Trump's trade war with China

Because commerce is about trade not "gun boat diplomacy with our exorbitantly expensive superpower".
Fair trade. It’s a two way street.

Fair trade is a myth, because fair does not exist. It is something parents tell their kids to make the feel better, but most adults know that life is never fair.
So then you agree with Trump standing up to China fucking us over at every turn? Millions of jobs lost to China because of shitty trade deals. (Not technology)

Classic Trump text book.

Look at the US booming economy. Does it looks like we’ve been fuck?
Millions jobs lost? Did you ask Donnie and her daughter why they make their products overseas?
Is it China’s fault if Donnie and Ivanka makes his products overseas?

I’m sure you cannot answer my questions. So let me answer it for you.

It’s very simple....... It’s the nature of doing business. You need to do whatever it takes where to make the most money.
There is no place to manufacture anything in the United States because all our jobs have gone overseas to China. We need to ban ALL Chinese made products from our markets. We don’t need China for Jack shit. I hop all Wall Street was investors doing business with our enemies in China go broke and live on the streets with their fucking families.

Do you ever get tied of being wrong?

Fair trade. It’s a two way street.

Fair trade is a myth, because fair does not exist. It is something parents tell their kids to make the feel better, but most adults know that life is never fair.
So then you agree with Trump standing up to China fucking us over at every turn? Millions of jobs lost to China because of shitty trade deals. (Not technology)

Classic Trump text book.

Look at the US booming economy. Does it looks like we’ve been fuck?
Millions jobs lost? Did you ask Donnie and her daughter why they make their products overseas?
Is it China’s fault if Donnie and Ivanka makes his products overseas?

I’m sure you cannot answer my questions. So let me answer it for you.

It’s very simple....... It’s the nature of doing business. You need to do whatever it takes where to make the most money.
There is no place to manufacture anything in the United States because all our jobs have gone overseas to China. We need to ban ALL Chinese made products from our markets. We don’t need China for Jack shit. I hop all Wall Street was investors doing business with our enemies in China go broke and live on the streets with their fucking families.

Do you ever get tied of being wrong?

View attachment 277982
Think about how much that number could rise when we win the trade war with China. Thanks for the validation.
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.
Fair trade is a myth, because fair does not exist. It is something parents tell their kids to make the feel better, but most adults know that life is never fair.
So then you agree with Trump standing up to China fucking us over at every turn? Millions of jobs lost to China because of shitty trade deals. (Not technology)

Classic Trump text book.

Look at the US booming economy. Does it looks like we’ve been fuck?
Millions jobs lost? Did you ask Donnie and her daughter why they make their products overseas?
Is it China’s fault if Donnie and Ivanka makes his products overseas?

I’m sure you cannot answer my questions. So let me answer it for you.

It’s very simple....... It’s the nature of doing business. You need to do whatever it takes where to make the most money.
There is no place to manufacture anything in the United States because all our jobs have gone overseas to China. We need to ban ALL Chinese made products from our markets. We don’t need China for Jack shit. I hop all Wall Street was investors doing business with our enemies in China go broke and live on the streets with their fucking families.

Do you ever get tied of being wrong?

View attachment 277982
Think about how much that number could rise when we win the trade war with China. Thanks for the validation.

Thanks for admitting you a fraud and a lying bastard. you were shown to be full of shit and you lack the balls to admit it. No wonder you worship Trump
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.


Lets see. A tariff is paid by the importer; not the exporter. That well-worn lie your blob told has been corrected.

So, if the goal is to get China to lower their tariffs, that’s not saving any money on our end. That simply means that, perhaps, the importers in China may buy more stuff from the US. Since we were talking about crops, that would mean that our farmers may sell more crops to China. There is no “savings” to be had on trade exclusively if we win/lose/draw on this moronic trade war.

The savings may be experienced if there is a lessening of the socialism we dole out yearly to farmers.

Yeah…try selling that.
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.


Lets see. A tariff is paid by the importer; not the exporter. That well-worn lie your blob told has been corrected.

So, if the goal is to get China to lower their tariffs, that’s not saving any money on our end. That simply means that, perhaps, the importers in China may buy more stuff from the US. Since we were talking about crops, that would mean that our farmers may sell more crops to China. There is no “savings” to be had on trade exclusively if we win/lose/draw on this moronic trade war.

The savings may be experienced if there is a lessening of the socialism we dole out yearly to farmers.

Yeah…try selling that.
Yeah, im sure YOU know more about it than Trumps economic advisors. :laugh:
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.


Lets see. A tariff is paid by the importer; not the exporter. That well-worn lie your blob told has been corrected.

So, if the goal is to get China to lower their tariffs, that’s not saving any money on our end. That simply means that, perhaps, the importers in China may buy more stuff from the US. Since we were talking about crops, that would mean that our farmers may sell more crops to China. There is no “savings” to be had on trade exclusively if we win/lose/draw on this moronic trade war.

The savings may be experienced if there is a lessening of the socialism we dole out yearly to farmers.

Yeah…try selling that.
Yeah, im sure YOU know more about it than Trumps economic advisors. :laugh:

It wouldn’t surprise me if I did know more than some of them.

Trump and his supporters are about one thing…inflicting pain.

In other words the tariffs are having the intended effect by damaging Chinas economy and manufacturing industry.
It wouldn’t surprise me if I did know more than some of them.
It doesnt surprise me that you think that.

Please feel free to show me the “savings” you say are coming from the tariffs on chinese goods.
It won’t surprise me when you can’t.
Now i have to explain tarrifs to the guy who thinks knows more about it than Trumps economic advisors? :laugh:


You have to explain savings of which, there are none. You said we’d have savings…please feel free to explain the savings you receive if I’m not taxing what you’re sending me (you do know tariffs are taxes…right?).
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.
Oh please explain.
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.
Oh please explain.

These are the same people who think exporters pay tariffs
It’s not much of a war. More like a one sided slaughter and we’re on the losing end
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.


Lets see. A tariff is paid by the importer; not the exporter. That well-worn lie your blob told has been corrected.

So, if the goal is to get China to lower their tariffs, that’s not saving any money on our end. That simply means that, perhaps, the importers in China may buy more stuff from the US. Since we were talking about crops, that would mean that our farmers may sell more crops to China. There is no “savings” to be had on trade exclusively if we win/lose/draw on this moronic trade war.

The savings may be experienced if there is a lessening of the socialism we dole out yearly to farmers.

Yeah…try selling that.
Yeah, im sure YOU know more about it than Trumps economic advisors. :laugh:

How did you feel about Obama’s economic advisors?
The only way Trump loses this war is if the deal remains the same at the end of it, but if he gets a more favorable deal than we previously had, its a win. The US will ask for the world and China will say they want to keep things the same, but in the end they will meet somewhere in between, at which point Trump will win. The US will be better for it too.

Meanwhile back in reality, we’ve spent $24B bailing out the farmers on top of the subsidy—aka socialism—that was already sent their way.
Imagine how much will will save over the next couple years alone with a better deal.


Lets see. A tariff is paid by the importer; not the exporter. That well-worn lie your blob told has been corrected.

So, if the goal is to get China to lower their tariffs, that’s not saving any money on our end. That simply means that, perhaps, the importers in China may buy more stuff from the US. Since we were talking about crops, that would mean that our farmers may sell more crops to China. There is no “savings” to be had on trade exclusively if we win/lose/draw on this moronic trade war.

The savings may be experienced if there is a lessening of the socialism we dole out yearly to farmers.

Yeah…try selling that.
Yeah, im sure YOU know more about it than Trumps economic advisors. :laugh:

How did you feel about Obama’s economic advisors?
They were obviously hamstrung by Obama. Im sure he was given great advice that he didnt take. Everyone knows our trade deal sucks.
Fair can be difficult to be objective by, I grant you that.

It is not difficult, it is impossible. At best fair is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder. I think it is unfair that a football player can make more per TD pass than a nurse makes in a year. But others would tell you it is fair because the player has the more unique skill

But setting new records in trade deficits almost every year, is pretty clear cut.

Yes, it is clear cut. We have more wealth to spend and we are spending it. Nobody has ever been able to explain why trade deficits are so terrible. You have a trade deficit with your grocery store, do you whine about it every day?

I look a the way wages have stagnated and how that started not long after we choose a "Free Trade" policy, and,

I say that it is time for a change.

The benefits we have received have been outweighed by the costs.

When do you view as the start of our "free trade" era?

1. Bull.

2. A fair trade relationship, is mutually beneficial. If the money is flowing more in one way, than in the other, if one side is experiencing massive growth, while the other is being hollowed out, with massive social costs, that is a clear cut case of "not fair". There, I have explained it AGAIN.

AND also, something none of YOU have been able to explain, if the trade deficit is not bad, and the trade surplus is not good (for them), then why are they (and you) so opposed to changing it? cnm has admitted that his reason is that he hates the Americans that would benefit from doing so, he wants to see China benefit while working class whites get fucked.

3. Good question about the "era of free trade". NOt sure. SOmetime in the early 70s seems to be likely. Perhaps earlier and it just took time for the effects to be felt.

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