Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Analysts are saying it is because of the health care announcement by Berkshire and amazon. And, it is ONE percent of the 45% gain it has enjoyed. But, that is what the stock market does you know. It go's up, and it go's down.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??

And his cult will do the same. We're already seeing that, right here, right in this thread...

...which was primarily my point in posting it.
just can't make this anti american shit you spew up.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
it's his economy. or is it obummer's. tell us. we don't really care, we like americans making money and doing well with their financials. you guys do not. you all are very anti american fks.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
Ironically if he would be a more traditional president he would be able to lie about his culpability more effectively. Here his lies actually will work against him.
Wait, last week when the market was going up you liberal pukes claimed it was Obama's market. Now that its down a bit suddenly its Trump's market? You lying filth are useless here have some of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
it's his economy. or is it obummer's. tell us. we don't really care, we like americans making money and doing well with their financials. you guys do not. you all are very anti american fks.
It's both. the difference is I, and I suspect Carbineer and Siete realize that the stock market and the economy transcends the presidency. It's complex and you can only exert a limited influence as president. So when there's a president who want's to own it, especially after a long period of sustained growth we think him foolish and Carbineer pointed this out by this OP.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
it's his economy. or is it obummer's. tell us. we don't really care, we like americans making money and doing well with their financials. you guys do not. you all are very anti american fks.
It's both. the difference is I, and I suspect Carbineer and Siete realize that the stock market and the economy transcends the presidency. It's complex and you can only exert a limited influence as president. So when there's a president who want's to own it, especially after a long period of sustained growth we think him foolish and Carbineer pointed this out by this OP.
I would say it's the policies the market looks for to do business. every lib was expecting the market to tank on his election win. and look where we are. the market is what the market is. the market takes its lead from the investors for the most part. they really like long term expectations and that will drive the market even more. when companies announce, the market reacts. it's what happened here. It isn't complex. it's quite simple.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.
/-----/ Again you don't trade much do you? The market goes up and investors take profits along the way causing the prices to go down then at a point they see bargains and step back in.
Here is a yearly chart on Amazon. Note it's not a straight line going up, but little fits and starts goes up , sells off, goes back up higher, sells off, goes higher.
AMZN Interactive Stock Chart |, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance
I know it's not a straight line. I also know that in the longer term growth is always followed by sharp decline. I wouldn't claim the recent drop is that decline. I simply claim the decline will happen. When it does, which its likely to do in the next couple of years considering the average span of periods of growth, taking credit for the current market is politically stupid.
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
it's his economy. or is it obummer's. tell us. we don't really care, we like americans making money and doing well with their financials. you guys do not. you all are very anti american fks.
It's both. the difference is I, and I suspect Carbineer and Siete realize that the stock market and the economy transcends the presidency. It's complex and you can only exert a limited influence as president. So when there's a president who want's to own it, especially after a long period of sustained growth we think him foolish and Carbineer pointed this out by this OP.
I would say it's the policies the market looks for to do business. every lib was expecting the market to tank on his election win. and look where we are. the market is what the market is. the market takes its lead from the investors for the most part. they really like long term expectations and that will drive the market even more. when companies announce, the market reacts. it's what happened here. It isn't complex. it's quite simple.
Policies are not the driving forces, it's usually another catalyst. In 2008 it was subprime mortgages. In 1929 it was excessive speculation in 1987 it probably was automated trading. The point is policies work as guide rails for the economy, not as its engine.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.
/-----/ Again you don't trade much do you? The market goes up and investors take profits along the way causing the prices to go down then at a point they see bargains and step back in.
Here is a yearly chart on Amazon. Note it's not a straight line going up, but little fits and starts goes up , sells off, goes back up higher, sells off, goes higher.
AMZN Interactive Stock Chart |, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance
I know it's not a straight line. I also know that in the longer term growth is always followed by sharp decline. I wouldn't claim the recent drop is that decline. I simply claim the decline will happen. When it does, which its likely to do in the next couple of years considering the average span of periods of growth, taking credit for the current market is politically stupid.
And the tax cut is a yuuuuge gamble. We are caught in a cycle of slow growth and no inflation. Our central bank is in the process of removing stimulus in "unwiding QE" (ie letting bonds owned by the Fed die of natl causes, and allowing the liquidity, i.e. paper money, created just vanish into thin air. Other central banks are not reducing stimulus as fast. IF inflation heats up faster with consumer spending, the Fed will KILL growth not just by withdrawing stimulus from QE2 but also raising rates even faster than they say they will.

Politicians don't necessarily create depressions, but they sure as hell can make them worse. 1929 was a perfect storm of a bubble market, poor political decisions and a central bank that had a bad economic policy.
My one disagreement with cellblock is that this could be a repeat of 1927. Winter wheat may have been killed by the cold, the blue states are in another housing bubble and the red state labor shortage is causing around 4% wage push inflation already.
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.
/-----/ Again you don't trade much do you? The market goes up and investors take profits along the way causing the prices to go down then at a point they see bargains and step back in.
Here is a yearly chart on Amazon. Note it's not a straight line going up, but little fits and starts goes up , sells off, goes back up higher, sells off, goes higher.
AMZN Interactive Stock Chart |, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance
I know it's not a straight line. I also know that in the longer term growth is always followed by sharp decline. I wouldn't claim the recent drop is that decline. I simply claim the decline will happen. When it does, which its likely to do in the next couple of years considering the average span of periods of growth, taking credit for the current market is politically stupid.
And the tax cut is a yuuuuge gamble. We are caught in a cycle of slow growth and no inflation. Our central bank is in the process of removing stimulus in "unwiding QE" (ie letting bonds owned by the Fed die of natl causes, and allowing the liquidity, i.e. paper money, created just vanish into thin air. Other central banks are not reducing stimulus as fast. IF inflation heats up faster with consumer spending, the Fed will KILL growth not just by withdrawing stimulus from QE2 but also raising rates even faster than they say they will.

Politicians don't necessarily create depressions, but they sure as hell can make them worse. 1929 was a perfect storm of a bubble market, poor political decisions and a central bank that had a bad economic policy.

High taxes that encourage government to waste OUR money is not a gamble? :eusa_hand:
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
There's another reason. Most Americans don't benefit from record stock market gains because they are either not invested in the stock market in any way or their investment is so small, that they hardly even notice any change in value.

Trumps has been taking credit for the booming stock market and his tremendous tax cut. Well, it's certainly been a bonanza for the Trump organization and his billionaire club that helps him run the goverment but for most Americans the market boom will be of little or no benefit and the tax cuts for the middle go away in a few years but not the cuts for Trump's billionaire club which are permanent.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.
/-----/ Again you don't trade much do you? The market goes up and investors take profits along the way causing the prices to go down then at a point they see bargains and step back in.
Here is a yearly chart on Amazon. Note it's not a straight line going up, but little fits and starts goes up , sells off, goes back up higher, sells off, goes higher.
AMZN Interactive Stock Chart |, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance
I know it's not a straight line. I also know that in the longer term growth is always followed by sharp decline. I wouldn't claim the recent drop is that decline. I simply claim the decline will happen. When it does, which its likely to do in the next couple of years considering the average span of periods of growth, taking credit for the current market is politically stupid.
And the tax cut is a yuuuuge gamble. We are caught in a cycle of slow growth and no inflation. Our central bank is in the process of removing stimulus in "unwiding QE" (ie letting bonds owned by the Fed die of natl causes, and allowing the liquidity, i.e. paper money, created just vanish into thin air. Other central banks are not reducing stimulus as fast. IF inflation heats up faster with consumer spending, the Fed will KILL growth not just by withdrawing stimulus from QE2 but also raising rates even faster than they say they will.

Politicians don't necessarily create depressions, but they sure as hell can make them worse. 1929 was a perfect storm of a bubble market, poor political decisions and a central bank that had a bad economic policy.

High taxes that encourage government to waste OUR money is not a gamble? :eusa_hand:
Take your partisan bs and shove it. Here's a cyberclue. The Oranguton is better than even money to see a downturn before 20, and it's very possible a good case can be made that his actions will make it worse.
The risks of an economic 'hard landing' are rising in the US

that said, lower corporate taxes with no increase in deficits would be a good thing.
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.

I doubt that .. he'll deny a market downfall faster than he can say Clinton and pretend he never took any credit for record market levels.

hes a lying bitch, remember ??
Sure, but it's a narrative he's been using a lot. Comes down to the what he considers the core of his appeal. Being a successful businessman. I don't doubt he'll try, neither do I doubt that his supporters here will claim the same. But to convince anyone outside that group that he's not responsible will be a hard sell.
it's his economy. or is it obummer's. tell us. we don't really care, we like americans making money and doing well with their financials. you guys do not. you all are very anti american fks.
It's both. the difference is I, and I suspect Carbineer and Siete realize that the stock market and the economy transcends the presidency. It's complex and you can only exert a limited influence as president. So when there's a president who want's to own it, especially after a long period of sustained growth we think him foolish and Carbineer pointed this out by this OP.
I would say it's the policies the market looks for to do business. every lib was expecting the market to tank on his election win. and look where we are. the market is what the market is. the market takes its lead from the investors for the most part. they really like long term expectations and that will drive the market even more. when companies announce, the market reacts. it's what happened here. It isn't complex. it's quite simple.
What drives the market today is as it has in been in the past, earnings. The market doesn't care about who is president or his policies. Changes in regulations, monetary policy, goverment spending, and taxes have different effects on different sectors. The segment of government that effects the market the most is congress. not the administration because congress controls the purse strings of government. They make the laws that are the basis for regulations. They set the taxes which have a direct impact on earnings.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
/----/ Are you saying the market isn't up? And investors take profits at points causing it to fluctuate. That's why we trade options so you can protect your investments if they sell of without resorting to a trailing loss. (I'm not confusing you am I?)
No I'm saying that it's up for now but the market goes down too. And Trump has exposed himself by taking credit for the market, this means he will have to take credit for ALL the market does, not a good idea.
/-----/ Again you don't trade much do you? The market goes up and investors take profits along the way causing the prices to go down then at a point they see bargains and step back in.
Here is a yearly chart on Amazon. Note it's not a straight line going up, but little fits and starts goes up , sells off, goes back up higher, sells off, goes higher.
AMZN Interactive Stock Chart |, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance
I know it's not a straight line. I also know that in the longer term growth is always followed by sharp decline. I wouldn't claim the recent drop is that decline. I simply claim the decline will happen. When it does, which its likely to do in the next couple of years considering the average span of periods of growth, taking credit for the current market is politically stupid.
then why did obummer and all of you during and even afterward? Seems you can't even talk a good talk, you lie.
Say liberal, can you articulate how and why you've come to this conclusion? Or do we conclude you're desperate to criticize Trump, simply because you don't have a legitimate concern for pacifying your buttocks?
I think he was using sarcasm here. See unless you have been living under a rock, Trump has been boasting that the DOW was up x amount of points since he took office. He was the first president to emphasize that. The reason past presidents always have been weary to do that is that the market fluctuates. He wants to point out that when you take credit for positive news, one has to take credit for the negative.
There's another reason. Most Americans don't benefit from record stock market gains because they are either not invested in the stock market in any way or their investment is so small, that they hardly even notice any change in value.

Trumps has been taking credit for the booming stock market and his tremendous tax cut. Well, it's certainly been a bonanza for the Trump organization and his billionaire club that helps him run the goverment but for most Americans the market boom will be of little or no benefit and the tax cuts for the middle go away in a few years but not the cuts for Trump's billionaire club which are permanent.
dude every 401K benefits and that's more than half the country. why do you lie so fking much?
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