his criminal behavior and the adoration of his moron fan base are unquestionable. Limbaugh is a steaming turd and his listeners are worse.

Which is why you are begging the question.

When you have truth and right on your side you don't have to lie about others. You also don't need to be crass and base.
That would be the equivalent of obama running with arianna huffington as VP. Difference is that democrats would consider obama/huffington to be a serious ticket.

Likewise Republican would consider Trump/Limbaugh a serious ticket.... Obama/Huffington are principled while Trump/Limbaugh are a couple of scoundrels. Obama/Huffington speak from their hearts and minds while Trump and Limbaugh talk out of their asses. Republicans love unprincipled shit talkers.
You just confirmed my post.

The more depraved a Republican candidate is the more the base likes them. Trump is not nearly depraves as Bush or Romney so he needs to find a real scumbag for a running mate. Cheney.... he's a real scum bag and quite a weasel. He's also a draft dodger..... Hey what about Ted Nugent? Nugent is a pedophile, draft dodger, Chicken hawk, total nut case, liar, loudmouth, and he's crazier than a shit house rat. HE'S PERFECT!

View attachment 44931

You are seriously trying to claim mitt Romney was depraved?

You need to get a dictionary

Please not Mitt Romney, he is not a republican, he is more a democrat.

You don't have to agree with his positions.but he wasn't depraved. It was genuinely one of the most genuinely good guy who has run in politics in a long time. He just was wrong about some things. To claim he was depraved is a lie. Pure and simple.
Likewise Republican would consider Trump/Limbaugh a serious ticket.... Obama/Huffington are principled while Trump/Limbaugh are a couple of scoundrels. Obama/Huffington speak from their hearts and minds while Trump and Limbaugh talk out of their asses. Republicans love unprincipled shit talkers.
You just confirmed my post.

The more depraved a Republican candidate is the more the base likes them. Trump is not nearly depraves as Bush or Romney so he needs to find a real scumbag for a running mate. Cheney.... he's a real scum bag and quite a weasel. He's also a draft dodger..... Hey what about Ted Nugent? Nugent is a pedophile, draft dodger, Chicken hawk, total nut case, liar, loudmouth, and he's crazier than a shit house rat. HE'S PERFECT!

View attachment 44931

You are seriously trying to claim mitt Romney was depraved?

You need to get a dictionary

Please not Mitt Romney, he is not a republican, he is more a democrat.

You don't have to agree with his positions.but he wasn't depraved. It was genuinely one of the most genuinely good guy who has run in politics in a long time. He just was wrong about some things. To claim he was depraved is a lie. Pure and simple.

Mitt Romney is a Mormon and he knows the depraved history of the Mormon Church and he still chose to be a Mormon. Joseph Smith as nearly as big of a scumbag as Mohammad. Being part of that vile church is depraved.

Romney is greedy a tax cheat. That's depravity.]

Romney is a serial liar and during the 2012 campaign he set records for lying.

False statements involving Mitt Romney

The number actually hasn't changed much

"Regulations have quadrupled. The rate of regulations quadrupled under this president."

Not one year, not 'breaks,' not Fisker or Tesla ... it goes on

"In one year, (President Obama) provided $90 billion in breaks to the green energy world … into solar and wind, to Solyndra and Fisker and Tesla and Ener1."

The deficit is actually down slightly from what Obama inherited

Says President Obama has "doubled" the deficit.

Wrong before, wrong now

"Right now, the (Congressional Budget Office) says up to 20 million people will lose their insurance as Obamacare goes into effect next year."

Plenty of non-payers support Romney

The "48, 49 percent" that supports President Barack Obama are "people who pay no income tax."

Suit seeks fewer restrictions, not more

President Obama’s lawsuit claims it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period.

— PolitiFact Ohio

A gross distortion

President Obama was saying success "is the result of government," not "hard-working people," when he said, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Not the stimulus, not to buy foreign cars

Says stimulus money went to buy electric cars from Finland as a payback to Obama supporters.

Where's the evidence?

" ‘Obamacare’ puts the federal government between you and your doctor."

No fuel for this claim

Says Dow Chemical decided to build a plant in Saudi Arabia rather than Oklahoma due to the impact of environmental regulations on the supply of natural gas.

Cherry-picked number that lacks key context

"Obamacare … means that for up to 20 million Americans, they will lose the insurance they currently have, the insurance that they like and they want to keep."

Not supported by evidence

"Obamacare adds trillions to our deficits and to our national debt."

Spending increased by about 5 percent a year on his watch


When Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, "we didn’t just slow the rate of growth of our government, we actually cut it."

Health care law doesn't 'cut' Medicare


Says Barack Obama "is the only president to ever cut $500 billion from Medicare."

No support for giveaway claim

"The president gave the (auto) companies to the UAW."

Obama did mention Israeli fear about rockets

"This president went before the United Nations and castigated Israel for building settlements. He said nothing about thousands of rockets being rained in on Israel from the Gaza Strip."

— PolitiFact Florida

That omits deals with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama


Says President Barack Obama has opened up no new trade relationships with other nations.

Repeal would ultimately increase deficit


Eliminating "Obamacare" ... "saves $95 billion a year."

Nothing to do with right-to-work state


Says the National Labor Relations Board told Boeing that it couldn’t build a factory in South Carolina because South Carolina is a right-to-work state.
Getting the thread back on track....

One of the biggest lying sacks of shit ever is Paul Ryan or Lying Ryan. Trumps lies but by modern Republican standards he sucks at it so he needs a skilled liar and that liar would be Paul Lyin Ryan.


Ryan was the exact wrong choice for Romney. Romney was the lyin king but Trump is not even in Ryan's league when it comes to lying. Trump needs a lying sack of shit like Paul Ryan to put the Dems on defense refuting his lies and to take the heat from fact checkers off him.

Trump is crazy but crazy like a Fox so some nut job like Palin or pedophile Ted Nugent may not balance the ticket.
A) Trump won't win the nomination.
B) Trump would have to have someone who compliments him, gets in votes. Any person with the Mexican/Hispanic vote wouldn't work with Trump. Anyone who has a military background probably wouldn't either.

We're so far away from the whole voting process and Trump is just piling up the people who aren't going to vote for him. He'll attack red necks next.
Limbaugh is a prolific liar,

can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
At the rate Trump is climbing in the polls it looks like he's on message (the GOP base loves him) and he's going to get the GOP nomination assuming he's not a Democrat mole. By now Trump has to be thinking about a running mate but for the life of me I can't think of who he might ask. BUT I can think of many who he won't ask.

He won't pick Carly Fiorina because she's a a screw up. She'd be the first one fired on Apprentice.

He really hates Jeb Bush and he knows what fuck up the Bush KKKlan is.

Maybe Christie? Christie has too much baggage and Trump really doesn't need another loudmouth.

The only one who come to mind is Ted Cruz. Ted has plenty of hate and Texas has a lot of electoral votes which would save Trump from his "racist" comments about Mexicans.

He will ask Jessie Ventura but Ventura will decline.

My prediction is when Trump wins the GOP nomination he will pick and unknown but he may ask some total butt head like Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh has all the Repulican values that Trump lacks...Limbaugh is a prolific liar, Limbaugh can work the base like a master, Limbaugh is a child sex tourist, smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. Trump and Limbaugh are a Republican bullshit perfecta. Both of these assholes can blow smoke but that ain't all Limbaugh blows.

Hey, Fat Bastard.

I highlighted the part of your rant which isn't diarrhea from your head. The rest is truly hilarious. :lol: Thank you. You remind me of how utterly reliable so-called liberals are to say things without thinking or having any proof to back those things up, while believing others think they are clever or profound or not unintentionally funny.

Remind me where you learned that Fiorina is a screwup. If Trump "really hates" Jeb, so what? Are you endorsing Bush? "Christie has too much baggage"; that's figgin', unfortunate-for-Christie hilarious, and I don't mean the statement's ridiculous because of course Trump won't choose him as a running mate. I appreciate your nailing Cruz for having "plenty of hate"; now, just prove it. (BTW, why did you put quotes around the word "racist"? I'm just wondering if you know something about English grammar that none of the rest of us know.) And Trump will ask Jessie Ventura, will he?! :lol::lol::lol:

And Limbaugh is a child sex tourist (whatever that is!), a smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I've only been a member a few days but I dare anyone to post something on the board to make me laugh better than this.

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