Trump's Running Mate? Rush Limbuagh

Rush isn't a politician and has no desire to run for office.
He has too good of s gig right now to want to run for office.

Rush is losing sponsors. It's time for him to move on.
You guys never get tired of running that line, do you?

It's not a line. It's a fact. Rush is losing sponsors as well as being dropped by stations. Rush Limbaugh has become a major liability. Rush Limbaugh is costing stations MILLIONS

The head of one of the biggest radio companies in the country said Monday that the advertiser boycott of Rush Limbaugh cost him "millions" in 2012.

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, wasspeaking to financial analysts about his companies' results. The boycott -- which saw scores of advertisers leave after Limbaugh called law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" because of her birth-control advocacy -- had "hit us pretty hard."

Limbaugh is the kind of political and economic poison Republicans love!
Oh, so because some activists organize a boycott that means that someone is whatever they say he is. I didn't realize that the truth is that malleable. Maybe theirs and yours is, but then it isn't truth. (The truth about Sandra Fluke is that she's a slut and a prostitute, btw. Just watch and see how much farther she descends than she already has. God help her.)
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Limbaugh is a prolific liar,

can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
That is what your MessiahRushie has programmed you to think and you are incapable of thinking anything you were not programmed to think.

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself you would have googled the quote and see what left wing propaganda site used the quote. But you didn't because you are a brainwashed DittoNazi.

Be sure to copy and paste the whole link, don't just click on it.

RUSH - Google Search"I%27m+not+going+to+tell+you+how+to+vote.+That%27s+up+to+you."&num=100&client=opera&filter=0&biw=1235&bih=896
Limbaugh is a prolific liar,

can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
These are not examples of lies. Try again.
He can't be telling the truth in both quotes, so one has to be a lie.

So here's another. BTW the most you could have collected UI was 99 weeks which is less than 2 years, so the answer is ZERO.

June 23, 2014
RUSH: How many people not working on unemployment compensation into their fourth year of it?
Trump is bread and circuses. He's playing the role of Ross Perot. If anything, a third party run would split the Republican ticket and a Democrat would hold the White House for four more years.
as a Conservative that's exactly my plan Nosmo , I sure don't want bush or any other rino moderate .
So you'll settle for another Democrat? Hillary? Bernie?
Sure Nosmo , Bernie is even better , he is more liberal . probably wants more income redistribution but he is still ok on guns . Yep , he would really hammer the moderate rino repubs and that'd make me very happy .
At the rate Trump is climbing in the polls it looks like he's on message (the GOP base loves him) and he's going to get the GOP nomination assuming he's not a Democrat mole. By now Trump has to be thinking about a running mate but for the life of me I can't think of who he might ask. BUT I can think of many who he won't ask.

He won't pick Carly Fiorina because she's a a screw up. She'd be the first one fired on Apprentice.

He really hates Jeb Bush and he knows what fuck up the Bush KKKlan is.

Maybe Christie? Christie has too much baggage and Trump really doesn't need another loudmouth.

The only one who come to mind is Ted Cruz. Ted has plenty of hate and Texas has a lot of electoral votes which would save Trump from his "racist" comments about Mexicans.

He will ask Jessie Ventura but Ventura will decline.

My prediction is when Trump wins the GOP nomination he will pick and unknown but he may ask some total butt head like Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh has all the Repulican values that Trump lacks...Limbaugh is a prolific liar, Limbaugh can work the base like a master, Limbaugh is a child sex tourist, smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. Trump and Limbaugh are a Republican bullshit perfecta. Both of these assholes can blow smoke but that ain't all Limbaugh blows.


We just got the most liberal person you could possibly pick for President. Maybe its time for a little hard right to counter balance the disaster we have just lived through the past 7 years.
Limbaugh is a prolific liar,

can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
That is what your MessiahRushie has programmed you to think and you are incapable of thinking anything you were not programmed to think.

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself you would have googled the quote and see what left wing propaganda site used the quote. But you didn't because you are a brainwashed DittoNazi.

Be sure to copy and paste the whole link, don't just click on it.

RUSH - Google Search"I%27m+not+going+to+tell+you+how+to+vote.+That%27s+up+to+you."&num=100&client=opera&filter=0&biw=1235&bih=896
I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh as my hours don't jibe with his program. At least you were honest in admitting that you used selective quotes to serve an agenda.
Limbaugh is a prolific liar,

can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
That is what your MessiahRushie has programmed you to think and you are incapable of thinking anything you were not programmed to think.

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself you would have googled the quote and see what left wing propaganda site used the quote. But you didn't because you are a brainwashed DittoNazi.

Be sure to copy and paste the whole link, don't just click on it.

RUSH - Google Search"I%27m+not+going+to+tell+you+how+to+vote.+That%27s+up+to+you."&num=100&client=opera&filter=0&biw=1235&bih=896
I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh as my hours don't jibe with his program. At least you were honest in admitting that you used selective quotes to serve an agenda.

That's called deception and distortions. Rush is the PERFECT Republican. This is why he has so many Ditto Heads.
At the rate Trump is climbing in the polls it looks like he's on message (the GOP base loves him) and he's going to get the GOP nomination assuming he's not a Democrat mole. By now Trump has to be thinking about a running mate but for the life of me I can't think of who he might ask. BUT I can think of many who he won't ask.

He won't pick Carly Fiorina because she's a a screw up. She'd be the first one fired on Apprentice.

He really hates Jeb Bush and he knows what fuck up the Bush KKKlan is.

Maybe Christie? Christie has too much baggage and Trump really doesn't need another loudmouth.

The only one who come to mind is Ted Cruz. Ted has plenty of hate and Texas has a lot of electoral votes which would save Trump from his "racist" comments about Mexicans.

He will ask Jessie Ventura but Ventura will decline.

My prediction is when Trump wins the GOP nomination he will pick and unknown but he may ask some total butt head like Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh has all the Repulican values that Trump lacks...Limbaugh is a prolific liar, Limbaugh can work the base like a master, Limbaugh is a child sex tourist, smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. Trump and Limbaugh are a Republican bullshit perfecta. Both of these assholes can blow smoke but that ain't all Limbaugh blows.


We just got the most liberal person you could possibly pick for President. Maybe its time for a little hard right to counter balance the disaster we have just lived through the past 7 years.

Republicans always pick the least Conservative nominee. The did it with Bush when people like Jack Kemp and Steve Forbes were running. 2008 they picked McCain and he had to balance his relative sanity with Palin, and then they picked Romneycare. Even Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh supported Hillary over McCain

The GOP is joke and this election will prove to be their biggest and most entertaining clown show.

Your fact free statement of calling the last 7 years a disaster shows the desperation of you Fox parroting conserva-clowns. You know damn well Obama inherited a disaster and you know damn well all the numbers indicate that he fixed things. Your lying is beyond pathetic and you would be wise to shut your lying mouth because there are more and more non CONS like me who will shut people like you down. I'm not a liberal. I am a non CON and people like be don't try to appeal you with facts or logic because people like you are immune to both facts and logic. What we do is we ridicule liars like I did in this article... RUSH LIMBAUGH PERFECT REPUBLICAN HERO What I do is I wreck your lying heroes like Limbaugh, Beck, Ted Nugent. Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Hannity ect because that is all people like you have. It's really quite pathetic and while liberal try to enlighten people like you I realize that it is a fool's errand so I just prove to everyone around people like you that everything you know is wrong.

How does it feel that the only correct thing you know is that everything else you know is WRONG?! That's right, everything you know or think you know is wrong and now you know it. People like you are incapable of accepting facts. The old term for people like you was numb skull the more accurate terms today are fact resistant, factually challenged or terminally ignorant. I still prefer numb skull. \

Attention Liberals: You are naive if you think you can get a CON to absorb a fact.
At the rate Trump is climbing in the polls it looks like he's on message (the GOP base loves him) and he's going to get the GOP nomination assuming he's not a Democrat mole. By now Trump has to be thinking about a running mate but for the life of me I can't think of who he might ask. BUT I can think of many who he won't ask.

He won't pick Carly Fiorina because she's a a screw up. She'd be the first one fired on Apprentice.

He really hates Jeb Bush and he knows what fuck up the Bush KKKlan is.

Maybe Christie? Christie has too much baggage and Trump really doesn't need another loudmouth.

The only one who come to mind is Ted Cruz. Ted has plenty of hate and Texas has a lot of electoral votes which would save Trump from his "racist" comments about Mexicans.

He will ask Jessie Ventura but Ventura will decline.

My prediction is when Trump wins the GOP nomination he will pick and unknown but he may ask some total butt head like Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh has all the Repulican values that Trump lacks...Limbaugh is a prolific liar, Limbaugh can work the base like a master, Limbaugh is a child sex tourist, smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. Trump and Limbaugh are a Republican bullshit perfecta. Both of these assholes can blow smoke but that ain't all Limbaugh blows.

Rush is too smart for The Donald. Trump would not share the spotlight.
Limbaugh is a prolific liar,

can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
That is what your MessiahRushie has programmed you to think and you are incapable of thinking anything you were not programmed to think.

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself you would have googled the quote and see what left wing propaganda site used the quote. But you didn't because you are a brainwashed DittoNazi.

Be sure to copy and paste the whole link, don't just click on it.

RUSH - Google Search"I%27m+not+going+to+tell+you+how+to+vote.+That%27s+up+to+you."&num=100&client=opera&filter=0&biw=1235&bih=896
I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh as my hours don't jibe with his program. At least you were honest in admitting that you used selective quotes to serve an agenda.
You are just like your MessiahRushie, reading into what people say what you want rather than what was actually said. I admitted no such thing. You claimed I got my quotes from Left wing propaganda sites as you were programmed to say, and I gave you a link that showed the quote existed on only 2 sites, Porky's and my posts here at USMB.

Rather than admit your MessiahRushie made a fool of you, you fabricate a Straw Man.
Rush is too smart for The Donald. Trump would not share the spotlight.
Geeezzz, don't any of you DittoNazis ever pay attention to what your MessiahRushie actually says?
Obviously all you hear in the below quote is him telling you how "brilliant" he is and not the stupidity that follows!!!

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
At the rate Trump is climbing in the polls it looks like he's on message (the GOP base loves him) and he's going to get the GOP nomination assuming he's not a Democrat mole. By now Trump has to be thinking about a running mate but for the life of me I can't think of who he might ask. BUT I can think of many who he won't ask.

He won't pick Carly Fiorina because she's a a screw up. She'd be the first one fired on Apprentice.

He really hates Jeb Bush and he knows what fuck up the Bush KKKlan is.

Maybe Christie? Christie has too much baggage and Trump really doesn't need another loudmouth.

The only one who come to mind is Ted Cruz. Ted has plenty of hate and Texas has a lot of electoral votes which would save Trump from his "racist" comments about Mexicans.

He will ask Jessie Ventura but Ventura will decline.

My prediction is when Trump wins the GOP nomination he will pick and unknown but he may ask some total butt head like Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh has all the Repulican values that Trump lacks...Limbaugh is a prolific liar, Limbaugh can work the base like a master, Limbaugh is a child sex tourist, smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. Trump and Limbaugh are a Republican bullshit perfecta. Both of these assholes can blow smoke but that ain't all Limbaugh blows.

Rush is too smart for The Donald. Trump would not share the spotlight.

He's a better liar than Trump and that's only because he's had more practice but in a debate Trump would wreck him with both brains tied behind his back. Trump is no dummy. He's leading in the polls. Trump is great at playing all the GOP dummies better than anyone even Rush Limbaugh. If Trump had a show like Limbaugh's he'd bury Limbaugh in the ratings.

Trump is a job creator unlike any other Republican in the race. He is by far the most accomplished Republican in the race. The rest of the field are a bunch of free loaders who have been sucking off the public tit their whole lives. Trump would be more effective than any of them.
Rush is too smart for The Donald. Trump would not share the spotlight.
Geeezzz, don't any of you DittoNazis ever pay attention to what your MessiahRushie actually says?
Obviously all you hear in the below quote is him telling you how "brilliant" he is and not the stupidity that follows!!!

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

GREAT FIND! But the ditto heads probably believe that the water molecule contains carbon. I think the Onion needs to go with this.

Rush has been running his mouth to the morons for so long that he's as dumb as they are. Between his chronic lying and years of drug abuse his brain is probably as pickled as George W Bush's.
can you quote some of his lies, or are just lying your ass off ?

:up_yours: ............. :asshole:
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
That is what your MessiahRushie has programmed you to think and you are incapable of thinking anything you were not programmed to think.

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself you would have googled the quote and see what left wing propaganda site used the quote. But you didn't because you are a brainwashed DittoNazi.

Be sure to copy and paste the whole link, don't just click on it.

RUSH - Google Search"I%27m+not+going+to+tell+you+how+to+vote.+That%27s+up+to+you."&num=100&client=opera&filter=0&biw=1235&bih=896
I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh as my hours don't jibe with his program. At least you were honest in admitting that you used selective quotes to serve an agenda.
You are just like your MessiahRushie, reading into what people say what you want rather than what was actually said. I admitted no such thing. You claimed I got my quotes from Left wing propaganda sites as you were programmed to say, and I gave you a link that showed the quote existed on only 2 sites, Porky's and my posts here at USMB.

Rather than admit your MessiahRushie made a fool of you, you fabricate a Straw Man.
OK, so they were selected for their left wing intentions. Same thing.
Again, I'm no RL disciple and rarely listen to his show.
But I can tell the difference between RL being a right wing entertainer as opposed to those who think Huffington is journalism as well as the difference between Trump not being a serious candidate as opposed to those who actually voted for obama.
February 18, 2008
RUSH: I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's up to you.

May 5, 2008
RUSH: So here are today's orders for Indiana Operation Chaos operatives. Flood these precincts. Vote for Mrs. Clinton
My guess is that you don't really listen to Rush Limbaugh. You got those quotes from a left wing propaganda site.
Otherwise, if you have enough time to listen to someone you disagree with that much and research his speech that much then you have way too much time on your hands.
That is what your MessiahRushie has programmed you to think and you are incapable of thinking anything you were not programmed to think.

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself you would have googled the quote and see what left wing propaganda site used the quote. But you didn't because you are a brainwashed DittoNazi.

Be sure to copy and paste the whole link, don't just click on it.

RUSH - Google Search"I%27m+not+going+to+tell+you+how+to+vote.+That%27s+up+to+you."&num=100&client=opera&filter=0&biw=1235&bih=896
I rarely listen to Rush Limbaugh as my hours don't jibe with his program. At least you were honest in admitting that you used selective quotes to serve an agenda.
You are just like your MessiahRushie, reading into what people say what you want rather than what was actually said. I admitted no such thing. You claimed I got my quotes from Left wing propaganda sites as you were programmed to say, and I gave you a link that showed the quote existed on only 2 sites, Porky's and my posts here at USMB.

Rather than admit your MessiahRushie made a fool of you, you fabricate a Straw Man.
OK, so they were selected for their left wing intentions. Same thing.
Again, I'm no RL disciple and rarely listen to his show.
But I can tell the difference between RL being a right wing entertainer as opposed to those who think Huffington is journalism as well as the difference between Trump not being a serious candidate as opposed to those who actually voted for obama.

I campaigned for Hillary in 2008 for her experience and because of Bubba. I liked Obama as a person but I thought he was too nice of a guy to be president. When Obama got the nod I was thinking about supporting McCain because he would have continued fucking things up and he'd be a one term president but when he picked Palin and if she got in she'd have been worse than Bush so I went with Obama and because Obama had Biden who I think would make a splendid president.

Trump is a serious candidate as far as the poll are concerned and I don't think that a Trump presidency will be a disaster. His anti-Mexican statement are him appealing to the GOP base. While he lacks the character and savvy of a Ross Perot he still has more to bring to the table than any modern Republican and unlike the Republicans running I think that Donald Trump genuinely loves America and like the other trash running Trump is too rich to be bribed.

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