Trump's Support With Key Democrat Demographic Soars

Clearly you don't either. They've been on your plantation for 50+ years and you haven't done fuck all for them.
let me give yo stupid ass some advice......when you refer to a black voter as being a slave on a plantation because of what party they vote for -- that isn't how you win that voter over you win that voter over by being able to explain how your policies align with their concerns....which I don't ever see you Trumpers do.....

Second....jewish voters also vote overwhelmingly democrat, but I don't see dic suckers like you calling those voters prisoners in a concentration camp do you?? but you have so little respect for black voters that you don't mind calling them slaves....

Someone's triggered...
In other words, you can't answer the question....

Here, I will repeat it in case your stupid ass missed it..

Why don't you refer to Jewish voters as being prisoners in a concentration camp because they vote over 80% democrat??
Pretending to care about black people once every 4 years has been the Democratic formula for 50 years. It doesn't look like that will work in 2020.

I like the way you didn't care about 80% of black voters wanting Trump impeached, because it didn't fit your desperate narrative...

Now ….as for the Dems not caring, except every 4 years -- that is true...and every 4 years, those dem voters have a chance to elect candidates who push for things those black voters tend to agree with...while republicans ignore them all together while insulting their intelligence by parading tokens out like Candace Owens.

Now can you tell me why a majority of black voters should support financial deregulation of Wall Street, environmental de-regulation of large corporations?? giving billionaires huge tax cuts?? why should they want to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, repeal judicial reforms, support the weakening of Voting Rights and Civil Rights?? All policies republicans have and continue to support
That number would usually be 96%.

You lose again.
Why would that number "USUALLY" be 96%??

Impeachments aren't usual you dumb ass.....
Seems I struck a nerve.:5_1_12024:
Seems you said something stupid and got called on you acting like a bitch over usual
Pretending to care about black people once every 4 years has been the Democratic formula for 50 years. It doesn't look like that will work in 2020.

I like the way you didn't care about 80% of black voters wanting Trump impeached, because it didn't fit your desperate narrative...

Now ….as for the Dems not caring, except every 4 years -- that is true...and every 4 years, those dem voters have a chance to elect candidates who push for things those black voters tend to agree with...while republicans ignore them all together while insulting their intelligence by parading tokens out like Candace Owens.

Now can you tell me why a majority of black voters should support financial deregulation of Wall Street, environmental de-regulation of large corporations?? giving billionaires huge tax cuts?? why should they want to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, repeal judicial reforms, support the weakening of Voting Rights and Civil Rights?? All policies republicans have and continue to support
Governments at all levels in the United States has massive programs to help people. Especially those denied in the past. There is one thing needed. Being responsible. Somehow that is always the other guy's fault. There are people with prejudices that is for sure. But being just a bit responsible can go a long way. One day those programs will not be there. Or at least at the percentages we have today.

Clearly you don't either. They've been on your plantation for 50+ years and you haven't done fuck all for them.
let me give yo stupid ass some advice......when you refer to a black voter as being a slave on a plantation because of what party they vote for -- that isn't how you win that voter over you win that voter over by being able to explain how your policies align with their concerns....which I don't ever see you Trumpers do.....

Second....jewish voters also vote overwhelmingly democrat, but I don't see dic suckers like you calling those voters prisoners in a concentration camp do you?? but you have so little respect for black voters that you don't mind calling them slaves....

Someone's triggered...
In other words, you can't answer the question....

Here, I will repeat it in case your stupid ass missed it..

Why don't you refer to Jewish voters as being prisoners in a concentration camp because they vote over 80% democrat??

Because we, as in the American people, didn't put the Jews in concentration camps to begin with, moron.

"Blacks on plantations" is a euphemism that directly correlates with AMERICAN history and politics. Stop being such a goddamn snowflake.
Pretending to care about black people once every 4 years has been the Democratic formula for 50 years. It doesn't look like that will work in 2020.

I like the way you didn't care about 80% of black voters wanting Trump impeached, because it didn't fit your desperate narrative...

Now ….as for the Dems not caring, except every 4 years -- that is true...and every 4 years, those dem voters have a chance to elect candidates who push for things those black voters tend to agree with...while republicans ignore them all together while insulting their intelligence by parading tokens out like Candace Owens.

Now can you tell me why a majority of black voters should support financial deregulation of Wall Street, environmental de-regulation of large corporations?? giving billionaires huge tax cuts?? why should they want to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, repeal judicial reforms, support the weakening of Voting Rights and Civil Rights?? All policies republicans have and continue to support
That number would usually be 96%.

You lose again.
Why would that number "USUALLY" be 96%??

Impeachments aren't usual you dumb ass.....
Seems I struck a nerve.:5_1_12024:
Seems you said something stupid and got called on you acting like a bitch over usual
Simmer down.:5_1_12024:

Clearly you don't either. They've been on your plantation for 50+ years and you haven't done fuck all for them.
let me give yo stupid ass some advice......when you refer to a black voter as being a slave on a plantation because of what party they vote for -- that isn't how you win that voter over you win that voter over by being able to explain how your policies align with their concerns....which I don't ever see you Trumpers do.....

Second....jewish voters also vote overwhelmingly democrat, but I don't see dic suckers like you calling those voters prisoners in a concentration camp do you?? but you have so little respect for black voters that you don't mind calling them slaves....

Someone's triggered...
In other words, you can't answer the question....

Here, I will repeat it in case your stupid ass missed it..

Why don't you refer to Jewish voters as being prisoners in a concentration camp because they vote over 80% democrat??

Because we, as in the American people, didn't put the Jews in concentration camps to begin with, moron.

"Blacks on plantations" is a euphemism that directly correlates with AMERICAN history and politics. Stop being such a goddamn snowflake.
Poor Biffy. He gets flustered pretty easily.

Clearly you don't either. They've been on your plantation for 50+ years and you haven't done fuck all for them.
let me give yo stupid ass some advice......when you refer to a black voter as being a slave on a plantation because of what party they vote for -- that isn't how you win that voter over you win that voter over by being able to explain how your policies align with their concerns....which I don't ever see you Trumpers do.....

Second....jewish voters also vote overwhelmingly democrat, but I don't see dic suckers like you calling those voters prisoners in a concentration camp do you?? but you have so little respect for black voters that you don't mind calling them slaves....
THIS IS WHAT HAS DEMOCRATS SO UPSET: Clarence Henderson: President Donald Trump has ended the era of broken promises by delivering real results for African Americans.

Donald Trump has done more to empower African Americans than any U.S. president since Abraham Lincoln — and he’s just getting started.

Reflect on the incredible progress African Americans have made over the past three years.

Before Trump, the black community endured decades of broken promises from the political establishment in Washington. For years, liberal politicians have vowed to tackle the sky-high black unemployment rate and create jobs for African Americans. They pledged to implement policies that would boost our income, insisting that poverty can be cured with welfare.

Trump only needed three years to create the best economy for African Americans in U.S. history.

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