Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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How is he doing This?

Some investors are taking their profits. They can do that.
Seems to me that you are enjoying this? Are you a welfare queen?

The Federal Reserve's $4.3 trillion ticking time bomb
The Federal Reserve has a big problem if it wants to raise rates again. It will have to pay U.S. and foreign banks enormous sums of money instead of U.S. taxpayers.

Not only would the Fed likely draw the ire of Congress, but it could also become a target of the next U.S. president—be it Clinton or Trump. That’s because the gangbuster profits of $90 billion (plus) per year that the Fed remits to the Treasury could easily dwindle to zero.
Only reason why Obumbler was able to even come close to positive GDP, was because of the FREE money that the FED had at zero percent interest. Bet you forgot all about this didn't ya.

Leaving your analysis of Obama aside, the truism in your post: The fed essentially created 4 trillion in dollars, and with that money the fed reserve system purchased bonds. The link says the fed paid 'above market" value for the bonds, but that's not quite true because the value of anything in a market changes from time to time, and it's worth what it's worth at a given time, and the value can go up or down. But that's just the writer's agenda, and the link is nearly 2 years old.

This is irrelevant.
The Fed is taking capital losses on its $4.3 trillion bond portfolio, and those losses will eventually accelerate. When the bonds that the Fed holds mature, it realizes losses because it paid above-market prices for most of them to begin with.

it is irrelevant because It is no longer true that "The Fed is currently keeping its balance sheet the same size, purchasing new bonds when old ones mature." That ended a year ago. What currently is happening is that when a bond owned by the Fed matures ... it dies. That happens because unlike you or I, the Fed can simply choose not to reinvest the value.

Your post is correct that the Fed no longer earns interest on the bond (or a new bond had it bought one), and the Treasury no longer gets to "earn" the interest from the bond. And that means the days of EASY MONEY for the debt are ending. We will have to pay other countries or investors to buy the debt.

Which is one reason the criticism of G5000 is laughably ignorant. If you didn't like Obama's deficts, you really won't like Trump's. LOL
However, we don't fully know how higher this will push interest rates on bonds, and how this will fully affect the bond and stock markets.

How Will the Fed Reduce its Balance Sheet?

That link is one year old. This week it appears that investors are anticipating rates will begin rising. If you buy a bond today for a dollar, and rates rise, you won't be able to sell it for a dollar. But if you own a bond worth a dollar, and rates fall, the bond is worth more than a dollar. And the stock market generally behaves opposite to the bond market. Not all the time though.

So, the Trump bull stock market might be at an end
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Where are all the orange turd sycophants to give credit to him for the losses? It's like someone walked into the kitchen and turned on the light and all the roaches scattered under the refrigerator.
/----/ I give President Trump credit for all of this profit taking in the wake of another interest hike that Obozo never had to deal with.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
Is Trump now tanking the market?

Next you will be claiming the Russians are doing it.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
Confidence in the direction of government does affect the market, but it can't climb like it has for the past year without some downward fluctuation. People have to sell out to collect their money. Somebody else will come right back in and buy at the lower prices as the market turns down, but it should constantly be expanding.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ I thought it was Obama's Dow? BTW 2% is not cratering.
It's funny. When the Market is doing well, they give credit to Obummer. When it looks like it isn't doing so well, (IT IS DOING WELL, BTW) they blame Trump. I believe they call that a logical disconnect. I just call it stupid.
Well, it is now a year since President Pussy Grabber took office, and the whole time he has claimed that all the upsides of the market were his doing. So now he gets to claim the downside. LOL The old fool never learned when to keep his mouth shut.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ I thought it was Obama's Dow? BTW 2% is not cratering.
It's funny. When the Market is doing well, they give credit to Obummer. When it looks like it isn't doing so well, (IT IS DOING WELL, BTW) they blame Trump. I believe they call that a logical disconnect. I just call it stupid.
Well, it is now a year since President Pussy Grabber took office, and the whole time he has claimed that all the upsides of the market were his doing. So now he gets to claim the downside. LOL The old fool never learned when to keep his mouth shut.
Once again, you prove to everyone that you are still a fool. I'd explain, but you wouldn't get it. Your so stupid you're not even aware that you're stupid.
Trump was stupid to take credit for the rising stock market. It's way overvalued and is due for a crash. Nazdaq is at 7400 and should be at maybe 2000. When the crash comes it will likely go to 1000.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ So why is Trump cratering the stock market and pumping up home prices?
Home prices surge to new high, up 6.2% in November
The supply crisis in the housing market is not letting up, and neither are the home price gains.
National home prices rose 6.2 percent annually on S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller's most broad survey.
Another S&P index of the nation's 20 largest housing mark
Home prices surge to new high, up 6.2% in November
And you expected him to fix everything in his FIRST year? Seriously? Obama had EIGHT years and couldn't do anything about it. Give him some time. Hell, the tax cuts don't even go into effect until next tax season.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ So why is Trump cratering the stock market and pumping up home prices?
Home prices surge to new high, up 6.2% in November
The supply crisis in the housing market is not letting up, and neither are the home price gains.
National home prices rose 6.2 percent annually on S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller's most broad survey.
Another S&P index of the nation's 20 largest housing mark
Home prices surge to new high, up 6.2% in November
And you expected him to fix everything in his FIRST year? Seriously? Obama had EIGHT years and couldn't do anything about it. Give him some time. Hell, the tax cuts don't even go into effect until next tax season.

The really big problem is Cuomo, Brown and probably more blue state governors have been lying non-stop to their constituents. They are going to reverse the deduction caps using techniques rejected in the 1920s and 30s. Their people believe them.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ I thought it was Obama's Dow? BTW 2% is not cratering.
It's funny. When the Market is doing well, they give credit to Obummer. When it looks like it isn't doing so well, (IT IS DOING WELL, BTW) they blame Trump. I believe they call that a logical disconnect. I just call it stupid.

These people have lost their minds...
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ I thought it was Obama's Dow? BTW 2% is not cratering.
It's funny. When the Market is doing well, they give credit to Obummer. When it looks like it isn't doing so well, (IT IS DOING WELL, BTW) they blame Trump. I believe they call that a logical disconnect. I just call it stupid.

These people have lost their minds...

what is your evidence that they had a mind to lose?
Bears make money.
Bulls make money.
Pigs get slaughtered.

Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table.

Were I still in the market I'd be tip-toeing out about now.
It's a bubble.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ I thought it was Obama's Dow? BTW 2% is not cratering.
It's funny. When the Market is doing well, they give credit to Obummer. When it looks like it isn't doing so well, (IT IS DOING WELL, BTW) they blame Trump. I believe they call that a logical disconnect. I just call it stupid.

These people have lost their minds...

what is your evidence that they had a mind to lose?

Well, there is that... they're not stupid, just reacting irrationally to an election loss.
Who knew that Trump owned the stock market?? ..... :dunno:

Are you kidding! There have been 1000 threads on here giving credit to Trump for the market.

And the first real down day that is all forgotten. And then when it goes back up all the zealots like yourself will proclaim Trump the god of the market again

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At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
/----/ I thought it was Obama's Dow? BTW 2% is not cratering.
It's funny. When the Market is doing well, they give credit to Obummer. When it looks like it isn't doing so well, (IT IS DOING WELL, BTW) they blame Trump. I believe they call that a logical disconnect. I just call it stupid.

These people have lost their minds...
Can't lose something you've never had.
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