Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

If Hillary doesn't think you should have the right to protect yourself, why does she surround herself with armed guards?

You right wing morons are out o control......WHERE did Hillary state that ALL guns should be taken away????

Try to find a source beside Sean hannity, please.

You moronic hillarybots are so predictable. If you can't find the exact quote, you're lying, no matter how often she has talked about "military style" weapons and anyone willing to tell the truth about Hillary has to be one of the "right wing morons", though it's well known I supported Bernie in the primaries (breaks my heart he sold out to Hillary) and I now support Jill Stein.

If that's too subtle for you, what I'm saying is that you're a one-note mindless troll who feels that being nasty is an argument and couldn't win an argument with yourself. Now, go pout in a corner.
If Hillary doesn't think you should have the right to protect yourself, why does she surround herself with armed guards?

You right wing morons are out o control......WHERE did Hillary state that ALL guns should be taken away????

Try to find a source beside Sean hannity, please.
I'm sure she believes the Secret Service should be able to keep their guns.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.
Last edited:
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."
This is just like everything else they've said about Trump.


  • Democrat Fabrication - Trump told Russia to hack Hillary's server
  • The Truth - He asked for Russia to turn over Hillary's emails that Hillary claims were about baby showers and yoga
  • Democrat Fabrication - Democrats claim that Trump asked gun owners to shoot Hillary
  • The Truth - Trump said that supporters of the 2nd Amendment will have something to say in the election about Hillary's gun-grabbing plans
  • Democrat Fabrication - Trump insulted a Gold Star Family
  • The Truth - Trump simply mentioned that Khans' wife was standing there speechless and wondered why
  • Democrat Fabrication - Trump hates Muslims
  • The Truth - Trump said that bringing refugees from Syria was insane and should be halted until we could properly vet them. Jeb Bush said the same exact thing, but only Trump was accused of hating Muslims
  • Democrat Fabrication - Trump is a racist
  • The Truth - Democrats claim that building a wall is racist, wanting to punish rapists is racist, and supporting the police is racist. So is being patriotic and loving America. If you love America and want peace and prosperity for're a racist
Democrats support domestic terrorism, criminals, killing cops, lying to win elections, and stealing from the middle-class.

If they had to tell the truth and say exactly what they think of us they'd never win an election. Hillary said what she thinks about us and she's losing the election, which means that everything the media says about Trump is pretty much made up.


Thankfully, in the age of internet no one has any reason to believe anyone in Clinton's pocket / special interest list.

Obama wants to turn over the Internet to the UN by the end of the month so they can stop that.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
The poor buy cigarettes and liquor using a photo I.D.

So unless you know of a state that doesn't require an I.D. to buy them, your argument is bogus.

Obama is spending millions to provide them with SNAP cards so they can buy food. It could have a picture of the beneficiary on it. Easy Peesy, Lemon Squeezy
Last edited:
Stop being a fuck head.......When did Clinton EVER state that ALL guns should be taken away???

She might as well have. From the Communist News Network:

1990s and early 2000s: Gun control advocate

Testifying in a Senate committee in 1993 amid her health care reform push, Clinton told Sen. Bill Bradley, D-New Jersey, she was "all for" his proposed 25% tax on handguns and $2,500 licensing fees for gun dealers.

"Speaking personally -- and that's all I can do with respect to your second proposal -- I'm all for that," she had said. "I just don't know what else we're going to do to try to figure out how to get some handle on this violence."

She kept up her advocacy through the decade, recording robo-calls opposing a Missouri concealed carry ballot initiative and pushing for a failed proposal in Congress to require background checks for gun show sales -- a measure Democrats are still pushing today.

"It does not make sense for us at this point in our history to turn our backs on the reality that there are too many guns and too many children have access to those guns -- and we have to act to prevent that," Clinton said in a 1999 speech to the National Education Association after the Columbine massacre .

Once she entered the Senate in 2001, Clinton backed a series of gun control measures.

She backed Democratic bills to require the registration of all new guns, requiring photo IDs and safety lessons for all new gun owners and increasing the minimum buying age for handguns from 18 to 21.

2008 campaign: A shift in tone

Where does Hillary Clinton stand on guns? -

Okay, let's point out the highlights in this article:

She wanted to increase the age of firearm ownership from 18 to 21, even though you can join our military at the age of 18 and use weapons that you can't buy in the gun stores.

A 25% tax on all handguns and a $2,500 licensing fee for gun dealers which they would have to reclaim by increasing the costs of the guns they sell.

She is against Concealed Carry for citizens.

She said "there are too many guns" and we need to act to prevent that.

She said she's all for forcing people that buy new guns to take a safety course which we all know means she just wants to make it more of a problem buying a gun.

She said she wants a photo ID to buy a gun. Hey! Isn't that racist? What about all those poor blacks that can't afford a photo ID? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
The poor buy cigarettes and liquor using a photo I.D.

So unless you know of a state that doesn't require an I.D. to buy them, your argument is bogus.
Is it a government issued photo ID? If it is, then the person buying the Liquor and cigarettes does not have a problem voting, now do they?
I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

Thank you. Timing is everything. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.
How does an ID disenfranchise anyone? If they can get to a polling station they can pick up a free ID card. The poor can afford free. Democrats don't like it because it will mean less votes for them. The election is on a specific day, I don't get your point. There is mail in, in fact I think it's all we have here now.

The Dems did a number on us here a few gubernatorial election cycles ago and tossed in the questionable votes after losing the election and the recount. Third time was a charm but all you can see is Republican evil. Weird.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
The poor buy cigarettes and liquor using a photo I.D.

So unless you know of a state that doesn't require an I.D. to buy them, your argument is bogus.
Is it a government issued photo ID? If it is, then the person buying the Liquor and cigarettes does not have a problem voting, now do they?
Yes, issued by the state they live in. FYI, buying booze and smokes is very important to the poor.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.
That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
The poor buy cigarettes and liquor using a photo I.D.

So unless you know of a state that doesn't require an I.D. to buy them, your argument is bogus.
Is it a government issued photo ID? If it is, then the person buying the Liquor and cigarettes does not have a problem voting, now do they?

But you claim it's an outrage to insist on ID's for voting, but it's no problem for buying guns, which is a constitutional right.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Since you don't believe in having any government, why the fuck are you bitching about voting?
If Trump thinks Hillary Clinton shouldn't have armed guards,

how about Trump getting rid of the metal detectors (to find guns) at his rallies?
That makes no sense. But obviously his point sailed over your little noggin.

Trump wants Hillary Clinton to disarm her guards, how about Trump arms his audience?
It's probably the Secret Service that disarms the audience, not Trump. No one was checking for weapons when I went to a Trump event.
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Well, there is that...any news reports of people getting caught doing that? Or, of someone going to vote and then finding out they have "already voted"?

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