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Trumps Ties to Russia

The Leftists are desperate, they now have the Conspiracy Theory that The Donald is an agent of The Kremlin, all ridiculous and pathetic, what next from the Leftists....Flat Earth?

He is an Agent. He has been carrying the jock strap of Pooooootin for months, if no years. Comrade Trump and Comrade Manafart are each to reap a ton of Money if they can gain the WH and let Pooootin get away with murder in eastern Europe.
too funny, do you work for the comics?

Seems like all liberals could work for the comics. When I read all that BS they write about Russia and Ukraine (the country I live and they don't!), I don't know what to do: to laugh or to cry. Actually, all this would be too funny if it were not so sad...
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Ukraine was actually a stable country before the West engineered the illegal coup in Kiev.


The impeachment vote in Ukraine was 328-0, just short of the required 3/4s required. Even members of Yanukovych's party voted against him.

I'm pretty sure that if Congress came within a few votes of impeaching Obama and Obama received 0 votes against impeachment, you wouldn't be on here pimping for him like you do for your hero, Pootin.

But keeping swallowing the Russian propaganda whole.

Liberals, I swear, you live in a parallel world, like Alice behind the mirrors, and even Lewis Carroll would be jealous of those fairy tales you believe.

1. For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.

Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

2. Working with dubious sourcing, a group close to NATO's chief military commander Philip Breedlove sought to secure weapons deliveries for Ukraine, a trove of newly released emails revealed. The efforts served to intensify the conflict between the West and Russia.
Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict - SPIEGEL ONLINE

3. This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.

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(English subtitles)

They won't accept it. They only accept what American Government/Corporate Media tells them. If it says it's all Putin and Russia's fault, than so be it. They're all-in on it. Ukraine was a stable country before the U.S./West-backed illegal coup in Kiev. That's the actual reality,

It's hilarious that you repudiate the "American Government/Corporate Media" but are willing to gullibly believe what the Russian media tells you, a country where a couple dozen journalists have been killed since Putin took over.

It's not in Russia a couple of dozen journalists have been killed: it was in Ukraine after the coup.

Ukraine declared war on journalism:

As corruption and nepotism threaten the hope of Ukraine’s revolution, journalists are being told that they are helping the enemy just by doing their jobs.
The West Suppresses Report on Ukraine’s Suppression of Journalists
Murdered: Lawyer for Russian fighter kidnapped, 'drugged, wired to a bomb' in Ukraine

Can you imagine what would happened if, in Russia, three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? We have a vague of idea of what that would look like, after the Western hysteria about Nemtsov.
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

Toro, you rated this^ post of mine "funny", may I ask what exactly did you find funny about it?

Is it funny for you to read that official Kiev now keeps murdering journalists and civilians, who dare to criticize them? Actually, there is a term for that and the term is "fascism".

I thought you were concerned about "couple of dozens journalists have been killed since Putin took over " (which isn't true). Why aren't you concerned about a lot more journalists and civilians who have been killed and thrown to prisons by the current government which Washington brought to power with the illegal coup and keeps supporting (which is true) ?

You know, I'm shocked with the level of hypocrisy you, liberals, keep exposing.
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Toro, you rated this^ post of mine "funny", may I ask what exactly did you find funny about it?
The idiots use the "funny" icon to mock and ridicule posts they don't like. It is their thing. Meantime they come across as idiots laughing on things what are not laughable. (Well, actually they are imbeciles doing it and display their level of intelligence as such)
340+ posts and nothing but deflection from Trumpbots ... not a single shred of evidence that proves Losin" Donald doesnt suck up to Ruskies ... nothing.

hock-spit !

This is Felix Sater


Here is his Linked In


And here is his background

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump knew a man he named as a senior business adviser in 2010 had been convicted in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme, according to Associated Press interviews and a review of court records.

Trump had worked with Felix Sater previously during the man’s stint as an executive at Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate development firm that partnered with Trump on numerous projects after renting office space from the Trump Organization. But Sater’s past was not widely known at the time because he was working as a government cooperator on mob cases and the judge overseeing Sater’s own case kept the proceedings secret. After Sater’s criminal history and past ties to organized crime came to light in 2007, Trump distanced himself from Sater.

Less than three years later, however, Trump tapped Sater for a business development role that came with the title of senior adviser to Donald Trump. Sater received Trump Organization business cards and was given an office within the Trump Organization’s headquarters, on the same floor as Trump’s own.

Trump said during an AP interview on Wednesday that he recalled only bare details of Sater.

Donald Trump’s senior adviser is a stock fraud felon with mob past

Good read and all, but you had Rezko, Bill and Hillerys love affair with the Saudis And all the weird Builderberg shit with the Bush clan, I dont see how one gets all lathered up over politicians and the optically bad sources of their money. Not saying its okay, just that polititions are scum and they get money from other scum.

This is Felix Sater


Here is his Linked In


And here is his background

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump knew a man he named as a senior business adviser in 2010 had been convicted in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme, according to Associated Press interviews and a review of court records.

Trump had worked with Felix Sater previously during the man’s stint as an executive at Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate development firm that partnered with Trump on numerous projects after renting office space from the Trump Organization. But Sater’s past was not widely known at the time because he was working as a government cooperator on mob cases and the judge overseeing Sater’s own case kept the proceedings secret. After Sater’s criminal history and past ties to organized crime came to light in 2007, Trump distanced himself from Sater.

Less than three years later, however, Trump tapped Sater for a business development role that came with the title of senior adviser to Donald Trump. Sater received Trump Organization business cards and was given an office within the Trump Organization’s headquarters, on the same floor as Trump’s own.

Trump said during an AP interview on Wednesday that he recalled only bare details of Sater.

Donald Trump’s senior adviser is a stock fraud felon with mob past

Good read and all, but you had Rezko, Bill and Hillerys love affair with the Saudis And all the weird Builderberg shit with the Bush clan, I dont see how one gets all lathered up over politicians and the optically bad sources of their money. Not saying its okay, just that polititions are scum and they get money from other scum.

impossible to say exactly where Trump gets his money ... he refuses to release his tax returns,
340+ posts and nothing but deflection from Trumpbots ... not a single shred of evidence that proves Losin" Donald doesnt suck up to Ruskies ... nothing.

hock-spit !

Hey dumbass! We are saying that Russia is not our enemy. That is more pertinent to the discussion.

I could care less what "we are saying"... love the KGB commies all you want, I DON'T..

do I need to go slower for ya?
340+ posts and nothing but deflection from Trumpbots ... not a single shred of evidence that proves Losin" Donald doesnt suck up to Ruskies ... nothing.

hock-spit !

Hey dumbass! We are saying that Russia is not our enemy. That is more pertinent to the discussion.

I could care less what "we are saying"... love the KGB commies all you want, I DON'T..

do I need to go slower for ya?

You don't even know what you posted do you, retard?

It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.
How many times do I have to post the quote from the magazine "Navy Times" where it is clearly stated that the Russian fly by was not a threat to the U.S. warship? You are not debating, nor are you reasonable. You are repeating he same talking point over and over again. What is your beef with the Russians? Did a Russian boy smack you pee-pee when you tried make advancements?

Let see..... If you are driving in a freeway then an asshole purposely cut you off 3 times..... Is that an aggression or act of kindness? That's in freeway.
If you are in the ocean with thousands of square miles around US navy ships...... Then a Russian asshole fly over the US navy ship..... What do you call that? Begging for vodka?
Did you drink Putin pee pee that is why you support Russians?

That doesn't make them our enemy.

Agree but....... why is there a need of the intrusions?

Russian nuclear bombers intrude U.S. defense airspace

It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.
How many times do I have to post the quote from the magazine "Navy Times" where it is clearly stated that the Russian fly by was not a threat to the U.S. warship? You are not debating, nor are you reasonable. You are repeating he same talking point over and over again. What is your beef with the Russians? Did a Russian boy smack you pee-pee when you tried make advancements?

Let see..... If you are driving in a freeway then an asshole purposely cut you off 3 times..... Is that an aggression or act of kindness? That's in freeway.
If you are in the ocean with thousands of square miles around US navy ships...... Then a Russian asshole fly over the US navy ship..... What do you call that? Begging for vodka?
Did you drink Putin pee pee that is why you support Russians?
when you got nothing to argue post. :2up:

Are you saying something dude? Update your self then comeback when you know something.

The Leftists are desperate, they now have the Conspiracy Theory that The Donald is an agent of The Kremlin, all ridiculous and pathetic, what next from the Leftists....Flat Earth?

His daughter is hanging out with Putins side bitch.

Oh well that's it then isn't it! The Donald's daughter is hanging out with some woman who's something to do with Putin :eek-52:

And the 12 million to Manafort.

And the ties to the Mob

And the Card and Endorsement from a convicted felon that Trump called his Senior Advisor...then said he didnt know him

And Praising Putin as "Maybe killing people IDK but he gets an A in leadership"
Campaign advisors are only allowed to work for US citizens? Really? Acting like the payment to Manfort was anything other than that is beyond asinine.
It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.

The narrative is that "Trump has ties to Russia so we can't let him be POTUS".

Wow! A show of aggression! Launch the nukes!!!!

He does have ties to Russia. I mean are you using the word narrative to label events. It rained yesterday I say that because it actually did. Is that a narrative? lol

You can pretend the show of aggression wasnt a show of aggression by going "Wow" but you asked for it. The Navy disagrees with you and you instead say that what Russia did wasnt a big deal.

Well Russia did it for a reason. The Navy said it was a problem. What say you?

He does have ties with Russia. Maybe this is one of the reason he doesn't want to release his tax returns because of his investment in Russia.
Ivanka even posed a picture with Putin girl friend in Croatia last March.

I worked with vets and active military personnel and I can tell you this...... As long as Trump keep mentioning Putin as his adoring master............ He is NOT gaining American votes. Wonder what Gen. Flynn thinking about all these kissing Putin ass.

I am a vet and my nephews are both active duty and Russia doesn't matter. It's all about Radical Islam.

Ask 100 Americans who is the biggest foreign threat to this country and I'll bet no one says Russia before ISIS or Al-Queda.

That's bullshit....... Currently it's concentrated in terrorism. But Russia is the only country in this earth that can destroy America with their nuclear capabilities. That has been the threat for a long time and that's a fact.
Are you really a vet? Or a veterinarian?
Why do you think we have nuclear all over the place like Turkey? Are those nuclear design to fight terrorism or to counter Russian aggressions? Why do you think we have destroyers in Black Sea?
Last June NATO conducted military exercise ( Anakonda-16) in Poland which involved 30,000 troops...... Are those design to fight terrorism? Or to counter Russian aggressions?

This year Obama placed EIS missile system in Poland...... Are those design to fight terrorism? Or to counter Russian aggressions?
So tell me again...... Are you really a vet?

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley explained that it comes down to capability and intent. Concerning Russia's capabilities, he noted at the 2015 Defense One Summit that Russia is "the only country on Earth that has the capability to destroy the United States of America — it's an existential threat by definition because of their nuclear capabilities." Regarding Russia’s intent, while noting it is difficult to predict the intent of a nation or leader, past is prologue. "Since 2008, Russia [has] invaded sovereign territory of other countries in an aggressive manner. ... Their behavior is aggressive, their capability — nuclear capability — is significant, they've reorganized their conventional capability, their special operations capability, so Russia bears close watching."
That's bullshit....... Currently it's concentrated in terrorism. But Russia is the only country in this earth that can destroy America with their nuclear capabilities. That has been the threat for a long time and that's a fact.
So, what would Russians gain by "destroying" the U.S. when it would equal with their own self annihilation also? It is nothing else but fear mongering on the part of the stooges of the Global Elitists. It is a Baba Yaga.
Let see..... If you are driving in a freeway then an asshole purposely cut you off 3 times..... Is that an aggression or act of kindness? That's in freeway.
If you are in the ocean with thousands of square miles around US navy ships...... Then a Russian asshole fly over the US navy ship..... What do you call that? Begging for vodka?
Did you drink Putin pee pee that is why you support Russians?
Your analogy is pretty twisted and related to nothing but an idiot illegal alien cutting you off in traffic because he doesn't know how to drive.
The Russian fly by did not cut off the ship from her intended route nor did it endanger the ship in any way. The planes were not armed and as you can see on the pictures, U.S. Navy personnel on the deck were watching the planes with curiosity. I am not supporting Russia but I do not want war. Russia is not the enemy. We need to build good trade and military alliance with Russia and get rid of Global Elitists who are fueling the fire and trying to create hatred and fear of the imaginary Baba Yaga. Both countries would benefit from that alliance.

NEWS BREAK!!!! The Cold War is over!!!!!
It's been over since 1991 for you morons who still do not know it. Where have you been in the past 25 years?

Talking nasty eh... Okay... I used the traffic analogy because you are dumb. What is illegal alien has anything to do with your Russian bullshit?
Look lightweight ....... Russian intrusions has been going on for a long time. I don't want war either.........But why all these intrusions that you think it's harmless? Even they are not armed what difference does it make its still called aggressions. You may want to read the link to update your obsolete opinion. That is just 2014....... 2015 and 16 is not even included.
If Russia wants a good trade and relationships with US.... Tell that to Putin. Even his next door neighbors are scared of getting invaded by Putin.

Cold War is over? Think again dude. Read the link to update your worthless opinion.

'A new Cold War': Russia's Medvedev bemoans relations with West - CNN.com

Full list of incidents involving Russian military and Nato since March
That's bullshit....... Currently it's concentrated in terrorism. But Russia is the only country in this earth that can destroy America with their nuclear capabilities. That has been the threat for a long time and that's a fact.
So, what would Russians gain by "destroying" the U.S. when it would equal with their own self annihilation also? It is nothing else but fear mongering on the part of the stooges of the Global Elitists. It is a Baba Yaga.

Tell me something that make sense..... If not take your meds and go to bed.
And most Americans don't know it, but the coup leaders the US/West backed in Ukraine, are vicious criminal thugs. They're currently conducting a brutal ethnic-cleansing campaign. They're imprisoning and murdering anyone who could be perceived as being 'Pro-Russian.' Once again, the US/West has destabilized a nation and supported some very bad folks to do it.

Ethnic cleansing? REALLY I MEAN REALLY? Do you have a link to support your claim?
So far I have not seen a report from OSCE and SMM from Ukraine about ethnic cleansing.
I used the traffic analogy because you are dumb.
Look lightweight .
You mad bro? hahaha..
Anyhow, your Baba Yaga shit doesn't work with people who actually look into matters before they form an opinion. (moi)
Even his next door neighbors are scared of getting invaded by Putin.
I quoted the PM of a former USSR satellite country. They are not afraid at all, read it above somewhere where I posted it. You need to stay in the flow to understand what people base their opinion on and not randomly posting shit.
'A new Cold War': Russia's Medvedev bemoans relations with West - CNN.com
Good article, did you read it? Medvedev said: "Almost on an everyday basis we are called one of the most terrible threats either to NATO as a whole or to Europe, or to the United States." (Quoted from the same source you posted.) So, what does that mean? It means that the West is reigniting the cold war to please their masters the Global Elitists.
Calm down dude. Your thirst for war could be quenched if you joined La légion étrangère but pussies sit out wars back home, then bitch about the war.

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