Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Since you don't believe in having any government, why the fuck are you bitching about voting?

Voting is the weapon politicians use to impose their idiocies on me. Why shouldn't I bitch about it?
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Well, there is that...any news reports of people getting caught doing that? Or, of someone going to vote and then finding out they have "already voted"?

Hmmm, no. See, if you know you're going to vote twice, you don't go to the same place and use the same name. However, people have been caught voting multiple times.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Well, there is that...any news reports of people getting caught doing that? Or, of someone going to vote and then finding out they have "already voted"?

Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Ohio Democrats - Breitbart
I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Well, there is that...any news reports of people getting caught doing that? Or, of someone going to vote and then finding out they have "already voted"?

Hmmm, no. See, if you know you're going to vote twice, you don't go to the same place and use the same name. However, people have been caught voting multiple times.

Really? How about posting a link to that...if that's happening, I can see that having a photo ID would be beneficial. Wouldn't want a Republican voting more than once, you know. ;-)
I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Well, there is that...any news reports of people getting caught doing that? Or, of someone going to vote and then finding out they have "already voted"?

Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Ohio Democrats - Breitbart

Thank you very much! I appreciate your documentation.
Hilary can't get rid of the 2nd Amendment so off the rip he's lying again in order to make a false argument. And again encouraging someone to do something violent against a presidential nominee.

But then people go...that's soooo Trump as if threats aren't really threats when Trump makes them.

Of course she can get rid of the 2nd Amendment. All she has to do is get some justices on the court who will agree that it only applies to militias. Presto-chango, it's gone.

Oh and replacing Justices is as easy as presto chango! Goofball ass knows she can't just get rid of it so goofball makes the moninatiin process seem like magic. That's a goofball for you.

If she's the president, then it's easy as pie. Those establishment douche bag Republicans will just roll over for her.

Regular psychic over here...just remember. Hilary can't take away your rights like voila. Trump symays it because sounds scary and'll believe anything and twist yourself into knots trying to explain why it's not technically a
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

Two Words... BULL SHIT!

Voter ID laws are no more restrictive than welfare laws requiring them to obtain services, or to cash a simple check, or to get into a Hillary event......

But please do continue with your faux outrage .... Knowing that only American citizens are voting is paramount to valid elections.. Of course you cant do that if your voting for dead people.. or multiple times at different locations.. you cant have a way to track this fraud and steal elections...
Last edited:
That bitch really hates this country.

Its MADAM PRESIDENT to you, low life......LOL
Wont give her the respect of the title. Means very little to the world that I wont,, however it makes me feel much better.
And, the bitch will only be known as that by you for a short time before she keels over with a brain hemorage. History will show that as her greatest contribution to the country.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
They do that in TN also, which is why the Dems only get 30% of the vote here.
Hilary can't get rid of the 2nd Amendment so off the rip he's lying again in order to make a false argument. And again encouraging someone to do something violent against a presidential nominee.

But then people go...that's soooo Trump as if threats aren't really threats when Trump makes them.

Of course she can get rid of the 2nd Amendment. All she has to do is get some justices on the court who will agree that it only applies to militias. Presto-chango, it's gone.

Oh and replacing Justices is as easy as presto chango! Goofball ass knows she can't just get rid of it so goofball makes the moninatiin process seem like magic. That's a goofball for you.

If she's the president, then it's easy as pie. Those establishment douche bag Republicans will just roll over for her.

Regular psychic over here...just remember. Hilary can't take away your rights like voila. Trump symays it because sounds scary and'll believe anything and twist yourself into knots trying to explain why it's not technically a
Yes, actually, she can take away your rights. All she has to do is stock the SC with a bunch of leftwing goose stepping judges who don't give a damn what the Constitution actually says.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.
That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.
you've never voted in person, have you? No one can vote multiple times Mud, when you go to vote, your name is checked on the voter roster and you sign the roster next to your name.... once you have voted in your registered polling place, you can not vote again.

HOW can you NOT know this, unless you've never voted in person? Are you an absentee voter? I've done the absentee voting once...I liked it, it was so much easier....think I might do absentee voting in the future, just for convenience.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
IN EVERY State..... that's how it works....
If Trump thinks Hillary Clinton shouldn't have armed guards,

how about Trump getting rid of the metal detectors (to find guns) at his rallies?
That makes no sense. But obviously his point sailed over your little noggin.

Trump wants Hillary Clinton to disarm her guards, how about Trump arms his audience?
It's probably the Secret Service that disarms the audience, not Trump. No one was checking for weapons when I went to a Trump event.

They probably thought the bulge in your pants was your copy of Kropotkin's 'The Conquest of Bread'.
you've never voted in person, have you? No one can vote multiple times Mud, when you go to vote, your name is checked on the voter roster and you sign the roster next to your name.... once you have voted in your registered polling place, you can not vote again.

HOW can you NOT know this, unless you've never voted in person? Are you an absentee voter? I've done the absentee voting once...I liked it, it was so much easier....think I might do absentee voting in the future, just for convenience.

Cincinnati Poll Worker Charged With Voting Half Dozen Times In November

Milford man, mom fined over illegal voting | New Hampshire

N.C. State Board Finds More than 35K Incidents of 'Double Voting' in 2012

Voter Fraud: 113 Contra Costa Voters Successfully Cast Two Ballots in June Election | East County Today
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
IN EVERY State..... that's how it works....
Obviously you don't know that in the 2012 election they found over 1,357 people who were registered in multiple counties in Ohio and these people drove from county to county to vote... Or that in those same counties over 2.390 dead people were registered and someone voted for them... And that was just in THREE adjacent COUNTIES!

Do you think that level of fraud might tilt an election? It wasn't Republicans doing it. this was Democrat controlled counties... Ones that voted 100% Obama and Republican poll watchers were expelled from...
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In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.

Well the reality is we live in a technological world.

Here they allow you to vote by simply presenting a utility bill. So what? So I can take my utility bill, copy it into my computer, doctor it up on my arts program to read my neighbors name and address, and print out a new utility bill with a different name and address.
Trumptard rules say that the tards decide what are or are not the facts.

True, I had misplaced my Trumptard-to-Reality rule book.......Ahhh, there it is !!
(it was at the bottom of my parakeet's cage.)
Do you think that level of fraud might tilt an election? It wasn't Republicans doing it. this was Democrat controlled counties... Ones that voted 100% Obama and Republican poll watchers were expelled from..

Take a look at what your own avatar states.........LOL
If Trump thinks Hillary Clinton shouldn't have armed guards,

how about Trump getting rid of the metal detectors (to find guns) at his rallies?

Moron......I know you understand and you are just acting like you are stupid to try to make a cheap shot at Trump.....

but here, just in case you are that stupid......

Trump is pointing out that hilary doesn't want normal, law abiding people to have guns...which is what she means when she says Heller was decided wrong and supports Australia's failed gun control.....that and wanting to put a 25% tax on guns.....

So if she doesn't believe normal, law abiding people need guns for self defense, then she should walk the walk and get rid of all the guns around her........ either you are really stupid....or you are pretending to be that you know what he meant...

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