Trumps says Obama should resign and Hillary should drop out

Both mechanical weapons and systems of values were present...I mean Good God, can you be any more generic and ambiguous?

This is about SALAFI ISLAM and no other religion, and the guns were merely tools used, nothing more, as the guy could ahve used a suicide bombing vest or flamable liquids to burn them all alive.
This is about (1) easy access of powerful weapons (2) to crazy people (3) motivated by religion or other belief systems.
That's SoftGirl Horn getting her ass beat by the blond. Oh, the memories you have here, Tomasina.
That's SoftGirl Horn getting her ass beat by the blond. Oh, the memories you have here, Tomasina.

BTW putz....if you knew anything about fighting you'd see that the brunette kicked off her sandals before you bull-rushed her....she never got hit and my bet is she threw you on your ass just after the gif ended.
It really makes me laugh this crazy notion that all wealthy are want-to-be kings. It just shows how completely clueless some people are about what goes into becoming wealthy, what goes into running a business.

You cannot be a dictator in a business, you have to tip-toe around to avoid PC lawsuits, you have to mind your Ps and Qs to keep negotiations open with contacts you need to make or keep for your future plans, you are forced to keep your mouth shut because you can't upset the delicate sensitivities of your precious consumers. You have to negotiate, yes you want the stronger position, but there is a fine line as to how far you can push that, if you go over it they will walk away. These things do not create "dictators." At "worst" they create people who manipulate sure, but that's pretty much the alternate definition of "politician" anyway, and the same could be said for religion and media as well. Trump is breaking the mold, not just for politicians, but also for business owners. It's why he gets the support of so many business owners, because he's saying the things we seriously want to scream but cannot, he is being our voice and maybe at least some of it will get heard by the general public - most folks try to be nice in general...

Anyway, while I've got some snobby friends, and I'll admit I can be a bit... ruthless, not one of us is a "dictator" - in fact almost all of us love the freedom that America has to offer, we love the diversity, because it gives us a wider playing field, niches that haven't been tapped yet, more to explore and do. Business folks are not only about power and money, we also enjoy challenges, we like to create things, we like to improve things. These facets of our personality are met best in America, which is why we've turned this country into a consumers paradise. You 1% haters are so clueless, it's amusingly pathetic.
BBC news just reported that Trump has suggested that Obama should resign and Hilliary should drop out of the race since neither of them seem able to use the phrase 'Islamic terrorism' :popcorn:
LOLOL.....he also said and I quote, that the tooth fairy is real, he still wants to date his daughter and that orange tan he proudly sports is due to a lack of blood flow not reaching his brains.
It really makes me laugh this crazy notion that all wealthy are want-to-be kings. It just shows how completely clueless some people are about what goes into becoming wealthy, what goes into running a business.

You cannot be a dictator in a business, you have to tip-toe around to avoid PC lawsuits, you have to mind your Ps and Qs to keep negotiations open with contacts you need to make or keep for your future plans, you are forced to keep your mouth shut because you can't upset the delicate sensitivities of your precious consumers. You have to negotiate, yes you want the stronger position, but there is a fine line as to how far you can push that, if you go over it they will walk away. These things do not create "dictators." At "worst" they create people who manipulate sure, but that's pretty much the alternate definition of "politician" anyway, and the same could be said for religion and media as well. Trump is breaking the mold, not just for politicians, but also for business owners. It's why he gets the support of so many business owners, because he's saying the things we seriously want to scream but cannot, he is being our voice and maybe at least some of it will get heard by the general public - most folks try to be nice in general...

Anyway, while I've got some snobby friends, and I'll admit I can be a bit... ruthless, not one of us is a "dictator" - in fact almost all of us love the freedom that America has to offer, we love the diversity, because it gives us a wider playing field, niches that haven't been tapped yet, more to explore and do. Business folks are not only about power and money, we also enjoy challenges, we like to create things, we like to improve things. These facets of our personality are met best in America, which is why we've turned this country into a consumers paradise. You 1% haters are so clueless, it's amusingly pathetic.
Get the fuck outta money grubbing leaches on this country are nothing but profit seeking traitors to this country's labor and hating you fucks is priority number one. Best my ass, best for the exploited illegals and Asian markets. You bastards are a shame to this nation. fuck off!!

We have narcissistic socialist as a leader of the free world. No passion when addressing the terrorist attacks, but he flies off the rails when talking about political opponents and the words radical Islam.
Get the fuck outta money grubbing leaches on this country are nothing but profit seeking traitors to this country's labor and hating you fucks is priority number one. Best my ass, best for the exploited illegals and Asian markets. You bastards are a shame to this nation. fuck off!!

~Chuckles softly~ Look who's calling the kettle black, how adorable.. Money grubbing... No sweetie, we already have the money, we don't need to "grub" for it, that would be your ilk who want to be handed cash simply for existing.

Darling, have you not noticed that your people, the democrats and liberals you so worship, have basically given us permission to hire illegals? Did you not notice the D push to make all illegals legals without paperwork? Have you been sleeping for the past ten plus years?

Regardless, yes, some of the 1% hire illegals, many of us are a bit of a frugal bunch until you hit a certain threshold of savings. The rest of us hire a CEO and tell them to deal with the sordid details of hiring and firing, we have better things to do with our time. Yes, sometimes our "minions" hire illegals in order to fluff their bottom lines. They want to impress us and it can be hard to be angry at them for that desire. Still a lot of us will fire them on principle, breaking the law gets very expensive very quick for us, it's just not worth the risk honestly.

If you know a business owner hiring illegals do send the parent CEO a note, I suspect they'll clean up the joint if notified given the turn of recent political social wheeling in the country. The acceptance of legals is waning, us 1%ers have already begun notifying and shifting our business agendas to reflect this change, I figure it'll be gone from the pillars of the industry fairly soon, though the smaller fish in the big boy pool will take a while longer - give it some time, the illegals will be shunned again by this country and the businesses will reflect those values as well. It is what we do; American wishes drive many of our decisions, of course, we are in the business of providing after all...
HRC is as bad as Trump. I will vote for Johnson.

Surrender your genuine plastic Democrat Party decoder ring right now, little fella. Don't wait until the Thug Squad has to tear if off your tiny little finger. But then there are those who claim that very young children cannot feel pain.

Could they be right?

Cant argue with him!
Both Obama and Clinton want to disarm the American public while at the same time allowing more enemy immigrants into the country!
Can you imagine the same thing happening during WW2?
Cant argue with him!
Both Obama and Clinton want to disarm the American public while at the same time allowing more enemy immigrants into the country!
Can you imagine the same thing happening during WW2?

During World War II it could have happened.

But it didn't.

Because, despite shortages in rubber, gasoline, some foods....there was NO shortage of rope.
Get the fuck outta money grubbing leaches on this country are nothing but profit seeking traitors to this country's labor and hating you fucks is priority number one. Best my ass, best for the exploited illegals and Asian markets. You bastards are a shame to this nation. fuck off!!

You're so lady-like. :badgrin:
Cant argue with him!
Both Obama and Clinton want to disarm the American public while at the same time allowing more enemy immigrants into the country!
Can you imagine the same thing happening during WW2?

During World War II it could have happened.

But it didn't.

Because, despite shortages in rubber, gasoline, some foods....there was NO shortage of rope.
:lol: We still have plenty of rope, henry.
Both mechanical weapons and systems of values were present...I mean Good God, can you be any more generic and ambiguous?

This is about SALAFI ISLAM and no other religion, and the guns were merely tools used, nothing more, as the guy could ahve used a suicide bombing vest or flamable liquids to burn them all alive.
This is about (1) easy access of powerful weapons (2) to crazy people (3) motivated by religion or other belief systems.
WTF Jake you can't be this stupid, but then again....

Millions of Americans own and have access to weapons and have for a long F**KING time, but seldom do they commit a mass shooting. The proof of this is, this shooting in Orlando was the largest mass shooting on the nation's history. Dumbass.

How can you be so consistently wrong about nearly EVERYTHING?

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